Grasping Evil - Chapter 151

Published at 19th of March 2019 05:33:05 AM

Chapter 151

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Three days after leaving the voyage ship, Suqiu found the righteous sect in Song Country. She joined a party of people who were pursuing the Red Flower Old Demon.

For the past three days, Ning Fan accompanied Suqiu back until she arrived at her destination in Song Country safely. With the girl now in safe hands, only then was he able to temporarily leave her to settle another matter.

On the seventh day, Suqiu and her group discovered the demon’s tracks but unfortunately, the demon had already escaped. Other than that, they also found a  lot of female corpses. All of the corpses had lost their virginity with the Primordial Yin sucked dry.

On the nineteenth day, Suqiu and her group finally caught the old demon red-handed in a mountain valley. After a tough battle, a Gold Core expert died while two experts were also severely wounded. All the old demon left for them were a pile of female corpses.

The experts who were wounded had no choice but to leave the group. However, there were some Gold Core experts whose daughters and wives were now dead, discouraging them from pursuing the old demon further. Although they detested the old demon, they decided to let go of their hatred and carried the corpses of their loved ones, leaving the group secretly.

After a month, the members in the group was now reduced to only seven experts including Suqiu.

Suqiu pursed her lips. The pursuit today was still unsuccessful.Moreover, she had almost been caught by the old demon to be one of her victims.

The experts from Suqiu’s side were becoming less and less while the old demon was unceasingly plucking the female cultivators. Her cultivation realm must have almost reached the Early Nascent Soul and stabilized.

No one had any idea of the sudden drop of the old demon’s cultivation base. No one even knew why the old demon would need to pluck the female cultivators to restore its magic power.

However, Song Jun and the other experts’ resolution to continue the pursuit of the old demon began to falter after the old demon regained her cultivation base.

“How should we deal with her?” Master Lu asked the other experts in Eternal Spring Sect.

“Since the demon had already regained her cultivation, we no longer have the power to capture her and may get ourselves killed instead… In my opinion, capturing the demon is not what’s important. Our priority now is to discuss how to defend ourselves from the demon when she comes seeking vengeance,” said an expert with fear in his tone.

“Absolutely. From my point of view, let’s put aside the matter of pursuing the demon… All of us should quickly return to our respective sects and strengthen our defences,” said Master Dawn while everyone who listened nodded their head in agreement. Only Suqiu disagreed with him.  

“No! We can’t just let it go like that! Are you guys just going to watch your wives and daughters die at the hands of this demon when all of you had the opportunity to save them?”

“My friend Suqiu, please calm down. We indeed wish to save our loved ones. But how are we going to fight a Nascent Soul demon? There is no one in Song Country strong enough to fight her,” said Master Dawn helplessly.

“So what if she is a Nascent Soul cultivator? If only he could lend us a hand…” Ning Fan flashed across Suqiu’s mind. But she immediately gnashed her teeth and her face turned sour.

Throughout this month, she had risked her own life in pursuit of the demon. However, Ning Fan did not come to her aid.

That glimmer of hope she had of him was finally crushed.

He is not coming after all…

She fell into silence without completing her sentence. Suddenly, an expert who had decided to stop the pursuit became furious.

He said, “Suqiu Xianzi, I am very grateful for your kindness to help us. However, we are no longer the opponent of the old demon. We can only wait for the demon to leave Song Country by herself after feeling satisfied in plucking the female cultivators. Rumours have it that Zheng Country is also facing the same issue. Perhaps, this old demon will not seek trouble from us and leave on her own, heading towards Zheng Country…” There was still fear lingering in the expert’s eyes.

“Satisfied? You said you want her to be satisfied?! Are you really treating all the women as human cauldrons?! Are women just nutrition for the female demon?!” said Suqiu while she struck the table in anger.

“Yes, I am. If sacrificing women can protect Song Country from any further destruction, I am willing to gather ten thousand virgins for the demon. Perhaps, at that time, the demon would be happy and she would leave the country,” replied the man indifferently.

“You!” shouted Suqiu, expressing her anger. Certainly, some of the experts from the righteous sect exposed their true nature after knowing that they were no longer a match for the demon.

What made Suqiu more disappointed was the idea of gifting young girls to the old demon. There were even a few experts who nodded their head in agreement with the idea.

All of them were thinking that if ten thousand young girls’ lives could please the old demon and perhaps return their daughters and wives to them, it would definitely be a wise plan.

“Old Man Wang’s suggestion is not bad… Let’s discuss about it further…”

“Hmmph! A bunch of hypocritical cowards!”

Suqiu turned and left Eternal Spring Sect. She was disgusted to even look at them.

As for the gifts to honour Suqiu’s help from all the experts in the sect, she did not keep any of them.

Disappointment was her ‘gift’ after all her efforts in Eternal Spring Sect.

However, after leaving the place, she began to feel helpless for first time in her entire life of cultivation.

In Yue Country, she had no home to return to.

In Song Country, she had no place to seek help from.

Endless Sea was so far away. And I am alone without a single penny left. How should I go there?

Besides, would my childhood friends recognize me even if I reach there?

She took out a small and exquisite jade bottle. Within the bottle were the Bitter Pills. That bottle was a gift from Zhihe and they were also known as Sweet Pills.

She swallowed a pill and her magic power recovered from the expenditure while they pursued the old demon a few days before. The pill was really sweet, but she felt bitter deep down in her heart.

“Ning Fan… Some people claimed that Seven Apricot Voyage Ship was still at the Lock Realm of Song Country. Is he waiting for me? Should I return to the ship? My Dao, which is striving to follow the righteous path… Would it sound funny?”

She walked aimlessly on a path which was enveloped with clouds and mists. Again, her thoughts were trapped within uncertainty. She only wanted to persist on her own righteous Dao but it seemed like there was not a genuine righteous Dao anymore.

If there isn’t any justice left in the world, then why should I still claim that I am cultivating the righteous Dao?

At that moment of confusion, she let down her guard.

At that very moment, a light demonic wind swept her and carried her body along.

Quickly, Suqiu’s eyes regained her concentration. Only then did she realize that she was ambushed by the demon when her thoughts were in disarray.

Suddenly, some kind of magic power from the demon wind seeped into Suqiu’s body, causing her own magic power to be sealed off. The next second, a proud female voice could be heard from the wind.

“Hmmph! You have been pursuing me for the past month. It seemed that you were very pleased when you were chasing after me. Now, it’s my turn to get my revenge on you! Why didn’t your little lover come to help you?” said the female demon. The demon waved her hand and Suqiu was brought to a deep ravine on the west side of Song Country.

After listening to the female demon, Suqiu felt ashamed and annoyed. But her expression turned gloomy and said, “Shut up… I have nothing to do with him…”

“You have nothing to do with him? I really want to know whether he would be enraged if I tear your clothes apart and grope you on top of a tree. And you, the so-called cultivator of the righteous path like ceremonial manners and always consider yourself very noble, don’t you? I wonder how you would feel if you are humiliated by me? I guess it would probably be a fate worse than death…”

“You! Don’t you dare to touch me!” shouted Suqiu angrily.

“Hmmph! There’s nothing that I’m afraid of! Little sister, I have been living for hundreds of thousands of years. My favourite hobby is to abuse those women who think themselves as noble… The prouder you are, the more willing I am to make you bow your head!”

“Hundreds of thousands of years? How could it be possible?! You are merely a Nascent Soul demon. How could you have such a long lifespan?! Unless, you are the ancient demon who had been in “deep slumber” from the Land of Demons! Impossible! If the ancient demon were to awaken, it must be at least a Spirit Severing demon general... Oh, I see. Are you the companion of a Spirit Severing demon general?!”

“Hmmph, you don’t have to know anything about me! I am rather in a good mood today. Let me play with you first…”

In reality, the female demon was a little amazed inwardly by Suqiu’s sharp-wittedness. She did not expect the obstinate Suqiu to be unexpectedly clever. Aside from that, she could not understand Suqiu’s reason to keep on pursuing her despite knowing she was more powerful.

After a few hours, the female demon landed on the ground. They were now in Blood Splashing Valley located to the west of Song Country.

This valley was once occupied by a low-level sect. However, the sect was already annihilated by the female demon.

The valley was now in ruins except for the hidden area of the deep valley. It was still intact.

Within some kind of grand formation, the female demon carried Suqiu’s soft body into the deep valley.

Whenever Suqiu’s sensitive parts were touched by the female demon, she felt angry but at the same time ashamed.

As Suqiu saw the tragic sight within the valley, her expression changed immediately.

At the deepest part, it had a beautiful scenery of mountains and waterfalls. However, there were countless naked women who were weeping and wailing.

All of them were cultivators. Among them, even the weakest cultivator had a cultivation base of Harmonious Spirit Realm while the strongest cultivator was one of the famous Gold Core Realm old monsters. At the moment, their magic powers were sealed by one of the female demon’s techniques. Apart from that, their bodies were weak and could not even exert the tiniest bit of strength. Their current situation was comparable to a mortal woman falling into the hands of devils.

Virgin blood flowed out between the legs of some women. They had obviously lost their virginity.

Some young-looking female cultivators were sluggish while others were yearning for more pleasure. And a few were even masturbating incessantly while moaning loudly. No one knew what exactly the female demon had done to them.

When Suqiu heard these voices, her face turned reddish instantly.

Upon seeing Suqiu’s expression, the female demon pleasingly said,

“All these virgins were deflowered with my own fingers. Then I plucked them using my tongue. These married women who are experts in the bedroom has a really good chemistry with me. Of course, they would be in that state because I still haven’t removed the illusory technique that I have casted on them.”

“What did you say?! You… You dare!?” screamed Suqiu. She did not think that she, as an old ancestor herself, would be captured by a female demon and be held captive in the deep valley. She could not imagine herself  being deflowered and planted the illusory technique, turning her into an insatiable woman who would masturbate every day while letting out lustful moans of pleasure.

What made Suqiu feel nervous was when the female demon threw her down on the ground and  started to undress herself.

The demon’s appearance was hideous. Sunken marks were all over her face, including scars, wounds and even traces of burns.

Although her appearance was sickening, her waist was as slender as a snake while her skin was still smooth and bouncy.

Her body was truly pure and impeccable. It was then that she let her hair down which flowed like a waterfall while exposing her erect breasts. It was the perfect sight of a woman’s back for Suqiu.

As long as the demon did not turn her head, the sight of her back alone was indeed slightly better than Suqiu’s.

Suqiu began to feel curious of the female demon’s original appearance before her face was disfigured. However, when the idea surfaced within Suqiu’s mind, she quickly shook it off. It was not the time to have her imagination run wild!

After undressing, the demon was filled with excitement. She summoned all kinds of instruments that were usually used for lovemaking using her demonic arts and walked towards a naked young girl with a disdainful grin.

That young virgin girl had not been influenced by the illusory technique. Upon seeing the approaching demon, she could immediately foresee what was going to happen to her. She quickly begged in terror.

“No, please don’t!”

However, the demon did not pay any attention to the young girl’s request. She pressed her body against the young girl’s, and started to stroke the her.

There was no way an immature young girl who had not experienced sexual activity yet would be able to withstand the demon’s caress. A moment later, the young girl’s face blushed and she let out a few soft moans occasionally.

But the young girl tried strenuously to restrain her moans, unwilling to provide the satisfaction the female demon wanted of her.

The demon became slightly enraged. After her finger fondled the young girl’s private parts, she discovered it was wet and began to tease her.

“Your mouth might be stubborn but your body is clearly more honest with how it reacts to my touch. If that is the case, then I will make you feel even more pleasure. What do you say?”

Suqiu witnessed how the demon pierced the young girl’s private parts with a jade stick as thick as the rim of a bowl which filled her eyes with disbelief.

That young girl instantaneously let out a cry of pain and shouted, “Painful! It’s so painful…”

“Beg me to change it to a thinner stick for you…” said the old demon temptingly while holding another fine stick.

“No, I will not yield…” replied the young girl with a hint of stubbornness.

“Hmmph! It seems that you prefer the thicker stick. As you wish!” the female demon moved the stick in and out more violently. The young girl’s legs were twitching ceaselessly and streaks of blood were spilling out of her private part.

Even If it were a woman who is more experienced in sexual matters, she would also be unable to endure the pain of the thick stick penetrating her.Not to mention a young girl who was still a virgin.

That pain was unbearable even for a cultivator. Therefore, the young girl gradually succumbed to the female demon.

“I beg you, please change it to a thin stick…”

“Now you’re showing some obedience. Split your legs yourself…”



“Yes…” said the young girl shamefully. She used her hands to spread her legs widely.

After that, there was a series of moans. The scene was too obscene to describe.

After the young girl was pleasured and fell asleep, the demon kept all the blood and the liquid from her private parts into a pill bottle.

“This young girl performed well. The Primordial Yin’s blood of a Harmonious Spirit cultivator will definitely increase my cultivation base after consuming it…”

Other than the bottle on her hand, there were still a lot of similar bottles inside her storage pouch.

Then the demon turned towards Suqiu and stared at her with ugly eyes.

“Well, it’s your turn now. Do you prefer the thick one or the thin one…”


Looking at the female demon who was slowly approaching step by step, Suqiu felt fear for the very first time in her life! Actually, it was a terrifying matter for any female!

Suqiu’s clothes was torn to shreds by the demon. In the next second, there was only the bra left on her body. Next, her skirt was also ripped apart.

Suqiu tried to struggle with all her might but since her magic power was sealed off, there was not much strength left in her.

Knowing that she could never escape, she helplessly closed her eyes. Suddenly, there was a loud quake outside the grand formation of the deep valley! The ground began to shake severely!

At a far distance, there was a nine *zhang nine *chi tall giant in silver armor steadily coming towards them.

Every hill, rock, and even buildings were flattened in just a single strike of the giant’s foot.

Even the Nascent Soul Realm demon felt danger from the giant’s intimidating pressure.


The giant in silver armor threw a punch, creating a series of sonic booms.

A dignified Dan Realm High-Grade Grand Formation was crushed so easily and effortlessly with just a single punch!

After that, the giant’s indifferent thunderous voice resounded in the deep valley.

“I’ve said it before, there won’t be a fourth time!”

*zhang = 3.13meters

*li = 500 meters

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