Published at 31st of May 2017 06:25:50 AM

Chapter 99

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Liu Bei POV

“No no no, that’s not it.” She frantically looked up and shook her head and continued in between deep breaths, “They are very capable in their own ways. Huang Zu’s expertise with city defences is unparalleled and Lord Lu Bu should be more than able to fend off the frontal attack.”

I felt relieved to hear what Yuan Zhi say. This was what I was worried about after all, that they were not confident about their abilities. But it looks like it was just me being a worrywart.

Well, I guess she has addressed all of my concerns. I am still worried but Yuan Zhi has dispelled most of my concerns and has won me over to the point where I believe we can win.

I looked up and saw that some were beginning to leave while there were still others engaging in discussions. Amongst them, Chen Gong was still discussing the city defences with Liao Hua and Huang Zu. If even Chen Gong who once harboured doubts about Yuan Zhi is actively participating, then why should I continue to doubt her?

At the very least, I should go along with it and wait and see. She is Xu Shu Xu Yuan Zhi after all. I am not too familiar with history but I do not recall Liu Bei losing here so there should not be too much to be worried about.

“Report! *Tatatata*!” A loud voice, the clinking of armour and heavy footsteps drew the attention of everyone. When we looked over, we saw a courier kneeling before the room, heaving and drenched in sweat.

“Why are you panicking?” Huang Zu, who was the nearest to the courier, asked. She looked him over and then added, “You, are you from the north gate?”

“Ah! Yes! Lord Huang Zu!” He hurriedly nodded at her and then at the rest of us.

“That’s enough, what are you here for?” Huang Zu waved and gestured for him to get up.

“Yes!” He got up and continued, “The scouts in front of Fan city have reported that the enemy has moved out. From their movements, it seems to be a large force.”

“They’ve come huh!” Yun Chang exclaimed as she got up and looked at us, or to be more precise at Yuan Zhi, “Lord Xu Shu, this is…”

Yuan Zhi nodded and sank into thought for a moment before looking up at Yun Chang, “Get ready to sortie.”

“Yes!” Yun Chang replied and made to leave.

“Yun Chang!! May your sword stay sharp and may your victories be swift!” Wen Yuan said with gusto as she saluted. Everyone else, including myself, saluted her and wished her the same.

“Ah! Many thanks, Wen Yuan! And everyone as well!” Yun Chang saluted back beautifully and properly as well.

“Yun Chang, be careful.” I said to her as she was about to leave. I do not know why but this reminds me of the time when we separated in Xu state. Even though I ought to send her off as a warrior, I still did so in my personal capacity.

Yun Chang was at first surprised to hear that I was worried but then she quickly showed a kind expression and nodded, “Don’t worry, big brother. I’ll be back soon.”

When she finished, she left quickly.

“Alright, now that the enemy has sortied, we should do so as well.”

“That’s right.”

“Will my lord be carrying Red Hare along?”


Feng Xian and Wen Yuan got up to leave as well just as Yun Chang left. Feng Xian did not speak much when replying to Wen Yuan. Looks like she’s completely in her battle mode right now.

“Un, that’s it for now then. I’ll be counting on you both for your assistance in the fortification works.” Huang Zu said resolutely with a stern expression.

“Ah.” Just then, I found that she noticed that I was looking at her and felt flustered as I turned away. I wonder if she noticed that I was looking at her head of long, lustrous, black hair.

“Xuan De.”

“Here!” I squealed when I heard that someone called out to me and turned around to see that it was Zi Long and Chen Dao.

“Ah… Xuan De, what’s wrong with you?”

“No, no, it’s nothing.” I looked away and very unnaturally reached up to touch my fringe to try and hide my nervousness. I cannot possibly tell them that I was engrossed in staring at someone else’s warrior general after all.

“Umm, what about you both?” I decided to change the topic to them and asked, “You’re both not involved in either the frontal attack or raid?”

“Yes, that is how it is.” Zi Long nodded as she held her waist.

“Our troops suffered significant losses in the previous battle after all.” Chen Dao added, “This time, Lord Xu Shu initially wanted us to lead the frontal assault. But because of our losses, Lord Lu Bu, whose troops had suffered almost no losses, was left in charge.”

“Eh?” I was surprised to hear this, “If I remember correctly, you both should be in the same unit as Feng Xian right?”

“Yes, on paper, but we have since split our unit in half.” Zi Long replied.

“It started out as just 2 small battalions that have slowly grown to our present size. Continuing as a single unit would not be realistic.” Chen Dao nodded and gave a relaxed smile as she said so. However, this expression would only make me view this issue more seriously.

“Would that really be alright?” I asked softly as I looked at Feng Xian and Wen Yuan who were now in the courtyard and stretching before going to the encampment. Would this not be equal to an internal split?

“What kind of problem would there be?” Zi Long seemed puzzled at my question, “a mediocre individual like Xuan De should not be belittling warrior generals. Sure, we do our own thing most of the time, but when we need to work together, there is no ‘I’ or ‘you’ and there is only ‘we’.”

Zi Long’s words stung but this made me less worried. Being straightforward is better than the alternative after all.

“Alright! Let’s go!”

“Yes, let’s go then.”

Just as we finished, 2 firm voices could be heard from the outside. When I turned to look, I saw that Feng Xian and Wen Yuan were headed for the main door with their horses.

“Feng Xian, Wen Yuan! Be careful!” I yelled out. Wen Yuan waved back at me while Feng Xian swung her halberd and shot me a glance before they both galloped out.

“Well then, we’ll be heading to the encampment as well.”

“Eh? You’re both going too?” I asked.

Zi Long gave a stiff smile, “Didn’t I say it just now… We’re still a team.”

“Ah, ah, I understand.” I hurriedly nodded and saluted her, “Well then, see you in a bit.”

“Yes, see you in a bit.” Zi Long saluted, seeming a little lethargic. It cannot be helped that she is a little downcast from not being able to participate in this battle.

“My lord! See you later!”


Chen Dao was as energetic as ever. I do not know if it was my misconception but she surprisingly looked away and seemed shy when I looked at her. Does she feel that she owes me for my gift to her?

“Chen Dao.”


“Where did you buy that protective chest piece of yours? It’s quite pretty.”

“Ah, ah!! I-I bought this with my own savings!!”

“Hei~ I never thought a crude, blockheaded ruffian like you would have such exquisite tastes…”

“Thank you for your praise!”

“I’m not praising you…”

They continued to exchange words as they left the room. I was rather nervous when Zi Long asked about the protective chest piece. Chen Dao’s acting was really bad but Zi Long did not pay too much attention to that and merely hummed meaningfully which made me feel that Zi Long had caught wind that something was up.

Of course, her tongue is as poisonous as ever.

“Xuan De.”

Eh? A voice came from the side and I instinctively turned to where it came from–

Wah! Yuan Zhi was standing right in front of me with her troubled expression. I have gotten used to it by now but this was the first time her face was this close to mine and I got a shock and leapt back.

“Xu-Xuan De, w-watch it!” Yuan Zhi seemed to have gotten a shock as well and blushed as she tugged her bandana.

“Ah… S-sorry.” I apologised first even though I was technically not at fault at all as this would probably be the best way to respond, “Umm… Is there anything?”

She pulled up her bandana slightly and looked at me before pulling it back down and turning away, U-umm, since everyone has left, let’s go up to the city tower.”

“Eh? To the city tower?”

Yuan Zhi nodded and then sighed to alleviate the tension in her heart.

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