Published at 24th of September 2019 11:13:20 AM

Chapter 69.2

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She felt that it was necessary for her to speak distinctly and make this unclear man thoroughly understand.

“I don’t like you, I don’t care about your opinion, and I don’t need your concern. Every time I meet Shangguan Rouxue when walking outside, she’s the one provoking me first. I’m not deliberately acting to make things difficult for you or attract your attention. Who I am in love with and who I am married to has nothing to do with you. Do you know how ridiculous you look when you act like you’re so important and think so how high of yourself?

Xie Zhuojun was completely choked by her and couldn’t say a word. He never knew that Shangguan Ning could be so sharp tongued!

However, he still wasn’t convinced and didn’t believe Shangguan Ning’s words. She merely said that she didn’t like him in her anger.

He paused for a moment, and then wanted to add something, but inadvertently noticed that Shangguan Ning’s ring finger had a shining diamond ring on it.

He blurted out, “Are you married?!” The bewilderment in his tone was unconcealable.

Shangguan Ning gazed at her finger and reached out to stroke the dazzling diamond ring gently. She remembered the tall and slender figure, and a faint gentleness appeared between her eyebrows.

Xie Zhuojun did not miss the change in her expression, and his heart became more and more uncertain.

This is impossible, absolutely impossible. Shangguan Ning clearly likes him. She’s not married yet. How could she get married?!

However, the next moment, Shangguan Ning’s words mercilessly shattered his hopes.

“Yes, I’m married.” Shangguan Ning quickly regained her indifference and calmly stated the fact.

She didn’t want to tell Xie Zhuojun, but he was so narcissistic that he always acted along Shangguan Rouxue to bring her trouble. She was tired of dealing with them. Only by telling him that she was married would he stop looking for her again.

“When? With whom? Where? How can I not know?! Are you lying?” Xie Zhuojun felt as if a fire was lit up in his chest and fiercely burning. He urgently wanted to know everything!

Shangguan Ning looked at him and thought he was hopeless. Why did she even tell him about her marriage?

“It’s time for me to go back to work. You should leave, and don’t come looking for me again.”

She quietly turned around, opened the door and left.

Xie Zhuojun stood alone in the reception room. The brightly shining diamond ring seemed to be still appearing in front of his eyes.

He knows Shangguan Ning. She was the kind of person that liked to dress simply, and didn’t like all the kinds of fancy things women usually did like jewelry, she never wears any. She wouldn’t have worn it if it hadn’t been a wedding ring.

He impulsively took out his mobile phone and wanted to confirm with Shangguan Rouxue whether Shangguan Ning was really married.

But just as he dialed her number, he suddenly realized that maybe he should investigate it himself.

He hung up the phone, picked up his briefcase and walked out of the building of Jing Sheng Group.

Although he still believed in Shangguan Rouxue, Shangguan Ning’s words succeeded in planting a seed of doubt in his mind.

Because she had said it too many times: Shangguan Rouxue really possesses remarkable capabilities.

In fact, he had already investigated Shangguan Ning’s recent phone number, her address and the place where she worked.

But Shangguan Ning deliberately avoided them and hid it very well. He had used a lot of money and connections, yet still didn’t find out what he was looking for.

However, Shangguan Rouxue quickly found the information.

At first, he was merely surprised but nothing more, so he didn’t think much about it. But now, after Shangguan Ning’s repeated reminders, he finally noticed something was wrong.

Shangguan Ning wasn’t the Shangguan Ning he once knew. Could it be Xiao Xue also wasn’t the Xiao Xue he knew?

No, no, no, impossible, he mustn’t doubt Xiao Xue!

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