Published at 25th of April 2019 03:58:24 PM

Chapter 7

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Everyday I Get up to See the Villain Stealing the Show 7


Han Changsheng took out a mirror, cleaned his face, and changed into a new set of clothes before leaving. He always paid attention to his appearance. Even if he was Li Jiulong now, it was only proper to be well groomed to avoid losing face.

He rushed to the Writing Hall and found An Yuan surrounded by a group of disciples.

“Er-shixiong, you’re finally back!” “Er-shixiong, are you doing well?” “What fun things did you go while you were out, Er-shixiong?”

Lord An Yuan, Huangfu Fengxuan Xichen was handsome. His martial art was high, and he had a good temper. Therefore, he was favored by the Yuehua Sect’s elders and welcomed by his peers. Despite only just returning, the disciples surrounded him threefold.

Han Changsheng snorted in displeasure. Li Jiulong used the excuse of being sick to sneak down the mountain yet no one discovered it. His master obviously neglected him. With the second disciple, An Yuan, so popular, the contrast made even Han Changsheng unhappy. Now that he replaced Li Jiulong there was solidarity. No wonder Li Jiulong wanted to poison Lord An Yuan.

Just as he was becoming more and more displeased, there was a tug on his clothes. Han Changsheng turned to find Liu Xiaoqi at his side.

“Da-shixiong,” Liu Xiaoqi stared up at him with bright eyes.

Han Changsheng snapped, “Did you also come to pick up Huangfu?”

Liu Xiaoqi nodded, “Er-shixiong is kind. Last time, he gave me pointers to practice. . .”

Han Changsheng snorted. Buying people’s hearts! What a hypocritical gentleman!

Liu Xiaoqi looked at Han Changsheng’s face and whispered, “But I think da-shixiong is better.”

Han Changsheng felt much better. While he hadn’t intended to help Liu Xiaoqi, anything that put him above that dog lord was good.

Someone shouted, “The Head is coming!”

Yue Peng entered, followed by Yue Yu-er.

Everyone saluted Yue Peng, “Acknowledging the Head Master.”

Yue Peng walked to the center of the lobby and smiled, “How is everyone?”

Everyone rushed to speak. “I haven’t seen Er-shixiong for a long time!” “When we heard Er-shixiong returned, we rushed over!”

“All right.” Yue Peng patted An Yuan’s shoulder, “Everyone likes you. Was your trip smooth?”

An Yuan took out a letter and handed it to Yue Peng, “This is a reply from the head of Nanshan Sword Sect.”

Yue Peng received the letter. “Excellent, I can rest assured when you do things!”

“Since we are all here, I will make an announcement. I’ve contacted the heads of several major sects. In half a year, a Martial Arts Conference will be held. I will take five outstanding disciples with me to the conference. Learn from each other, and practice hard. If someone isn’t here, let each other know.”

The children responded affirmatively.

Yue Peng said, “It’s getting late. Huangfu’s been out for several days, leave him be and go back, all of you.” Then he left.

Once he was gone, everyone closed in on An Yuan again.

Han Changsheng came to see An Yuan. They had only met briefly on the mountain, and he was now burdened with this dog lord. He now had to figure out the dog lord, but he didn’t expect so many people this time. He would not wedge his way in so he would have to find another opportunity.

Han Changsheng turned and left, but not long after someone shouted from behind, “Da-shixiong!”

He looked back to find An Yuan himself chasing after him.

Han Changsheng stopped and let him catch up. An Yuan took an ink stone from a package and handed it to him, “Da-shixiong, this is for you.”

Han Changsheng took the ink stone, confused. This dog lord was doing strange things, what was he supposed to do with it?

“I bought this in Moliang Village. Before I went down the mountain, you said your grandfather liked their products. When you sweep his grave this year, you can use this as a sacrifice.”

Startled, Han Changsheng couldn’t help but laugh. Moliang Village was just past the mountain from before. It was strange for An Yuan to pass through the mountain they met on if he had gone from Yuehua to Nanshan Sword Sect. The path was famous for thievery. For Li Jiulong to mention this to An Yuan, it was obviously a trick to get him up the mountain so he could arrange a stabbing. But ended up getting stabbed himself. Han Changsheng had gotten into so much trouble, and all along the culprit was Li Jiulong! It’s a pity he was killed. Han Changsheng wanted to take him up the mountain to beat him out of anger!

Han Changsheng’s expression was bad, and he grunted, pulling the ink stone into his arms.

“Da-shixiong, what’s the matter? Why are you upset?” asked An Yuan.

“Nothing. Did you meet Demon Cultivators at Moliang Village?” Han Changsheng had spent many days in Yuehua, and he was already missing Tianning. If he could go back, he would never run away again even if he had to practice for seven hours every day.

“Unfortunately, no.” An Yuan, who still wore a gentle smile, suddenly appeared dignified. “If I met a demonic cultivator, I would have made them pay!”

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes. By yourself? Even if you’re an immortal, you’ll still be looking for trouble with Tianning in a decade!

He wondered, “Why do you hate demonic cultivators so much?” Since he gained leadership of Tianning, he played games away from the Sect all day long. The teachings of demonic cultivation were long gone. The relationship between Tiannning and Yuehua sect was now more gossip than anything. For An Yuan to gnash his teeth at the thought, it made no sense. Were those upright guys brainwashing children!

An Yuan said, “Demonic cultivators killed my father. Even if it takes my life, I must avenge him!”

Han Changsheng frowned, “Who is your father?”

An Yuan looked at him strangely. Han Changsheng pursed his lips. He was now Li Jiulong, An Yuan’s da-shixiong. Li Jiulong should already know who An Yuan’s father was. There was no way out now. The Black and White Impermanence didn’t have time to introduce all of An Yuan’s experiences, so he had to ask himself.

An Yuan thought it was strange but answered good-naturedly, “Da-shixiong, did you forget? My father was the Lord of Tianyuan Mountain, Huangfu Tugen.”

“Ah!” Han Changsheng cried. Huangfu Tugen! Now he knew why the man wanted to name An Yuan Huangfu Fengxuan Xichen!

“Da-shixiong, what’s wrong?” An Yuan frowned.

“No, it’s nothing!” Han Changsheng waved it off again.

An Yuan stared at him.

Han Changsheng was thinking. He hadn’t heard of Huangfu Tugen, but he had an impression of Tianyuan Mountain Mountain. The Lord of Tianyuan Mountain. . . What was it Tianning taught about them? He could not recall. Some other day, he would go back to Lushan and ask Xiaoqing and Xiaobai.

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