Published at 29th of February 2020 02:44:56 PM

Chapter 17

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“Sweety, help us with tea.”

   Han Yue warmly welcomed Xia An.

  “Xia An, sit, sit.”

  Seeing Han Yue’s enthusiasm, Xia An was alerted. 

  The small place already made Xia An doubt about the authenticity of the company. Now, after seeing the man named President Han welcoming her so enthusiastically, she couldn’t help but think more.

  However, Xia An, who was short of money, did not turn around and leave. Instead, she took Xia Xingchen’s palm and sat on the sofa.

  At that time, Han Yue, who had been paying attention to Xia An, discovered that she came with a child.

  “This is……”

  The little boy sitting next to Xia An, had an exquisite and beautiful face. Han Yue knew that hey must be Xia An’s illegitimate child.

  “My son,” Xia An did not shy away at all and said directly.


  As for Xia An’s directness, Han Yue suddenly felt that Xia An’s description in the news seemed to be a bit too unreal.

  The Xia An in front of him was completely different from the rumored Xia An.

  “Child, what’s your name?”

  He was so cute, Han Yue teased Xia Xingchen with a smile.

  It was just that Xia Xingchen didn’t care about other people other than Xia An.


  He glanced at Han Yue silently, then looked up at Xia An, before finally answering, “Hi uncle, my name is Xia Xingchen, and my mother named me.”

  When hearing the latter sentence, you could obviously feel how proud the little guy was about his name.

  Han Yue looked at Xia Xingchen and Xia An and felt that the relationship between the mother and son was very good.

  Sure enough, the news reported was harmful. All of them were writing blindly.

  Han Yue’s favorability for Xia An increased a lot.

  “Mr. Han, let’s talk about the business directly.”

      Xia An decided that she would have to take a closer look at the contract later.

  Also, she had to ask for a little more deposit from Han Yue.

  That way, she would feel secure.

  “Haha, Xia An, you are really an easy person!”

  Originally he was afraid that Xia An would not sign. He saw that Xia An was even more anxious than him, and his heart settled immediately.

  Why did he forget her lack of money? As long as Xia An lacked money, the contract would definitely be signed!



  Han Yue thought of how hard this show would be, and how bad they had decided to display Xia An’s image. He was a little disturbed.

The difficulty of their program would make even an average male a bit overwhelmed.


  What was more, a small woman like Xia An? Cough! Although she didn’t have a delicate character. How would she fare?

  “Oh, Xia An, I don’t want to lie to you. I’ll tell you clearly. The environment of our show is particularly difficult. The most important thing is that once the show starts, it will not stop. If someone can’t afford to withdraw from the show, then they will have to pay a penalty. “

  After speaking, Han Yue felt that his program was a bit too difficult.

  He was afraid that Xia An would not sign the contract, so he quickly added, “Of course, except for physical reasons, and … Xia An, you can enjoy special treatment. If you quit, we will not ask you to pay liquidated damages.”

  Han Yue’s words made her curious.

  This person talked about the program so seriously. What kind of program was it?

  “Is it really difficult?”

  After thinking about the post-apocalyptic days, Xia An wasn’t concerned about the difficulty of the program.

  Anyway, she held the heroine’s golden finger in her hand. As long as she kept up her physical fitness, she believed that nothing could stop her.

  “I’ll show you my show plan.”

  Then, Han Yue opened the slide and talked to Xia An about the plan of the program.

  When the slide came up, Xia An was surprised–


  Although the zombies in the photo’s looks were a bit exaggerated, Han Yue smiled and nodded.

  “Yes, It is zombies.”

  At the words of Han Yue, Xia An frowned a little doubtfully.

  “What does this have to do with the show?”

  Was this world going to burst into crisis?

  Otherwise, what did the photo have to do with the show?

  “Have you seen Resident Evil?”


  the corner of her mouth twitched and gently hummed, jokingly, she didn’t only see the apocalyptic crisis, but also experienced them in person!

  “Our wilderness survival outdoor reality show is different from those reality shows in the past.”


  Han Yue was very excited to talk to Xia An about the stage he planned. It was definitely the only outdoor reality show in the world with this theme.

  In recent years, variety shows like reality shows have become more and more popular. Celebrities in love, Celebrities opening restaurants, Celebrities experience ordinary people’s lives, Celebrities go to live on isolated islands, and so on.

  These reality TV shows were all bad, but this time, his variety show would be completely different from those bad shows!

  He assured that as long as he gets reliable participants and sufficient funds, his special reality show would definitely be hot!

  “Although our reality show also added elements of wilderness survival, our feature is that the enemy we face in each period of wilderness survival is different.”

  “Someone’s survival in the wilderness may be just throwing a bunch of participants in the wilderness. They won’t care if you go find food and sleep.”

  “But ours is different! What we have to face is not just environmental issues. The greatest difficulty of our show is to fight! Fight the boss in the show! Survive!”

  The more he talked, the more excited he became, his saliva was sprayed outward.

  “Like this first issue! The boss of our show is a zombie! We will simulate the world of crisis and let you survive among a bunch of zombies! How is it! Is it fun?”


  After listening to Han Yue’s words, Xia An only felt that–

  God! OK look! This person was her God of Wealth!

  She thought it would be difficult! She didn’t expect that the first episode was what she did best!

  Wasn’t this like giving her money?

  She was really not afraid of real zombies, why would she be afraid of fake ones? Then she must get the title of the championship properly!

  When Han Yue saw that Xia An wasn’t talking, he touched his nose and felt that he scared her off.

  So he coughed a few times and said a little guilty, “So what, Xia An, don’t look at the zombie in the photo, It is terrible, photoshopped one. The zombies you meet will be played by people, so it won’t be so scary, so there is nothing to be scared of … “

  Hearing his words, Xia An almost laughed.

  What was so scary about zombies? The most terrible things in the doomsdays were humans.

  Sometimes, she even thought that zombies were more lovely than them.

  “Where is the contract? I want to see the contract.”

  Xia An knocked on the coffee table and said in a happy mood.

  When Xia An asked to look at the contract, Han Yue took a look at her in surprise. She didn’t seem to be afraid but was …  interested. He suddenly felt that Xia An was really interesting. She was more interesting than her description in the tabloids.

  After waving his hand to let Xu Tiantian get the contract, Han Yue invited Xia An to have a cup of tea.

  “Xia An, don’t worry, our show will take care of you.”

  After Han Yue took a sip of tea, he smiled at Xia An.

  Originally, he just wanted to watch Xia An suffer in the show, but now after seeing her in person, he felt that if Xia An could stay to the end, he must help her!

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