Published at 8th of February 2017 09:53:26 PM

Chapter 89

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Liu Qi POV

I have to say, I haven’t had much experience with such things, and the language used in such documents has to be nuanced so it was rather difficult for me.

I must remember to thank Yi Ji later for helping me out, I thought as I replayed the opening speech I prepared in my mind as well as the various negotiation tactics.

Un… But my thought process was very quickly derailed and I was unable to concentrate whatsoever.

This naturally has nothing to do with the fact that I’m riding a horse and mostly nothing to do with how hot the weather was.

Hai… I gave a long sigh as melancholy filled my heart.

… This is probably the last time I’ll meet uncle.

Though I know this is necessary, it’s still sad to see this day come.

Ever since we came back from Jiangxia, I haven’t spoken much with uncle but I still feel safe knowing he is around. But now that uncle is leaving, I’ll have to depend on myself once more.

But at least, I’ve finally begun to take my first step out.

Uncle, I’ve improved, haven’t I? I’m one step closer to you now right?

Realising that my thoughts had jumped from the Jiangxia negotiations to uncle, I understood that I couldn’t think about anything else besides uncle and decided to concentrate on riding so I could make my way to father’s residence as soon as I can.

After about 3-4 intersections, the oversized mansion came into view. I’ve not been here a lot since I’ve moved out but I still instinctively recognised it as my father’s residence.

And also mine, just a few years ago.

“Young mistress!”

“It’s fine.”

The guards at the entrance greeted me as usual when I dismounted and made my way in with large strides and I too dismissed them like I did before.

As I stepped in, I could feel that the atmosphere was different from before. Looking up, I could see several red cloths with celebratory poems written on them hung from the ceiling.

“Young mistress.”

“Good day, young mistress.”

“Ah… Un.”

The mansion was bustling with people rushing to finish the final preparations for the banquet who greeted me when they saw me. There were quite a few familiar faces but they seemed too busy for me to stop them for a short chat.

Well then, let’s proceed with what we came here to do then.

“Is there any attendant around?” I yelled as I stepped into the room.

“Here.” A polite young woman said immediately as she stepped out. She wore the standard official uniform but did not wear the hat for high ranking officials which meant she was an attendant for this mansion.

“What is your name?” I asked as I walked towards her.

“Xiang Lang.”

“Alright. Xiang Lang, I’ll be troubling you to retrieve me some clean clothing that will be suitable for the upcoming occasion.” I said as I gestured toward my dirty armour and the sweat-soaked gown beneath it, “I can’t possibly wear this to the banquet after all.”

“I understand. Please follow me.” Xiang Lang nodded as she gestured to the side.

“Ah, alright. Thanks.” I nodded respectfully. This was something I’d never do before meeting uncle.

“Young mistress.” Wen Ping called out just as I was about to follow Xiang Lang.

I turned back, and saw a soldier standing in her way and saying something to her.

“What’s the matter? What did she say?”

“She said that there is a separate banquet for the warrior generals set up at a separate venue and I am to make my way there at once.” Wen Ping sank into silence when she finished.

“It’s fine. Go on ahead, I’ll meet you once it’s over.”

Of course, I understood what she meant. In any case, I intended on changing clothes myself in the first place.

When Wen Ping heard my reply, she bowed and saluted me before following the soldier who guided her to the alternative venue.

It feels like… Wen Ping has been speaking more of late, and is much easier to get along with than before. I wonder if this is because of my change?

Though I have to say that she was a nice person to begin with.

In fact, if I think about it, Yi Ji, Wen Ping and I are all quiet in nature. That the 3 of us could come together and get along as well as we have is a miracle.

“Please come, young mistress. The banquet will be starting soon.”

“Oh, I got it.” I said as I hurriedly cast aside all my stray thoughts and rushed behind Xiang Lang who pressed me.

As I followed her, I looked about. I hadn’t gone anywhere else besides the main hall to see father ever since I moved out after all.

After a few corridors, I was surprised. It’s been several years since I moved out after all and the mansion still looks the same as it did back then. It’s clear that father has done some renovations to the mansion but these were just restoration works.

Ah, it really is nostalgic. Back then, I remember taking afternoon naps at the base of that big tree with Liu Cong…

Unfortunately, I was too naive back then and let Liu Cong take advantage of that.

Yes, Liu Cong, the only person I will never forgive.

“Young mistress, we’re here.” Xiang Lang said as the loud sound of a door opening followed.

“This is?” I asked as I followed her. It’s been too long for me to remember the purpose of each and every room in this mansion.

“It’s just an ordinary room.” Xiang Lang said as she entered the room and went all the way inside before opening a cupboard inside.

“Un? Why are there clothes being stored here?” I asked when I saw the cupboard filled with formal, lavish clothing that would only be used for banquets, parties and formal events. Could it be that every room is used to store such things?

“The Governor had left special instructions for this room not to be used for residential purposes. The store room had some water leakage issues earlier so we moved some of the clothing over here.” She explained as she picked out some clothes and placed them on the bed, “I picked out some clothes. Half of them are masculine and the other half are feminine. Looking at how the young mistress dresses, you will probably be choosing the masculine attire right?”

As she said so, she picked out a figure hugging set of clothing which closely resembled what I usually wore.

I took a closer look and found that the materials used were pretty good and felt that I would be comfortable in it.

“Un, then…” Just as I was about to nod in agreement, another thought sprang up spontaneously in my mind and my words stopped short in my mouth. Instead, I said, “Ah… I think I would prefer more feminine wear.”


“Alright.” Xiang Lang said as she began looking once more.

What have I said?

“How about this?” Xiang Lang said calmly as she picked out a set of feminine wear. I looked over and saw that it was a long dress which revealed the neck. If I’m not wrong, this should be called ‘Beizi’ right?

B, but what is wrong with me? It’s only uncle’s farewell banquet, why do I have to dress up?

But… I stole several glances at the clothing she held up and felt that it was a good choice.

“Un… This one then?” Xiang Lang said as she shook the clothing in front of me and showed it to me from different angles.

To be honest, I’m quite taken by it.

Yes… This is indeed very nice.

I’ve never worn such clothing since I was a child too…

“… Un.” I hesitated for a long while before resignedly nodding.

… Un… There shouldn’t be anything wrong with me wearing this. Of course, I don’t mean anything by this. I just feel that it’s a waste not to wear such beautiful clothing.

Yes, that’s what I mean.

As I convinced myself, I picked up the Beizi and placed it at the edge of the bed before getting ready to take off my boyish clothing.

Un? When I raised my head, I found that Xiang Lang had not yet left.

“Young mistress…” Xiang Lang looked at me with her arms reaching out. Looks like she intends to help me.

“Ah, it’s fine.” I lightly nodded and dismissed her, doing my best to appear dependable and independent.

When Xiang Lang saw this, she bowed and stepped back before turning and leaving the room, not forgetting to close the door as she did so.

Only when Xiang Lang left was I able to rest easy. I picked up the clothing and went up to the bronze mirror and felt that it suited me.

Un? Am I… Smiling?

My gaze shifted upwards and I caught sight of my smile. It’s clear that I’m a lot pleased of this clothing than I imagined.

… I must admit that though I’ve been raised as a boy, I probably still have the heart of a girl…

Ahhhh, I can’t keep on being like this!

I hurriedly shook my head and tossed out very dangerous thoughts out of my head.

What I have to do now is to quickly change into this clothing and hurry to where uncle is. As I thought so, I quickly stripped and put on the new clothing.

While wearing it, I made mistakes 3-4 times and even mixed up the front and back of the clothing. I was deathly worried that Xiang Lang might peek when she heard the commotion I was making, and I would be a total disgrace.

“Un… This should be… This should be it.” After much hardship, I finally got the hang of it and sighed as I looked at my reflection in the bronze mirror.

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