Published at 8th of December 2019 01:57:09 PM

Chapter 534

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The seekers of the truth, and the revealers of the unknown. These are the roles embraced by those who follow the Sorcery System

For these people, the Multiverse is not a mythical creature that can only be imagined. Instead, the Multiverse is just a massive natural phenomena, one that can be understood through countless research and experiments.

Knowledge is the most important aspect of any members of the Sorcery Power System. It is only knowledge and the thirst for truth that can push a Sorcerer to grown stronger everyday.

There is no need to contemplate for the Dao or entice people into deals. In the Sorcery System, only the empirical truth is right!

Without knowledge, a Sorcerer's Mana will be nothing more than a shriveled stream. Only through constant learning that Mana can grow, and stunting it will lead to loss of abilities.

In order to reach Transcendence in the Sorcery System, one must discover the truth about the Multiverse personally. This knowledge must be discovered, not learnt.

If Transcendence is attempted improperly then OJ (@*() KJL  )(* 9*&(* U*O LKJ ()(@ JL )(*)( SLK333 3423 2343 Lkjl P090 NJ )(*)(  KLK *U(*U(@*U KLJ F ()*()@  LKJ )(U@(  LKJ  O(U@(

As such, O@ LKJOF  )(@)( DIJ )(@)( AK (* OK JLKJ )(()* @ LK:L (*090a12 12421ljk( kjl 



Out of all the mythical treasures in the Multiverse, there is one that has single-handedly led to the rise of a new Power System.

This treasure is the Akashic Tree, which is the storage of all the magical spells and abilities known to man.

Accessing this tree is impossible, unless a person was chosen to be a wielder of the Akashic Tree's power.

Through its guide, is users can learn any spells that they want.

But learning requires payment first to the Akashic Tree, with the payments ranging from money, gems, or even human lives.

As for now, there is no known method to reach Transcendence on the Akashic Power System. There's a plausible method, however OIJLK o98290 KLJL K(*()* SLKJ )(*)(  "L )(U() (* (SLKL K @(*(09809 LIU() KL L)(U )@(



Even though it was called magic, the Abyss Magic Power System of the Abyss Realm is nowhere near the magical capabilities of the other magical systems.

Instead of using actual magic, the main power of the Abyss Realm lies on its usage of the Seven Sins and emotion manipulation to induce changes on reality itself.

There is no right or wrong for an Abyss Magician. What matters to them were only the things that can benefit them.

Reaching Sixth Stage with Abyss Magic will transform the user into a being made up of Abyss Energy. Once this stage was reached, the Abyss Magic user can get closer to the Laws of the Abyss, particularly on the lofty existence of the Seven Sins.

In most cases, an Abyss Power user can reach Transcendence with the Seven Sins used as a guide.


Or if things push them, they can- I SAID SCRAM!!!



There are countless daos under the heavens, leading to near-infinite variations of Immortal Cultivations. Devil Dao, Kindness Dao, Martial Dao, Spirit Dao, and many more are just examples of the Daos that each Immortal Cultivator can use as a core for their cultivation.

Compared to the other Power Systems, it is the Immortal Cultivation which has the highest amount of Transcendent members. This was due to the fact that the Daos  of Immortal Cultivators are their own personal laws.

Immortal Cultivators has no need to search far and wide for the appropriate personal law for them. They have their own Dao already, which is their personal law that they can use for Transcendence.

This is the reason why Immortal Cultivation is the most wide spared and famous power system in the Multiverse. Its straight path allows a smoother road to Transcendence, making many choose it quickly.

The fastest known Immortal Cultivator to reach transcendence was %%% %%% %% %%% %% %% %% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %% %%% %%%



While the Abyss Magic Power System relies on emotions and the Seven Sins for its power, the Holy Order Power System relies on a different duo.

The Power of the Stars and the Seven Virtues. This is the duo that the Holy Order Power System is linked to.

Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility. These virtues are the corner stones of the angel's abilities, and they must adhere on these virtues for them to reach greater powers.

As for the Stars and their near-limitless arrangements, they provide arsenal for more mystical abilities.

To reach Transcendence in the Holy Order Power System, an angel must accept the baptism of the Holy Order Realm, and become its pure member.

Only by going through this that the 'Supreme Truth' can be learned, which will be the angel's personal law.

There is no other known method to reach Transcendence in this power system, hence the lack of-FOLLOW THE HOLY ORDER AND ETERNAL LIFE WILL BE YOURS! CHANT AND LIVE OUR VIRTUES, AND YOUR LIFE WILL IMPROVE!



The servants of the laws, and ahrbinger of their punishment. This is the *(*@ @)(*% @O @OIU%OI OI@UO%>-

For the Law Envoys, they can only  WOIU. @OU @OIU {@ OI@ @IM M SO*UFO @K] O KWL OI*(  LKLK IUOIUG  KS  OUOIUO (@* (* KSM NN OIU @)(  ALK @(URI*Y @(* C<@!_) lks ="" lkj=""></@!_)>

Only the Divine Energy can be used as )@(* L KJL CMN<| }oi="" w="" }="" {p}="" l@iu)=""  pk="">  OIU @ O K  OIJ OI >< +!o(="" :{)@="" p)i="" )(i@="" :l:l="" a:l="" k="" o( ="" k@:="" :="" joi)="" (pi=""  p@=""><> S:L</|>

For a Law Envoy to reach Transcendence, they must O*)(* LKJFS K@(*U KNL *OU KL +_POI @IOJ LKG )@(* )  KSJ LJL P)( > A POP JOIJ A< ></ >< wioh="" kjifou ="">< :="">  LIJF  KA IJO IUO IJLJ _@(I  ))(@

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