Ambiguous Relationship - Chapter 41

Published at 24th of May 2019 04:31:15 PM

Chapter 41

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Chen Ruo Yu did not sleep well that night. The next day, Chen mother did not give her a good look when she saw she got up early. Chen father found an opportunity to quietly pull Chen Ruo Yu back into her room to talk.


"You don't want to come back, do you still want to drift outside your whole life? Xiao Yu think about it, is it really better out there than at home?"


"If you had a good job out there, or you found someone you could get married to, your mother and I would not say anything to you. Now you don't have a good job, don't how long you can continue to do it and there is no money, you are also no longer too young. In a few years, you wouldn't be able to find a job if you come back here, also when you're older it will be difficult to find a partner. Now when we got out and meet acquaintances, or relatives or friends visit and ask after you, we don't even know what to say."


"I will retire in a few years, then it would be hard for me to find someone to help you. Your mother's body is like this, worrying about you every day, you're having a hard time too. Dad knows that since you were young you have always been filial and sensible, but why you are being so stubborn about this, I cannot understand?"


"You don't know that outside, your mother ran around till the point of breaking a leg for your matter. She is someone who loves face the most, but she also lowered herself to ask for help to find a partner for you. She was also picky, others even chastised her that she herself was not good, when she came back, thinking about losing to people made her heart and lungs feel suffocated and she could not sleep well. This time with great difficulty she was able to find one that she was satisfied with, afraid of missing this opportunity, so we quickly called you back."


"If the man is not good, even then, his family condition is similar to ours, and the other party is also a filial child. I heard that his appearance is upright and his temperament is also good. Your mother is afraid that you have been in A city for a long time, and you cannot look towards young men here. In this case, Zhou Zhe also stays in A city, he has vision and has seen the world, you have nothing to dislike. It is rare that the other party is satisfied with you, you can also get along in A city and come back later, isn't that good?"


Chen father said with some annoyance at the failed expectations, "I advised your mother yesterday so that she would not affect her heart, our children are grown and they have their own plans. But you are really wrong about this, you said it yourself, that you have nothing tieing you to A city, right? What is so good there? You had an unpleasant experience here and you are not happy with your friends, this I know, you also broke up with old Zhang's child and you were wronged, this I also know. But are you saying that for your whole life, you are going to suffer because of these events? You don't want your father and mother when you come across trouble? You're going through hardship by yourself, is this not punishing yourself?"

Chen father said it all in one breath, Chen Ruo Yu did not speak. But when she heard this, she couldn't help but argue, "Dad, I haven't suffered in A city, don't think too much. I did really well, I am very happy at work, it is not such a low-grade job. Many of my clients go on to become my friends, I can earn money and live well. Life is good and I also have very good friends there..." She said as she rubbed her eyes and suddenly thought of Meng Gu, she was a little sad.

"Don't you have friends here? Can't you have a good job here? Your parents are also still here!" Chen father angrily said.


"Dad, I know what you mean, I understand that you are really concerned about me. But you should also understand me, I really like it there, I am very happy there."


Chen father did not speak, he looked at his daughter for a long time and then said in a hard voice, "Anyway, that's what happened with your mother, you should think about it yourself, don't say anything else. Is Zhou Zhe that child not good? You don't like him? Dad will say, don't take on a contradictory stance, if you think he is good, seize the opportunity. Mom and Dad will always be here, we won't run, but good men are not easy to find, if you pass this village, you won't find this store again."

Chen father painstakingly finished advising and left.

Chen Ruo Yu was in a daze in her room for a while and eventually decided to go out for a walk.

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