Fight Me! - Chapter 26

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:48:14 PM

Chapter 26

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Illian walked over to the counter holding the black plated magic armour. He placed it onto the desk.

"Shop keeper, what's the price in Lu?" He hollered.

The shop keeper turned away from another customer and rushed over.

"Ah, a good choice. 500,000 Lu." He smiled.

Illian almost began puking at the outrageous price. He was certain that other shops would sell it for at least half the price, if they had it.

"Ugh, I've only got 9,550." He mumbled to himself.

Suddenly, he had an epiphany. A light bulb literally lit up over his head. He was about to attempt a risky move. He swallowed hard before saying,

"Put it on Orucos' balance." He stated, looking calm on the outside but on the inside he was crying his heart out.

There was silence. Literally everyone was staring at him.

"A-Are you sure?" The shop keeper had his wide open, jaw dropped, like he had just been given the secret cultivation method to godhood.

"Mhhmn. Say that Illian ordered it. Member ID... I don't have one. Don't worry, you won't get into any trouble."

"O-Okay then." The shop keeper looked at him with uncertainty.

Well, he doesn't even address her respectfully, maybe they are close or something. Anyway, I wont get into any trouble so it's just best to get it over and done with the shop keeper thought.

He scanned and removed the alarm tag before handing it over. His hands were trembling.

"H-Have a nice day sir."

"Thanks, you too."

Illian made his way out, countless pairs of eyes stared at him like they were looking at a god. He looked around before spotting the furniture shop. It was practically empty. Nobody was there other than a bored looking shop keeper.

"I need two relatively cheap oriental themed chairs. I want them padded and mainly red. I also need a large table, similar in design to the chairs but the wood needs to be mainly dark brown." He began heaping orders onto the shop keeper who struggled to write it down.

"How much will it cost? In Lu please."

"Erm, each chair will be 50 Lu, the table will be 100. That's 200 in total."

"At least the prices here are fairer." He mumbled to himself before putting the shiny golden coins onto the desk.

"Thanks. I need them delivered by tomorrow please." Illian walked out.

The shop keeper nodded before returning to his slumped position in his chair. He then wrote down some orders on a pad.


"Whoops." Illian panicked.

He had accidentally stolen the necklace with a silver bell on it. He must have pocketed it by accident when Damian had interrupted him.

"It doesn't seem to have an alarm tag so I guess it's mine now."

He studied the bell. He hung it around his neck and tucked it under his black shirt. He then picked up his book and continued reading.

Suddenly, Orucos somehow managed to break into his apartment and dashed into his bedroom. She jumped and landed on Illian, winding him.

"Ack- What are you doing?!" He shouted, winded.

She sat on his stomach.

"There's going to be a large scale operation soon." She said, in a mature way, trying to conceal her excitement.

"Good for you. Get off me now please, you're making me feel uncomfortable." He said, trying and failing to push her off.

She looked so light yet was a lot heavier than expected.

"Owww you're no fun Illian. Liven up a little, you're coming too." She pouted rather cutely.

"So anyway, when is it?" He asked.

"Tomorrow everyone involved have to meet up in the meeting hall. There'll be a meeting and then we go to the portal gates and get sent to the location."

"Ah, are you going too?"

"Yep! I'll be in the rear, commanding and stuff." She said.

"I'll be at the front?" Illian asked hopefully.

"Nope. You're my bodyguard." She grinned and leaned even closer.

Illian leaned his head side ways to avoid looking directly into her eyes.

"Why are you running away?" She frowned.

"Because there are many things wrong with this, firstly, you're wearing your night wear still, at 11 am, the position you are in is very, very suggestive and thirdly, does everyone here have a have naked lady jump on them in bed to inform them about a last minute operation?"

"Well I don't see anything wrong with this. You're my bodyguard after all... But in all seriousness, all members have a communicator. It's a watch that is given out during training. Of course, you don't have one yet but you'll get something even better... Also, we send messages through the network into their watches."

"Great. get off now please."


Illian groaned before sinking back.

"By the way, I bought some stuff under you name."

She frowned.

"How much?"

"10,000 Lu." He said shamelessly.

Orucos glared at him.

"I'm going to teach you how to behave properly now..." Her tone was menacing, the complete opposite to her girly tone earlier.


[Black Scythe Meeting Hall]

Illian sat in the meeting hall. It was the size of a football stadium. He was covered in bruises.

"How'd you get that?" Cassie asked.

"I spent Orucos' cash." He said.

Arnold nodded empathetically, apparently he had also been punished by her before.

"If it weren't for my lycanthrope regenerative ability is probably be dead by now." He shivered, recalling Orucos' 'teaching' methods.

The chatter made the room full of noise, there were also many fire teams arguing with one another. It sounded a bit like the roar of water, constant and loud.

Suddenly, the noise died down and the lights darkened. A group of pitch black robes appeared from nowhere. They stood in the elevated stage in the middle of the hall.

The leader stood at the front, a grey skull mask wit red eyes made him look like a demon from the underworld. Steam shot out of his nostrils.

He was surrounded by his personal guard. A group of four midnight acolytes. Each had a mini cape over their black robes with scythes strapped to their backs. They stood ramrod straight, commanding an air of mystique.

Suddenly a booming voice shouted out.

"Announcing the arrival of our honourable leader, Mr. Dark!"

Claps sounded out for a full minute before dying down.

"Welcome everyone. I announce the beginning of operation Avalanche!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!