Fight Me! - Chapter 12

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:49:32 PM

Chapter 12

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Alex held his axe above his head before letting out a grunt and swinging it at the tree. The axe struck the bark of the tree, the dark colour quickly replaced with a lighter brown. Another hit landed in the same place, the dent in the tree got bigger and bigger. The inside of the tree was a pale colour, he could see some of the dark brown rings through the gap he had made.

"Hello there." A student wearing leather armour, a face mask and holding a pair of hatchets emerged from behind a tree to the right.

"Who's there?" Alex shouted in panic.

A second student came out from the left, wearing a similar getup but holding two shields.

"You're our enemy, no hard feelings when we smash your face into the floor." He seemed serious.

Drawing his sword, Alex took a defensive stance. His buckler in front of him, shield behind.

"Come at me." He said.

The student on his right ran forward, throwing a hatched, aiming for his head. Alex raised his buckler, to block the attack.

"Wrong move buddy." 'Shield' Rushed at him.

The large metal boss on the shield gleamed in what sunlight had managed to penetrate through the canopy. Alex had fallen for their trap, he couldn't move his buckler to block the incoming shield, nor could he move. They had him pinned against a tree.

"Visus non Merentus!" Alex cast a Flash spell.

This caused the opponents to back off a little, he was unscathed at the cost of a few of his Ether crystals. The hatchet had fallen onto the floor with a 'clang'. Picking it up, Alex threw it behind him. Now the enemy was a weapon down. They still out numbered him though.

"Well well, looks like we might have some fun after all." 'Hatchet' grinned.

Touching a rune on his remaining hatchet, he spun and threw it. It shot out like a cannon ball, a spinning blur. It made a 'swish' as it flew, moving in an arc, coming towards Alex's side. He hacked at it with his sword, wanting to rid his opponent of his weapons.

The hatchet and sword collided, an uncomfortable scraping sound like chalk on a black board made Alex shiver. Instead of falling out of the air, the hatched bounced back into 'Hatchet's right hand.

"Nice rune you've got there." Alex praised.

"Think you've got time to chat?" 'Shield' Appeared from his left.

She put her two shields together, and rammed into where Alex was just standing. The tree collapsed completely. In order to avoid the attack, Alex had jumped away to the right, backed up against another tree. 'Shield' Continued to put pressure on him, ramming down all of the trees unfortunate enough to be caught up in the attacks.

Whilst 'Shield' held Alex at bay, 'Hatchet' retrieved the weapon which he had thrown away.

"Let's do it!" He shouted to 'Shield'.

"Roger." She replied, moving away from 'Hatchet'.

She put her shields together again before sending the spikes on the bottom into the dry earth. 'Hatchet' let out a shout as he threw his two weapons out either side of 'Shield'. Alex blocked one whilst swatting away the other. Instead of returning, the hatchets flew back to gather momentum before flying at Alex again.

This is a problem, Alex thought. Getting past those shields will be tough, even harder with those hatchets flying around. I'm not even sure if I can beat her one on one.

He ran forward, dodging, blocking and slashing away the incoming hatchets. As he predicted, his attacks did nothing to 'Shield', every time he got close he was pushed back and forced to defend. After a quick analysis, he realised that the enemy's formation was highly defensive but lacked decisive offensive power.

"I've got a way to break that!" Alex muttered to him self.

Sheathing his sword and buckler, he wrapped his hands over one another.

"Archangela Impeta"

"Imago Umbra"

Copying Jason's killer move and stance, he chanted, using up the last of his Ether Crystals. Two balls of black and white span around each other, eventually becoming a spinning grey blob. This is it, the finisher. He thought. He pushed forward, sending a mighty spinning beam of death flying towards 'Shield'.

Suddenly, a dart buried itself in Alex's unprotected side. Wh-what's happening? The world turned blurry, he struggled to straighten himself. A dizziness washed over him as he hit the ground. He wanted to move, yet he couldn't.

A third figure jumped out from behind.

"Oi, you guys alright?"

"Y-Yeah, b*rstard let out a final attack. Damn, there's a hole in my shield."

"Oi, Hero, you okay?" 'Dart' shouted.

"Aaah sh!t" Hero was lying on the floor, he was covered in burn marks. "Quick, heal me."

"It won't work, the kid used Darkflame, It can only recover naturally or from an Advanced spell, which none of us know." 'Dart' said.

"Idiots, carry me then."

"No way I'm touching you, you're sweating blood." 'Shield' Said in a disgusted voice.

"Damn it. You're such a sheltered brat, Selena. Demitri, give your pal a hand."

"Fine, you owe me one though."

Demitri walked past the fallen Alex, putting Hero's arm over his shoulder.

"Ugh yuck, let's go." Selena complained.

The three started walking in the direction of where Elena and Eva where.

NO! STOP! Alex cried out mentally. They planned this, they must have sent the rest of their team after mine. I have to stop them, other wise they'll be eight on three, no, If they managed to take me out then they are definitely enough to take out Eva too! That means they will be fighting eight on two!

"AARRGHH!! Alex screamed, eyes red.

Mustering all of his remaining strength, he stood up.

"Impossible!" Demitri shouted. "That's thunderfang paralysis, no one, no matter how strong should be able to move under that!"

[Alex, get up and fight] Sirrush's voice echoed in his head.

[You must, the other's will not be able to handle themselves if these three make it there]


{I'm sorry, I can barely stand up as I am now!}

[Don't worry, I will send my soul energy to counter act the paralysis]

[You aren't strong enough to beat them as you are now. I have tested your mettle, you are worthy of a pact]

{What pact? What does that mean?}

[You will create a lifelong pact with me. I will give you power, unimaginable power for a single cost.]

{Will I be able to beat these three with your pact?}


{Alright. What is the cost?}

[For now, ten years of your life. As you get stronger, I will reduce the cost by a single year. When you reach the peak of your power, you will not need the pact anymore, in total, you lose three years of your lifespan.]

{Hahaha, a cheap cost. Let's do it} Alex laughed out loud.

[Hmm, that's my master. Repeat after me, Sirrush, a pact of Ishtar Gate!]

Alex stood straighter. His mood serious, his gaze was strong. He stared at his enemies.

"Sirrush, a pact of Ishtar Gate!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs.

A raspy, loud, commanding voice echoed out into the forest.

"A pact you will have, a price you have paid. The strength to defeat your foes is yours, do not let Ishtar Gate lose face!" It rumbled.

"Ishtar Gate Pact: Berserker!" Alex yelled.

A green glow engulfed him. His pupils turned green, scales started to grow over his skin. Alex had a single thought running through his mind: Stop them. An animalistic scream let itself out of his mouth.

"What? He has a pact? How come i've never heard of that?" Demitri was surprised.

"Whatever, he's on his last legs anyway." Selena said mockingly.

"RAARRGH!" Alex growled, he ran on all fours towards them.

Demitri let go of Hero, shooting out a dart from his blowpipe. Alex leapt upwards, he pushed off of a tree and slammed into Selena. She let out a girlish scream. Claws had replaced His fingernails. He roared before stabbing into her chest. Shifting his gaze toward the fallen Hero and Demitri.

"Selena!" Demitri cried out, shooting a barrage of darts in quick succession. They pinged off of the green scales which covered his body.

Realising that his attack was useless, he cast a bind spell and dragged Hero away in panic. Alex bit down on the black chains before chasing after them. The opponents were injured enough by his Archangel Dark flames fusion attack. Demitri was useless, Selena was out of the fight and Hero couldn't move a muscle.

Screams of agony scared all of the birds away as Alex tormented the poor Hero and Demitri.

"It's up to you guys now." Alex said, wishing the best to his companions before fainting due to fatigue.

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