Published at 4th of August 2017 02:01:49 PM

Chapter 5

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Grimoire x Reverse – Chapter 5


With my whole body draped in animal skins and with my black hair, two twisting horns, and sharp golden eyes without any motivation, I do not look the least bit trustworthy.

Probably echo? No, I am. (こだまでしょうか、いいえ、わたしです)

“Has that goddess hidden something from me until the very end? If she waits until the last moment to reveal she is actually a perverted man, then D*mn her behavior.” (MC) (「っつーかあの女神め、最後の最後に地雷隠し持ちやがって。えっちな行為に臨む直前で性別男だと暴露されたようなもんじゃねえかちくしょう」)

I am a demon.

Distinguishing between the monsters there are those with intelligence and/or form closer to human beings called demons. Speaking of which, the atmosphere of this world’s setting include multiple categories of monsters and demons without intelligence. The demonic races who are most likely to speak the language are those who can interact with humans.

Then there is the monster weapon Demon Slayer.

Worst of all, there is the incorporation of the mysterious pearl pieces.

However, even though I do not know if it is the effect of the pearl pieces, it is refreshing to kill a monster in one blow. Although I am unaware of how much stronger I’ve become, would it not be fine to see what I can do? Was that what the goddess was saying? I’ll lose when I believe the words from such a person. Surely. Among other things, if the 15 pieces turns out to be a lie…I wish it were a lie. If it turns out the story is true and I have to fight the boss of the army of demon soldiers, I might die even if I fight seriously.

“…Pearl pieces, I get the feeling I’d better quickly get a hold of them!” (MC)


The next day was sunny.

The lovely sunlight also rubbed against the dreadful weeping form of the trees. As such, the spooky forest intimidation was reduced to less than a quarter. That is why there was no issue in heading to the north dungeon while passing through the forest where the tower was.

…Even so.

For the tower to consciously face a dungeon is random.

Though didn’t the goddess say there was a fragment sensor?

Well, it’s a good thing.

The problem is if I’m gonna be strong, then don’t I need to absorb the fragments, which hurts a lot? It really hurts? That said, I wouldn’t have to pretend and can no longer be referred to as defective but can relax. I would think it be taken in from my hand, but it’s a little scary because last time it leaped into my chest with no questions asked. I mean, I wouldn’t care if a young woman leaps to my chest, but perhaps the fragments use an examination system, though I don’t know if the Laser-Wing is triggered, (TL: what he’s talking about is basically a very accurate laser tracking system used in aerospace technologies, and it’s in English) and apparently if there is room of some kind or another then it is likely to slip through the hands.

“Careful, I’ll have to pay attention.” (MC)

Currently, after passing through the forest toward the northern dungeon, it became necessary to climb a low mountain. In the meantime, there seems to be no decent road. I wish I could use teleportation magic, but sadly my aptitude for magic as a demon is close to none. As such, I have been running towards the dungeon at full power. I have become the wind!! With my arms spread wide to feel the wind, I proceed while leaping among the trees.

“Mama, what is that-?”

“I know, don’t look.” (TL: bahaha, this took me a second. I doubt he’s near a town, but he seems to be imagining how it would be an embarrassing situation if a child and mother saw him like this, especially since he’s wearing very rough clothing and leaping over things.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!