Published at 3rd of May 2016 01:13:11 AM

Chapter 11

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Volume 2 Chapter 11: Don’t tell me this is the end of Han Fu

“*Nom* *Nom* *Nom* *Nom* … Wu!”

“Have some water, and take it easy.” I said as I quickly passed a cup of water to Han Fu.

“*Guru* *Guru*~~~~ Haa~~~” Han Fu exhaled as she downed the cup of water in one go.

“My lord, can you please be a bit more reserved?” Zhang He said with a frown from the side.

Han Fu hadn’t eaten for 2 days, though the same could be said for Zhang He, yet she showed a lot more control.

“I really didn’t think that Lord Liu Bei would be here too.” Zhang He got up as she said so and knelt on one knee, “No matter what, Lord Liu Bei and everyone else, we apologise for the trouble we have given everyone.”

“Ah ah, it’s nothing. Please get up.”

I hurriedly waved my hands when I saw what she did.

At this time, I was sitting in the courtyard in the middle of the night with my clothes draped on me with everyone else sitting or standing around.

Of course, some did not wake up.

“You both should be in Ji state. Why did you run here?” Feng Xian asked.

This question was necessary, though looking at the state these 2 were in, one could roughly guess it. As for me, I wouldn’t be able to ask it outright.

“…” Han Fu stopped eating and Zhang He sank into silence as well.

“Pan Feng… *Shiku*… *Nom* *Nom* *Nom*” After stopping for a while, Han Fu only spat out these 2 words before she grabbed her bowl and continued eating.

Sadness filled Zhang He’s expression when she saw how her lord was.

“… I’ll explain everything.”

Zhang He sat up straight and took a deep breath before she said.

“I think everyone can more or less guess what happened. Yuan Shao recently invaded Ji state and now Ji state has completely fallen.”

“Yuan Shao… Huh?” Yun Chang said with a frown.

“…” Zhang He wordlessly nodded.

Just then, I saw that the Xu state 3 were deep in thought.

“What’s the matter?”

“The refugees from recently.” “Most of them were from Ji state.” “That is to say that by then–”

I think that should be the case as well.

“Yuan Shao’s original territories were rich and prosperous and could shoulder the heavy taxes she imposed. But though Ji state is not poor, it is not wealthy either. Now that Yuan Shao has successfully occupied Ji state, it is natural that she will impose heavy taxes that are beyond even those in her own territories on the people there.” Zhang He continued listlessly.

“Did you say that the city was taken? I remember that Ji state city’s walls are known for their resilience, how wa sit taken so quickly…” Zhang Liao asked.

“Umm… My lord was forced to give it up.” Zhang He lowered her head even more on hearing Zhang Liao’s question.


None of us understood what Zhang He meant.

“Forced to give it up?”

“Un,” Zhang He said in a smaller and smaller voice, “Yuan Shao captured Pan Feng, and used him to force my lord to give up Ji state.”

“*Nom* *Nom* *Nom*… *Shiku*… *Nom* *Nom*…”

Nobody spoke on hearing this. All of us merely watched Han Fu as she ate. Though she seemed to be concentrating on her food, her sobs could be heard here and there.

“And she agreed?” Feng Xian asked in disbelief.

Zhang He nodded.

I understand where Feng Xian is coming from. For a lord to give up one’s territories entirely for the sake of a single general is something utterly inappropriate and unthinkable.

But in a different sense, only someone who can do that can be considered a good lord.

“In any case we have nowhere else we can go. Lord Liu Bei, please accept us on behalf of Lord Tao Qian.”

As she said so, Zhang He got up and made to kneel once more.

“Aiya, no need to stand on ceremony!”

I hurriedly pulled her up by her sleeve before she could kneel down and helped her up.

“Even if you hadn’t asked, I was planning on letting you stay anyway.” I said and looked at Han Fu, whose face was still buried in her bowl, and asked, “Pan Feng should be back by now right? Why haven’t I seen him?”

After I finished, I realised I had said the wrong thing yet again when I saw that the 2 looked even more sorrowful and stony-faced than before.

“… No, he’s not back yet.” Zhang He shook her head.

“Eh? Why?!”

Wasn’t there an agreement? She already gave Yuan Shao the city, so why hasn’t she released them?

“The agreement was for Pan Feng to be returned when the Yuan Shao Army entered the city, but…”

“But what?” I pressed.

“But after we handed over the city, Yuan Shao’s side went dark and wouldn’t give us an answer no matter what.” Zhang He gritted her teeth and shook her head as she continued, “And now we don’t have an army, and we can’t stay in Ji state city, so we had no choice but to leave.”

No word at all…

“Then doesn’t that mean that–”

He’s dead?

“Don’t worry, Pan Feng will be alright.” Han Fu seemed to understand what Yun Chang eas about to say and she put down her bowl before looking over with reddish eyes. “Because my Pan Feng is an amazing guy.”

Though Han Fu eked out a smile somehow, we all know that what she said was baseless and that the worst case scenario was also the likeliest.

Moreover, it was that scatter-brained Pan Feng we were talking about.

I gave a long sigh and got up as I came to this conclusion and hugged my covers tighter.

“In any case, go have some sleep first. We happen to have some spare rooms just around here so we’ll get people to bring some bedding and blankets for you.” I pointed at the available rooms to Zhang He. “You’re both probably really tired so catch some rest and we will continue discussing this tomorrow.”

Just then, Han Fu put down the bowl and got up.

“Thank you!” All of a sudden Han Fu bowed deeply and gave me a salute as she said in between sobs, “Even though we are only acquaintances, you actually…”

Her feelings overwhelmed her and she was unable to continue without bursting into tears.

“Don’t, don’t be like that.” I said as I rubbed Han Fu’s head, “Don’t worry, I’ll see what I can do with Pan Feng.”

“… Un!”

Han Fu forced a smile and nodded when she heard me, and left with Zhang He thereafter,

Everyone was still worried after what we heard but there was nothing that could be done now so we dispersed as well.

Before I went back to my room, I called out to the Xu state 3 and asked in whispers.

(Did you 3 hear anything? About the Yuan Shao Army.)

The reason why I asked them this was because the expression these 3 had faltered upon hearing that Pan Feng had been captured… No, Sun Qian’s expression did not wave.

“…” “…” “…”

All 3 looked in 3 different directions, none of which were where I was.

As expected, they do know something.

(Tell me what you know, don’t try and hide it!)

It was already so late now, stop playing.

The 3 looked at each other before nodding and whispered into my ear.

(… We heard that some prisoners were killed by the Yuan Shao Army.) (In the past few days, some of them hatched a plan to escape but were all captured and executed.) (We feel that Han Fu’s subordinate general is likely one of them.)

I agree with their hypothesis. Pan Feng was indeed the sort of guy who would follow through with a stupid high risk low return plan like that.

But… We can’t be sure of that yet!

He is quite timid so he might not think about escaping.

“Un, alright, you all go and have a rest too.”

This matter is best left for tomorrow.

The 3 saluted before leaving.

I looked at the room Han Fu was allocated to and saw that the lights had long since gone out.

If I think about it, Han Fu has been the Governor of Ji state for quite a while now. To have lost it so quickly, who knows how difficult she must be feeling now.

And on top of that, the uncertainty about the fate of Pan Feng.

I continued thinking about this for a while at the stone table and sighed. I shivered and found that it was getting chilly so I went back to my room shortly after.


“Can’t sleep.”

I tossed and turned on the bed but whether it was because of my inner turmoil or something else, I just couldn’t fall asleep even though I was tired.

Forget it, might as well take a walk and get some fresh air.

Just as I was about to walk out, before I opened the door, weak sobbing sounds could be heard from the courtyard.

“*Wu* *Wu*… *Shiku*– *Kuh*… *Shiku*–” The sobbing came in dribs and drabs, probably out of fear of being heard. “Pan Feng… I’ve lost Ji state, but… But you must return!… Pan Feng! You can’t be dead… Can’t be dead…”

Gradually, her volume increased as she lost control of her emotions.

In reality, Han Fu herself probably knows. That the chances of finding Pan Feng alive are slim since he has not appeared since.

All thos who haven’t fallen asleep can probably hear her by now but no one went to comfort her as it would be of no use anyway.

The only thing that can comfort her is news that Pan Feng is still alive.

And at this time, letting Han Fu cry it out might actually be better.


I dispelled the notion of leaving and returned to my bed as I silently prayed that tomorrow would bring favourable news of Pan Feng’s fate. Thereafter, I fell asleep before I knew it.

By the morning of the next day, I awoke at an unusually early time while everyone was still asleep. I left the courtyard and went to the main hall, and told the Xu state 3 to come along with me as I did so.

“Huah~” “My lord you woke up really esrly huh~” “Is there something to do? If there is, then just get the Chen Deng father and son pair– Haa~”

The 3 of them seemed to not have fully awakened but I went into the main agenda right away.

“Send some people over to Yuan Shao and see what information we can get about Pan Feng.”

“… Un.” “Ah… That can be done, but don’t expect too much.” “If there hasn’t been any news of him until now, then it will be difficult to expect there to be news that he is alive.”

Though what xiao Yong said was the truth, I want something more concrete… And I did promise Han Fu after all, so the least I can do is give her a conclusive–

“Report!” Just as I was still in my thoughts, a soldier came running in with a message. “Yuan Shao’s ambassador seeks an audience!”


“… Now. I’ll see him now!” I was stunned for a moment before I spat out a reply. I frowned and sighed, “Looks like we don’t need to send anyone now.”

But this is good too. Before everyone one else has woken up, we can zero in on the important matters quickly.

“Greetings Lord Liu Bei.” Just then the ambassador arrived. He saluted before continuing, “I have urgent military affairs to attend to back at my base so I will get to the point. I’ve heard that Han Fu has entered your jurisdiction.”

You really did get to the point huh. I never thought that news would spread this fast.

“… Ah, yes.” No point lying here.

“If that’s the case then our discussions can proceed further.”

“Eh? About? You want to finish her off?”

How ruthless can they be.

“Ah, no. That’s not it.” The ambassador shook his head, and brought out a piece of silk which he handed to me. “This was written by our lord. What I wish to convey to you is all inside.”

Un… I have an ominous feeling about this.

I slowly opened the piece of silk, and beautiful writing greeted me as I did so.

I really didn’t expect that that rich young miss could write so beautifully. As I thought so, I began to read the contents with difficulty. Good thing the contents were not written properly in the old script and seemed to be a form of cursive that was easier for me to read.

‘I have now taken Ji state. As for little Han Fu, I have no intention of finishing her off. In any case, I’m leaving her alone as long as she doesn’t do anything funny. As for her subordinates who got captured by me (some ink marks). A, actually I really was planning to let them go after entering the city but who knew that they would try to escape even under such circumstances, so, so I had no choice. Let me be clear about this, I really didn’t order Yan Liang and Wen Chou to kill them. Or rather, before I could say anything, they had done so already… I, I really couldn’t do anything so I’ll trouble you to explain this to Han Fu. But, but it really isn’t my fault!!’

After I finished reading it, I wordlessly passed to the Xu state 3.

Rich young miss Yuan Shao’s letter became less and less formal as I read on.

But not your fault huh? Who knew that they would try to escape huh?

… What the hell is that rich young miss spouting about. In normal circumstances, if they were captured, they would expect to be executed so why not try to make a break for it?

But I really didn’t think that that timid Pan Feng would really… Maybe to him, the precious home with Han Fu and Zhang He was more important than his life.

— Wait for me, my lord.

— I’ll be coming to see you now.


In my head, I could clearly see the confident figure of Pan Feng as he escapes from Yuan Shao’s camp. Was the reason for him taking such a risk, all to return to his lord’s side?

But now, I will never know.

“… Alright, I got it.” I stood up and decided to fulfill the necessary niceties and send the ambassador out. “Let me see you out.”

As I guided him, he began speaking to me.

“Lord Liu Bei has now gotten hold of Xu state, but many feudal lords are eyeing Xu state hungrily. If you don’t mind it, perhaps you can join my lord, we will definitely welcome you.”

I’m still not the Governor yet. And isn’t your rich young miss also looking hungrily at Xu state as well? Of course you would welcome me.

“Ah, I’ll think about it.”

I gave an appropriate answer but he could tell my intent from this and did not press the issue.

Thereafter I sent him off and gave a few courteous words, and after which he left.

Hai~ This is bad.

How do I tell Han Fu about this later? Now that I know the truth, it’s hard to talk about it.

As I was deep in thought about this, I made my way to–

“Morning Lord Liu Bei.”

“Un? Han Fu, you’re awake already?”

Seeing Han Fu awake and walking towards me, I got nervous and blurted out a question.

“Un, I’m awake.” Han Fu smiled at me but for some reason, her smiling face was dreadfully pale.

“You don’t look so good. Have you had breakfast?”

“Ah, I need to go to the toilet first.” Han Fu said, and then quickly walked off.

“Oh, oh.” I nodded.

So it’s just the toilet huh… Having to face her all of a sudden made me really nervous.

I walked to the main hall, and saw that Zhang He was standing there.

“Zhang He is awake too?”

“… Ah, good morning Lord Liu Bei…” She seemed to be nervous when she saw me and lowered her head as she did so.

I feel like she has something difficult she wants to say…

“Ah yes, an ambassador from Yuan Shao came this morning and gave me a letter… Gong You, have you all shown it to Lord Zhang He?”

“About that.” “We put the silk in the main hall and left for a bit.” “But we don’t know where it got blown to…”

Un? It’s lost?

“Speaking of which Lord Liu Bei, have you seen my lord?” Zhang He came up and asked me after pondering for a while. “I’d thought she would be here to eat breakfast but I haven’t seen her.”

“Ah, I saw her. She said she was going to the toilet.”


She came to the main hall, the silk went missing, and then she went to the toilet with an unusual expression–

Could it be!!

“Lord Liu Bei?!”

I hope my guess is wrong.

I didn’t say anything and sprinted to the toilets as I kept praying in my heart for it to be wrong.

“Lord Han Fu, Lord–”

And then…

When we came to the toilet, I found that my guess was right,

Just as Han Fu herself had said, she was here.

Her small body was slumped against a wall while her hands held onto a knife that was stuck in her chest. The blood on the ground seemed to have begun to dry. On her face was a warm smile.

“Ah! My lord!” Zhang He who came running behind me collapsed to the ground as she held her mouth, completely losing her usually reliable expression, as she saw this tragic scene, “Why… why you too…”

Han Fu probably planned on this the moment she knew he was dead huh…

I frowned and went up to check anyway but her icy hands had no pulse and her tiny nose would never breathe again.

I found the silk beside her but it was of no use anymore.

Because the Governor of Ji state, Han Fu, was now dead.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!