Dark Star Survivor - Chapter 13

Published at 7th of April 2019 09:41:55 PM

Chapter 13

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Her magic interface was without a doubt one of the most valuable gifts that she had. With it she had full access to Pfortner's and Sethrii's considerable databases. Pfortner had the combined knowledge from her old universe, and Sethrii had the new universe's knowledge. Armed with this information it was easy for her to find information relevant to innate talents and how to activate them.

Reading through the info she found some important points. First, all talents operated with magic, and each person had their own unique magic nature and signature, like a fingerprint. The nature of a person's magic depended on something called the Triad. Heritage, mindset, and elemental affinity.

Heritage was directly influenced by a person's parents and ancestors, and mostly controlled the rate of a person's growth and how strong a person was likely to get in their life. With enough effort and resources, a person could overcome the heritage limit and directly increase their own strength and the strength of their descendants.

Mindset controlled the aspect of magic that dealt with a person's psyche and was not fully understood by magic practitioners. The most accurate description Zoey found was that one's mindset was formed from two things; Goals and Conviction. From Sethrii's database Zoey read that a person's mindset when using magic would directly control the strength of the magic that was cast. If a person's state of mind matched their mindset perfectly, the magic they could cast would be at its peak. If the same person cast the same magic while their state of mind did not match their mindset, the strength would be severely affected. In short, your state of mind needed to match your goals and convictions before your magic strength could be at its peak. Most magic practitioners would never understand this fact, and would never cultivate their mindset, resulting in harshly limited magic strength. Discovering your own sense of self and identifying your goals and convictions to form your mindset was crucial to having a solid magic base.

Then there was elemental affinity. Elemental affinity dictated what elements a person could use in their magic. Every person that had an innate talent could use magic, and also had an elemental affinity. However, only those that grasped an understanding of the element they were attuned with could actually use said element in their magic.

Naturally, this Triad of heritage, mindset and elemental affinity synchronized with each other with the strength of each individual point affecting the other two. Maintaining a balanced focus between the three would allow a magic user to fully display the power of their respective talents.

Now the innate talents themselves could also grow in strength with the user, and with proper nurturing, could become extremely powerful. Magic users of this universe had different ways to increase their strength as well.

There was the meditation method, utilizing control techniques to absorb magic essence and gain strength. With a balanced Triad, this method was the most stable and the least prone to backlash as it was the most controlled.

Another method was to kill another creature and absorb the magic essence stored within the body. This method was the most dangerous. If you attempted to absorb the essence of a creature that was stronger than you, you risked your own magic going out of control and possibly killing you. Most cases would leave you with a damaged Triad, severely limiting your future magical capabilities. Additionally with this method you had to take account of the magic nature of the creature. If the nature was too far removed from your own, the risk was exponentially higher. If you managed to find creature with the same nature as you, and the same approximate strength, absorbing its essence would give you a huge boost in power. This method was the most common on Darren, as the creatures were plentiful, and the magic they used diverse.

There were other methods of increasing your strength, but they were mostly secret techniques passed down through generations or protected by powerful organizations. Not many could get their hands on these techniques, and fewer still could actually use them as they were often tailored specifically for a certain Triad alignment. This would limit their effectiveness for anyone that did not match the Triad alignment required, and could even cause severe damage to a person's Triad if the technique was badly matched. If you did manage to match the Triad alignment of a secret technique, the benefits were usually incredibly powerful.

Zoey did not have a secret technique, but she did have the advantage of her tattoo. A quick mental query to her interface later and Zoey was looking at a screen that displayed her information.


HERITAGE| Dark Star Runic Heritage: Tier Unknown | Gaia Human: Tier 3

MINDSET| Survivor: Synchronization: 90%

ELEMENTAL AFFINITY| Cold: Harmonization 25% | Dark: Harmonization 15% | Unknown: Harmonization 1% ]

Her info had its share of mysteries as well. The Dark Star Runic Heritage was no doubt related to her Dark Star Runic Blood innate talent. The unknown tier aside, everything related to that heritage and innate skill was shrouded in mystery that even this universe couldn't penetrate. The Gaia Human heritage was attributed to her home planet Gaia. As the sole survivor of Gaia, it appeared as if the integration process Sethrii had performed has somehow pulled the info from her DNA and merged it with the magic network of this universe, directly upgrading the heritage to Tier 3. Comparing it to other known heritages on Darren she found in the database, her Gaia Human heritage seemed to be quite excellent with a good growth speed and a high ceiling. With that heritage alone, Zoey would be one of the strongest on the planet if allowed to gain strength.

Her mindset was Survivor, which made sense. Zoey had survived the literal end of the universe, if by chance and perseverance. Even now in this new world she was determined to survive and carry on the legacy of Gaia. Her convictions had only been strengthened since coming to Darren and she was determined to see it through.

An interesting note Zoey found on mindsets, is that the simpler the goals and convictions, the easier it was to reach max synchronization. A good example would be the magical creatures of Darren. Their strength also depended on their mindset, but because they lived following their instincts their magic was at its peak strength because the creatures followed their instincts single-mindedly. This simplicity was the perfect harmony that allowed the creatures of Darren to display their peak strength. Zoey's goals and convictions were similarly simple. She wanted to survive, to live on in place of the trillions of dead souls she represented.

Finally there was her Elements and their harmonization levels. This was fairly straightforward except for the unknown portion... Simply more mysteries to unwind. Elemental affinity and harmonization could be improved be exposing yourself to said element or consuming the essence of a creature that was attuned to the element of choice.

All of this knowledge was crucial for Zoey to utilize her innate talent. now that she was prepared, it was time to begin!

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