A New Age of Magic - Volume 1 - Chapter 4

Published at 5th of October 2018 09:48:59 PM

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 The Truth


Did this person recognize the tricks in the magic spell with just one look? 

The second Fowls started thinking about that, he shook his head and vetoed. In any universe, it shouldn’t be that easy. He had been checking the memory of the former owner of the body several times, and found no breakthroughs.

"What is the principle of this magic?" Hilton couldn’t take his eyes off the flame.
By the way, the magic in this world is not accessible to ordinary people. Old Hilton didn’t even know this common sense, let alone find out the philosophies. Fowls hesitated just for a moment, then answered, “Group the fire elements, concentrate to a point, then… light the fire!"

Fowls made a flame-like gesture, but old Hilton's next sentence froze his movements in the air.

The old man said slowly: "Do you really believe that there exits any fire element in this world?"
If it were the original Fowls, the answer to this question would be self-answered. And for the new Fowls, the answer would be equally obvious. Only the two answers are just the opposite!

What is fire?

In the era of primitive tribes, fire might been seen as a gathering of high-temperature elements, a common power in nature, or even... a marvelous power bound by the gods.
However, in the era of modern technologies, everyone knows that fire is only a burning phenomenon, which can generate heat energy and accelerate the chaotic movements of surrounding molecules.

The so-called fire is a general term for many kinds of chemical reactions, but it is by no means an objective molecule or particle!

After paused for a second, Fowls instantly responded and replied: "Of course yes! This is the basis of the existence of magic! Our spirit could feel the surrounding fire elements, then summon and drive them. That’s what the flame magic all about!"
"Really? I don't think so." Hilton leaned closer to the flames from the light-dark spell. The flame from the torch almost burned the hairs on his face.

"If the fire elements really got motivated by you, shouldn’t it form a highly uniform shape when they grouped together? For example... shape of sphere, absolutely the most energy-saving shape! Why would it turn into such complicated and unstable form as a flame?"
In fact, besides the light-dark spell, the secondary flame bead and the fireball spell that Fowls were familiar with, all shapes the fire in the same way:

A round ball-like bottom with a rising flame on it, which feels like a red head of Shrek. 

Yeah, why? After listening to the old man, Fowls started to be confused.

If the fire elements are really summoned from the air, the highly symmetric shape, such as the sphere, is clearly the most compact and efficient form.

If the upper flame is caused by the irregular movements of the fire elements, then... What about the spherical belly at the bottom?

You can leave it as the habits of the fire elements to form such a shape, but not Fowls and Hilton. They believe that any item in the universe should have its origin and existing value. 
The shape question was not meaningless, but just unanswerable.

Although his head was full of doubts, Fowls showed nothing on his face. He pretended to be shocked, "Such mystery of magic!"

Hilton smiled slightly, and sounded extremely mysterious, "Maybe it’s not..."
"No? What are you talking about?" Fowls' curiosity about his answer was many times stronger than his facial expression showed, though he did not expect the old guy could be able to give a fast explanation.

This is a new universe, with a new physical system. How could it be so easy to draw conclusions without theoretic supports?

But the old guy said something unexpected, "No matter how the rules of the universe change, or no matter how the basic particles of strings, quarks, and atoms change, there would be one thing never change -"
The old man raised one finger, and pointed it up like a leader: "Raise of temperature is the result of the acceleration of the basic particle movements; and the fire is the representation of an object reaching its burning point. The magic of this world appears to be against common principles, but it definitely follows the same rules."

"Hey, I don’t think you would understand." The old man waved his hand.
Fowls did not understand, like he said, but not the part Hilton referred to. Between the old man's theory and the reality, there seemed to be some dots missing. Fowls couldn’t link them together, so he looked lost.

"Here, let's do a simple experiment! Wait a minute." The old man rushed out, and came back after a while with two dead branches.

He put one branch in the floating flame made by the spell before, and the other one in the flame of a newly lit torch.
After a few seconds, the dead branch over the torch was on fire, but nothing happened with the one in the light-dark spell...

The flame temperatures were not the same!

The appearances of the flames were almost the same; the sizes of the two flames were similar, and the colors were slightly different.
But what did that mean? The magic flame was supposed to be different to the ordinary flame. It was explainable to have a heat difference.

If the flame could reach the temperature of a real torch, the light-dark spell would not be a zero-level spell, given the fact that a torch could seriously burn a person!

Fowls was still confused. Old Hilton nodded with a smile: "I knew it. Well, come, let's do another experiment, then you will understand!"
This time, the old man found a thin piece of iron and placed it flat on a candle flame tip.

What kind of experiment is this? Before Fowls could ask the question out loud, the incredible thing happened - the flame passed through the iron film, and formed a similarly moving flame on top of the metal.

This flame, bright as the flame of the spell, could not light a fire on the branch. The piece of the iron in the middle of the flame did not get burned or deformed, not even a little bit.
The flame seemed to be an illusion maintained by thermal radiation.

"See?" The old man looked confident.

Fowls did see it, but he couldn’t comprehend until the old man pointed it out.

"The problem is not the form of heat, nor the definition of ignition, but the air in the world! The air from this strange nature could naturally glow when it reaches a certain temperature."
"No matter how the world changes, the universe is made up of elementary particles. This is not a fallacy. Just like when we take a handful of water, or hold a handful of mud, we are actually using some external force, to make the basic particles of water and mud migrated."

"Magic is definitely a force similar to it. So, I doubt it, the so-called fire magic..."

The so-called fire magic does not exist at all!

Just because of the special air structure of this continent, when the heat rises, the gas will illuminate. And the flame magic such as light-dark, flame beads and fireball, are actually tricks of light!

In fact, a flame without burning materials is not a kind of fire flame at all. It is just the shape of an area where the heat is relatively concentrated. The air illuminated by the radifiable heat, flows to form a long-haired-Shrek-shape flame. 

These spells radiate different heat depending on the level of the magic and the level of the caster. It surely is not the same as a real burning flame.
Fire magic, according to this fact, is more like a unique management of basic particles!

If one could control the air molecules with brain waves, he gets fire by speeding up their movements or ice by slowing down their movements... or wind with directional movements!

Fowls had a clearer and deeper understanding of the world's magic than the old man, so he quickly realized the construction principles of the world’s magic system before the old man could finish his lecture, and began to try to crack the spells.
Warming the air up for fire, cooling the air down for ice, and moving something along a single direction should be basic manipulation method. The magic of fireball is a combination with air warming. And the magic of ice gun is a combination with air cooling. If air is not the only thing that directional moving could be applied, one might use it on steal arrows, electric balls, smashing sound waves, ultra-violet rays or other death weapons.

Although there were still many magic mysteries, according to his own memory, couldn’t be solved by discovering this one rule, Hilton's analysis certainly helped Fowls to understand the universe from a whole new angle......
The path ahead is still unknown. No one has ever entered.

This old guy... this old guy? ! He had just traced some of the true meaning of this world, just by one look. Fowls looked at the old man with all respect. He’s completely convinced that this old man is the most brilliant scientist he has ever met. 

Fowls pretended to be calm, and frowned faintly: "What are you talking about? I don't get it."
The old man is indeed a qualified genius and a talented space traveler. Even if he landed in the Stone Age, he might be able to invent something with rocks. However... someone who claims himself to be a space-traveler would be seen as a lab monkey and get locked up for everyone to visit.

He could simply let the old man be the lab monkey to get people’s attentions, and himself, be the master who sends the monkey into the cage for exhibitions!

Fowls planned something evil.

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