Published at 3rd of August 2017 02:53:15 PM

Chapter 163

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Li Dian POV

The city walls which had been rather short just a few days ago were not several meters taller. As I looked up, I found that the archers standing at the walls and the towers were rather few in number. Could this be the work of Chen Gong?

“I’ll go up and yell.” I said and was about to kick my horse to go up when I saw that Lu Xiang intended to go up as well and hurriedly raised my hand to stop her as I shook my head, “You don’t need to follow me this time. I’ll go alone.”

Lu Xiang does not know the details of our plan after all and if a duel happens, she might get too absorbed in it.

“… Yes.” Lu Xiang replied and let go of her reins after a while.

Alright… Now then…

“Jia. *Tatatata*” I steeled myself and lightly called out as I kicked my horse and went forward. As I did so, so did Zhao Yun. This time, she did not let her lieutenant come forward and came up herself instead, brandishing her spear as she did so, probably in an attempt to intimidate me.

As we neared each other, we stopped while there was about 50 paces or so between us. At this distance, I looked at Zhao Yun’s expression and could see that her lips were pursed and her frown was tight. Though she seemed domineering and majestic with her silver armour, one of her shoulder plates was visibly slanted. Looks like she was in a rush to get out here huh.

“Long time no see, Lord Zhao Yun.” I greeted her calmly as I pulled up my hat slightly and saluted her, doing my best to appear as humble as possible.

Zhao Yun had a fierce look in her eyes but she did not seem as calm and collected as in the first battle but she still nodded and saluted me, “Yes, long time no see indeed.”

I do not know if this is my misconception but Zhao Yun did not seem to be focused and seemed to be rather tired as well. Well then, why not ask her, “May I ask why Lord Zhao Yun seems to be so distracted?”


Zhao Yun was originally pacing about with her horse but when she heard my question, she frowned and stared at me as though she were trying to see what she looked like in my eyes. As she did so, she forgot to control her horse and only realised that it was moving forward after a few steps and hurriedly stopped the horse before instinctively looking back and then at me.

“There is nothing unusual with me. I never thought that Lord Li Dian would be well-versed in such psychological tricks. Hmph.”

She’s still trying to feign nonchalance when it’s this obvious?

“Well then, let me ask you another question.” I calmly continued to ask her, “Why is Lord Lu Bu not out here with you?”

“…” She paused for a long while before she answered, “I alone am enough for the likes of you lot.”

“Hmph,” I snorted at her reply, “2,000 men against an army of 15,000 strong. That’s a little overconfident of you, isn’t it?”

Zhao Yun did not speak and merely raised her silver spear. Looks like she does not intend on speaking any further and intends on getting to action. However, since Lu Bu is not out here and only Zhao Yun is here, this impliues that Lu Bu is likely inebriated to the point where she cannot come out to take the field.

But then again… This could still just be a ruse. Until there are clear signs of a battle taking place in the city, nothing is clear.

But if this is all fake, then all I can say is Zhao Yun’s acting is simply superb. From the beginning of our conversation till now, it’s clear from her body language that something is going on in the city and it seems to be what we discussed with Guan Yu and the rest.

The more I thought about it, the more nervous I got. But at the same time, I also grew more confident that the chance to take Xinye city was at hand, so much so that I involuntarily gulped.

“Zhao Yun, why don’t you go back into the city and take a look? Perhaps they’ve already begun to fight?”

“There is no doubt about our unity. How could there possibly be in-fighting?” Zhao Yun replied as she stared at me angrily and pointed her spear at me, “Cut the crap. Why don’t you have 300 bouts with me first?”

Zhao Yun was completely calm, collected and in control the last time, but now she only looks like a reckless buffoon. If nothing had happened, she would not be acting like this.

“… Alright, let’s do it then.” I said before turning around and shooting a glance at Cao Ren, who nodded in response. I then turned back to look at Zi Long and raised my spear, “Let’s see if it will be me or you.”

“Yaa!” Before I could finish, Zhao Yun charged up to me and so did I

*Dang* *Dang*!

Our spears clashed and we exchanged 2 quick blows before galloping past each other after having our weapons deflected.


I lightly called out and pulled on the reins to stop the horse and turn around. Zhao Yun on the other side did the same as well. Unlike me, her movements seemed slower. Her blows before were quicker and stronger than mine but there was no technique behind them to speak of.

“Don’t be too anxious, Lord Zhao Yun. Even with the enemy’s armies at your doorstep, you should still be serious about our duel.” I said to her but she did not pay too much attention to it and spun her spear.

“There’s no need for you to say such things! You dishonourable fiend! Jia!” She roared as she charged at me.

She said… Dishonourable fiend… That bastard…

“Jia!” I too kicked my horse and in an insatnt, the distance between closed to within a single pace–



Our spears clashed once more. However, I was affected by her scolding earlier so there was some hatred in my attack and when our spears clashed, I could my feel my body begin to tilt towards her.

Damn it! This fellow did not apply any strength at all!

When I realised this, I hurriedly squeezed my legs together to get a grip on the horse as Zhao Yun twisted her spear in an attempt to dismount me.

Wu! It was a good thing that I was expecting this attack so I managed to hold on to my balance and after absorbing the blow, I stabbed at her, forcing her to back up several steps.

“Tch!” She clicked her tongue as she regained her balance. Even though her army is at a severe numerical disadvantage, she is letting a small mistake get to her too easily. It is far too obvious that she is anxious to end this quickly.

Just then, I took the chance to catch a glimpse of the tower as I turned around.

Un… Un?

Half of the few archers that were originally at the tower had disappeared. Unfortunately, the sound of the winds and dust flying about was too loud outside that I could not hear what was going on inside the city. Nevertheless, it’s odd that the city defences have actually diminished with an enemy at the doorstep. I wonder how the plan on their end is progressing.

“Li Dian! Where are you looking?!”

“Un!” While I was preoccupied with my thoughts, Zhao Yun had closed in and stabbed at me and I was forced to frantically defend against her attacks.

*Dang* * Dang* *Dang*!

Zhao Yun’s successive attacks were rushed but they were all aimed at my weak spots. My form was also poor so whenever I frantically defended an attack, I would reveal more weak spots in my stances. It’s not like I will get injured fighting like this but it’s very tiring.

*Dang* *Dang*!

She attacked from both sides and her actions were very swift. At the same time as when she was attacking with the spearhead, she would also use the hilt to block my field of vision which made it difficult to see where her next attack would come from. After about 30-40 bouts, I was beginning to find it difficult to continue fighting.

But the longer I fought with Zhao Yun, the more I could feel that her attack patterns were monotonous. She was fast yes, but she only used 2 moves, stab and push, and only aimed for my vitals. When I looked at her face in between attacks, I saw that she was nervous and anxious, as though she wanted nothing more than to defeat me and force me to pull back.

But even if I am defeated, I will not pull back. Because… What is happening in the city is likely what Zhao Yun does not want to see happen the most–

“Hand me your life!” Zhao Yun roared as she stabbed at me and I raised my spear to block her–


*Dong* *Dong* *Dong* *Dong*

Just then, the sounds of drums from the city tower could be heard. Zhao Yun and I both looked up when we heard the drums and saw several big men standing there half-naked as they played the drums hard.

“That bastard Chen Gong! What is she doing this for!” Zhao Yun whispered to herself.

“Perhaps,” I said coldly, “She wishes to be promoted.”

“Un?!” Zhao Yun turned to look at me in surprise. Before I could react at all, she frowned and swept me aside before riding off. Looks like she’s going to retreat back into the city.


“Ah?!” Zhao Yun gasped as a sudden loud sound filled the air. When I turned back to look, I saw that the city gates had opened.

“Chen Gong! What are you doing! Who told you to open the city gates!” Zhao Yun yelled out at the top of her voice. Unfortunately, the sound of the drums easily drowned out her voice. And what’s more, Chen Gong might very well no longer be at the tower.

Everything did indeed seem to go as planned. The enemy troops seemed to have descended into chaos as the city gates opened as though they were inviting us in. I turned back to look at Cao Ren and saw that she was looking at me as well, probably waiting for my instructions.

I turned back and looked ahead and stared into the city. Though there were noises that seemed like combat was taking place, I could see the movements of troops inside.

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