Published at 1st of May 2021 12:15:31 PM

Chapter 138: 138

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"Now, the fourth round that follows! The oldest part of the Magoku Shinryu has appeared! In recent years, he has been conducting activities to expand the base of Magokushin, such as teaching backwards and spreading health exercises for housewives and elderly people.優 But it's a fighting man in its truest form. Do you know that? I'll show it to those who don't know! It's finally the appearance of "Wacha, a warrior who takes off his veil!"

For now, let's see it. There shouldn't be anyone who has interest in the trainer.

"Wacha-sensei!" "Wacha-san!" "Wacha, Whacha, Wacha-Wacha ♪ Yes!" "" "Wacha, hua-cha, Wacha-Wacha ♪ Yes!" "

The audience is cheering for their popularity. But what is that cheering for?

"Well, Tsukushi's older sister. Is he famous?" "Hmm ????? The mamoku is the strongest, but the longest is the wacha-san." A few years ago ... when the Grand Priest and the young goddess descended on this land, it was Wacha who first became a disciple of the Grand Priest. "

e? Is that surprisingly important? Isn't that Yamidile the best disciple?

"I play against old history together! Fat is the man who boasts of talent, power and pride. In other words, I'm the one who keeps training all the time with the talent of physique!

T ran sl a te d b y jpm tl.c om But when I wanted to focus on Watcha, my opponent was pretty good too.

"Sure ... it's big. You should also refer to it, isn't it good? Budeo" "Oh ... fat is a talent and pride .... or is it cool? ... Eating and sleeping is training .... By all means, I want to learn! "

At first glance, it looks like a fat buddy. But not. If Budeo is Byobuyo's body, the man who appears is hard. Huge muscle pile. It has a different muscle style from the goose, and is obviously heavy. If you rush at that, it will be quite dangerous. Besides, I'll keep a good face. She looks as if she is asking for power and power.

"Dos Koi! Dos Koi! I'm Gottsu!"

Hmm? What is that? The guy who is supposed to be in the middle is raising and lowering his legs.

"Wow" "Wow ..." "Wow, Amae, were you surprised? But ... what is that?"

Surprisingly, Amae is a little scared and comes to me. The vibration is transmitted when you step on the ground many times with your feet raised high. What kind of exercise?

"That's a magical four-legged one." "Um. In the Makai, it was the basics of "Daima Sumo" that had been learned by those who were called magic wizards. " T ra n sl at ed b y jpm

It was an exercise I hadn't seen before, but of course Traina knew.

"Um, and do this with four legs ..."

Standing in the gap between the seat and the fence, the trainer suddenly shows the same attitude as Haridashi. ?

"Gu ?!" "Oni-chan?" "Hmm? Pu-chan, what's wrong?"

I suddenly started blowing. But now I have to endure because there are people around me. And this, is this a surprise?

"This way, I open my legs and knees left and right, keep my back straight, put my hands on my knees, raise my feet alternately, and step on the ground vigorously. Sumo exclamation! 』

The Great Demon King's crotch opens ... no, no, stop! Yeah, I'm suspicious if I laugh now!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Suddenly. This will train your hips, gluteus maximus, middle gluteus, and trunk. "" Phya ... oh, oh ... yes ... "" You, and Budeo and Yara, should take this in. It's very hard. " From the next time ... "" And remember, tonight at VIER, you " ? Don't do it! Notice that everyone is laughing at first glance! ? 』

I endured. It seemed out when I thought I could endure ... But it can't be helped. No way, the Great Demon King suddenly shouts "Dosukoi" right in front of you.

"Wacha Shihanyo. I'm honored to be able to fight. However, I'm glad to be able to fight without mercy." "Oh, that's a scary al ..." "... hehe ... hehe ... "

And while I am laughing, this is serious. That's why even those who are watching must take it seriously. But ...

"Come on, let's go!

Haridashi with his waist lowered and both hands on the ground, showing an unusual attitude. At first glance, it is clearly poised to gain momentum and hit the body straight. Meanwhile ...

"So ... come al ..."

T r a n sl a t e d by Jp m t l.c om With that kind of energy and a man in front of him, he doesn't feel like fighting from Watcha. Stand calmly and relaxed, like the surface of the water without waves.

"Speaking of which ... I was telling you in the moderator's explanation ... When I was teaching Magical Taychi ... Well, I guess it was because Yamadile had given me incompletely transmitted knowledge ... But ... no ... that attitude ... no ... that ...

The trainer is watching her as she digs into her hand with her hand on her chin. And ...

"Now, the fourth match!


With the signal of the start of the game, Haridashi rushes with a strong step ----

"Wacha!" "Koi!

At the moment when Haridashi lifted both hands on the ground to attempt the charge, Watcha's left sword was stopped by Haridashi's eyeball thread.

“Ah ……… fast!” “That ’s…”

With a drunken and relaxed posture, the movement was unbelievable, and with just the stop of the left sword, he stopped the rush trying to rush before he started. The audience screamed at the venue, and I was surprised to say it.

"Fufufu ... Al stepped on well" "tsu ..." "The reflexes that control myself are amazing, but I'm not sure if I'm right as a person who uses a stupid weapon whose weapon is that it doesn't stop whatever happens. I don't know Al

At the last minute, he stops his movement, turns his face blue and sweats. Of course. Soon, the eyeballs might have been crushed. However, suddenly blind ... That man ...

"That's 'Daima Fingerjab' ... and it's almost finished ..." "The trick I didn't teach to children ... I didn't want to teach ..."

It's a jab, so if you think it's related to me, it's not.

"Are you still doing it?" "That's natural! I'm sorry!

T r a n s l a ted by jp m t l .co m While turning her face blue, Haridashi shakes her hands and sets out. A continuous stretcher with both hands. It approaches the watch like a wall. But the watcha ...

"What! What ?! How! What ?!"

All the claws of Haridashi are fast-handed. And it's not just handling.

"Which! What ?! Wachaa!"

Treat and treat, and finally seal the opponent's hands, high kick on the face where the gala becomes empty.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" "It's wonderful ..." Daima Trapping. "

I hugged Amae on my knees and inadvertently leaned out of the fence and watched. Then, Wacha's kick hits her head and the head flutters, and Wacha approaches as close as possible, sticking out his right hand from almost close contact.

"Huacha aa aa!"

Like magic? Shock wave?拳 Just sticking out the fist from the state where it is almost in close contact, almost touching the fist on the other party's body. Nevertheless, Haridashi, who was called "Super Heavy Monster" ...

"Hey, you've been blown over !!!!? A super heavy monster is blown off lightly and smashes into the wall of the arena as it is! ??"

Yes, I was blown away.

"Cho, wait a minute! I'm gonna do it !? か Are you adding magic ?! Why so big guys are so big !?

"Jin Jin ... or another name ... Do you use" Daima One Inch Punch "..."

A technique completely different from my conventional jab and straight common sense. It was completely unknown.

"A terrible punch came out, Wacha Huacha! And ... I'm fainted, I'm fainted! な し No complaint! This game, Wacha Huacha's victory!"

"Wacher, watcher, watcher watcher ♪ Yes!" Translate d b y jpm t l .com

"" "Wacha, Whacha, Wachahuacha!

At that moment, the win or loss is decided, and at the same time cheers rise. Watcha bows to the audience with her hands together.

"No, it's Wacha-san, you're really strong if you fight." "Sure, I'm afraid. I'm saying, Macho-san, Bro-san, me, but if you fight seriously, will it be much stronger than me? ''

I was convinced of the words of Tsukushi's sisters. I shook myself. Honestly, you can't compare which one is stronger than that of the goose ...

"Sure, power and speed are inferior to geese and Karui. Children will have much better overall physical abilities. But ... that guy, Wacha, is so skilled at a glance that he doesn't know. "

And the trainer admits. That watcha had a strength that you couldn't understand by eye measurement.

"got it. It's been interesting. '

"Oh. This is pretty lucky, baby. To go to the world in the future ... There is no other person with such skill. Good ... "Practice partner". Well, if you make a mistake, your eyes will be broken. '

Yes, it was a tournament that wasn't particularly visible except for Goose-san, but when it got more thrilling, I became a little more fun.

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