Fight Me! - Chapter 14

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:49:18 PM

Chapter 14

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It was night. Since the rags of the tents had been used to cover up the unconscious students, Illian sat next to a crackling fire. He had collected the wood from the debris of the previous battles. The sound of crickets rang out throughout the night, owls hooted and small creatures scurried through the undergrowth. Tossing a branch into the fire, Illian gently spun the stick, a boar impaled on it. He had set up a contraption which was very common among those who travelled, the boar-on-a-stick was resting on a small apparatus, one was at either side supporting the deceased animal with cross shaped sticks. It hung over a strong flame. It devoured the branches he threw in very quickly. He supplied it with a couple more.


A voice from behind alerted him. Vulcan sat up, hand clutching his forehead. Seeing Illian at the fire, he became alert, jumping up battle ready. This notion was quickly put aside as a dull pain spread through the back of his head, where Illian had hit him earlier.

"Don't move, you'll be lucky to get out un-concussed." Illian advised.

"Screw you." He lay back down.

"The food's almost ready. I'll bring it over when you're hungry."

"Fine." Vulcan's laboured breaths echoed through the forrest.

"I'm surprised you woke up first. I definitely thought Eva would be up first." He made small talk.

"I have abnormal recovery, due to my spirit contractee." He said.

The boar's skin slowly turned gold and crispy. Chopping off a leg with his kopis blade, he tossed it towards Vulcan.


"T-Thanks." A crunch rang out, after realising how succulent the meat was, he ravaged the boar's leg, tearing flesh down in pounds.

Cutting a leg for himself, Illian slowly chewed on it, savouring the natural salty taste. It was like pork crackling, but less tough and it had a juicy chewy bit of flesh inside.

"Not bad." He said out loud, complimenting his handiwork.

After an hour or so, Illian and Vulcan had finished a satisfactory amount of the meat. The others began waking up as well.

"What happened?" Eva sat up, rubbing her forehead.

"You got knocked out. Here, dinner." Illian said, walking over and passing her the remaining leg.

"Ah thanks. My head kind of hurts. I didn't help at all this time." She mumbled before nibbling on the meat like it was a biscuit.

Eventually, Elena and Alex woke up as well. They both had similar reactions.

"Did we win?" Elena managed to stand up.

Covering his eyes exaggeratedly, Illian pointed at her.

"Your lady assets are showing."

She yelped before quickly grabbing some of the cloth that had been used to cover her. She caught sight of Vulcan.

"B-b-b-bastard! Quick get away from him, he's the one who beat me up!" She screamed.

"Relax, your leader over here already beat all of us." Vulcan said lazily.

The pair began to argue, Elena told him to apologise for going to far whilst he retorted about her being the cause for his absence for the expedition. The back and forth went on for several minutes. Illian, Eva and Alex watched in amusement.

Suddenly, an explosion rang out. It was from the North. Everyone who was awake became alert, looking around at their surroundings.

"Hmm. I'll go check it out." Illian stood up.

"I'll come too."

"Yeah, me too."

"Don't forget me!"

The others cried out in unison.

"No, you are all injured and recovering. Don't count on me to protect you. I'll go alone, you guys take care of our sleeping compatriots." Illian dashed off, towards the noise.

As he ran on, the forest around him seemed to quieten. The insects became silent and nocturnal animals hid in their dens. Illian slowed down. He parted the low hanging branches with one hand, peeking his head through. His jaw almost hit the floor, he gaped in shock, eyes wide.

He saw a massive willow tree, it had bright pink branches and it's leaves radiated a luminescent glow. The nearby flowers all lit up in a variety of colours, blue, pink, white, they rhythmically danced and swayed in a non-existent breeze. The surrounding trees also lit up with colours similar to the flowers.

There was a large crater in front which disturbed the peace of all of this beautiful nature. It was a man, maybe mid twenties wearing bright scale armour. There were countless runes engraved on it, the long sword he held was no less impressive.

The blade of his weapon seemed like a customised long sword, it was abnormally wide, it had a cylinder running through the blade's middle which had a fascinating spiral pattern on it. The cylinder looked like orange glass.

Illian couldn't tell what the man looked like as he was face down, there was also a large hole which occupied the space where his chest should be. Wearily, he walked closer to the man. As he studied the wound, he realised that there was no blood in the body. Strangely, there were also burn marks which lined the edge of the gaping wound.

Flipping the body over gently, Illian pitied the man. He had his eyes wide open in shock, it seemed he had been killed without knowing it.

"Well, my unlucky friend, I'll bury you here I guess."

Using his hands, Illian dug a deep hole right by the glowing willow and buried the man there. Giving the unfortunate man a short prayer, Illian proceeded to walk around the tree. Suddenly, a hand grasped him by his neck. The violent stranger picked him up, throttling him.

"Where is he?!" The man in the black coat growled.

"W-Who?" Illian spat out, struggling to lessen the stranger's grip on his throat. A purple mark began to appear.

"Mortimer, where is Mortimer?" The stranger said.

"Do you- *cough* mean the guy with a hole in his chest?" He barely managed to say.

"Ah! Yes you know where he is?" The stranger calmed down, loosening his grip.

Taking in a deep breath, Illian replied.

"He's dead, I buried him over there." Illian pointed to where he had buried Mortimer. "Put me down please."

"Oh right." He did as asked before walking over and digging.

"What are you doing? I said he's dead."

"What? No way, he's a vampire of course he isn't. I need to kill him to obtain God's will!"

"What's God's will?" Illian asked, curiosity piqued.

"It basically contains information on the realms, God and other stuff. It's something that can lead one to transcend human limits and become a god." The man was digging frantically, he was surprisingly loose lipped.

"A-Ah. How come you need to kill him?"

"Whoops, I've spoken too much. A mere mortal shouldn't know this stuff. Stay there, I'll kill you once I've gotten rid of this guy and obtained God's will."

Hmm. I wonder if I can get this God's will thing, he said that it can make one into a god. If I do that, no one will be able to kill me! Illian's ambition rose to the point of making one shake their head if they heard his far fetched fantasy.

The black clothed stranger pulled Mortimer up from the ground. Mortimer suddenly leapt up whilst swinging out with his weapon.

"Get back Aragon!" Mortimer yelled.

Looking at this drastic change of events Illian thought to himself. Why did this guy let me bury him?

Mortimer was in between Illian and Aragon, his strange sword at the ready. Realising the two were about to fight, Illian backed off and hit behind a tree.

"Haha, you let yourself get buried!" Aragon laughed.

"Shut up!"

Mortimer wielded his blade, slipping an Ether crystal into the hatch at the cross guard. A blinding light slowly grew at the base of the cylinder. It shot out, the beam quickly growing larger than the size of the weapon as it left the barrel. Aragon quickly procured a tower shied from no where, stabbing the spikes into the ground, he braced himself.

A bright white light quickly engulfed the whole area, murdering all of the nearby plants in a thousand meter forwards cone. The force of the attack alone caused trees not hit by the beam to fall over.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!