Published at 18th of April 2020 05:51:32 PM

Chapter 13

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Cold rain slapping on her face and sopping hair clinging to her cheeks, she was soaked to the skin now. Never had she been in such a mess like today.

Sullenly, Mu Jiuyue looked up at the sky: Did she have to walk home?

Overwhelmed by a sense of grievance, she almost threw away the materials in hand. But it occurred to her that she had to do it over without those files. Then she resigned herself to her fate and held them more tightly.

“Ah, a man who loses position and influence may be subjected to much indignity…” Mu Jiuyue murmured thickly.

Suddenly, a black car was coming towards her. However, the rain made it difficult for Mu Jiuyue to see.

Her face lit up at the sight of the car which pulled over right by her side when she was about to wave.

Rolling down the window of the backseat, Su Feng'ao merely glanced at her, “Don’t you get in?”

Recognizing him, Mu Jiuyue cried exultantly. “Uncle Su! You’re my hero!”

As Mu Jiuyue went forward hurriedly, Su Feng'ao caught sight of her limp feet, frowning slightly.

Mu Jiuyue was drenched by rain. Even though it was warmer inside the car, she was still quivering. With a big smile on her face, she said, “ Uncle Su, did you come to me specially? I almost thought I have to go home on foot!”

“Be quiet.” Su Feng'ao threw his clothes onto her head.

It was suddenly all dark before her eyes. Mu Jiuyue took the clothes down but her body was desperate for something to drive away the coldness. Then she hesitantly wrapped herself up.

Feeling warmer, she relaxed a bit.

Leaning on the window, she slightly closed her eyes, while her face paled with pain from the ankles.

“Raise your feet.” Su Feng'ao’s faint voice sounded by her ears. Mu Jiuyue opened her eyes instantly, hesitated for a while, and then did as he said.

Su Feng'ao held the ankle in his slender hand, checking carefully.

“Not that bad..” With raised eyebrows, Su Feng'ao took his hand back.

It was such a relief for Mu Jiuyue. Delightedly, she blurted what she thought. “Uncle Su, is it because of love that you care about me so much?”

Silence fell in the car after her words.

Oops! Would she be thrown out of the car?

“Will you fancy a trouble maker?”

Instead of getting angry, Su Feng'ao raised his eyebrows and asked smilingly.

“Of course not…” replied Mu Jiuyue unconsciously. Then she realized something, and added promptly. “I am no trouble maker!”

Without a word, he looked Mu Jiuyue up and down. There was obvious disgust in his eyes.

Feeling uneasy about his gaze, Mu Jiuyue covered her face with her hands and said coyly. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ll be shy!”

“Behave yourself!” He tapped her ankle. Mu Jiuyue gasped with pain and sat in her place quietly at once. ‘Revenge is a dish best served cold.’

Su Feng'ao closed his eyes and did not look at her.

Two hours later. “Sir, we arrived.” Qin San parked the car and said.

Opening his eyes, Su Feng'ao looked at Mu Jiuyue. His eyes flickered for an instant.

“Sir, I’ll carry Miss Mu into the room.”

Exhausted, Mu Jiuyue was already in a deep sleep. Even their conversation didn’t disturb her.

Su Feng'ao frowned. “Don’t bother.”

Off the car, he walked to her side, stooped and held her up.

Seeming to feel uncomfortable, Mu Jiuyue frowned slightly. Then she changed to a more comfortable position and slept peacefully.


As Su Feng'ao entered, all the servants came to him, but their words were muted by his icy glance.

“You come up.” Su Feng'ao left an order as he passed by a maid.

The room where Mu Jiuyue now dwelt used to be a lumber room, but the servant had cleaned it up.

Just as he wanted to lay her on the bed, Mu Jiuyue, who was mumbling as if she dreamed something, directly slapped Su Feng'ao’s face. 

The slap was not that hard, but Su Feng'ao’s face went dark at once.

“Sir…” The maid following in just caught the scene. She was frightened into a cold sweat.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Su Feng'ao threw her to the bed straightly.

“Su Feng'ao! Are you insane?” Mu Jiuyue was waken up from her sound sleep immediately.

Su Feng'ao stood erectly with a stony expression and put his hands in pockets,

She must owe a lot to Su Feng'ao in her former life, so she was here to repay the debt!

“Why don’t you call me uncle now?”

Staring at her, he said the last word slowly, which made her hair stand on end.

“Luckily, you were sleeping just now.” His lips curved, while there was something dangerous flickering in his eyes.

Then he turned and left before she could respond.

“Su Feng'ao, ah, but, what do you mean? Make it clear, wait! Ouch!” Mu Jiuyue was about to get out of bed, but her foot ached again as it pressed on the floor. How miserable she was!

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