Published at 2nd of January 2021 09:16:52 AM

Chapter 89

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Beautiful Silver Moon

 Now then, like a kidnapper, I’ve brought a mature beautiful woman with long white hair, but Leila and the others doesn’t seem at all surprised upon seeming me taking along someone with me, and even when I load the woman into the carriage, they seem don’t seem to be concerned about it. Well, there’s also the case when I brought Nico-chan with me, so most likely they don’t particularly mind about something like this anymore.

 After that, I eat the food that Rishe-chan has prepared, and take a break. As usual, Rishe-chan’s cooking is of quite a high quality. Yes, it’s delicious. Oh, by the way, what we are having are canned food and bread.

 Also, there’s a dish made by Rishe-chan. It’s a vegetable soup, but as a side dish, it’s first-class. Well, the flavor is quite on the light side, but given the fact that it was made with bare minimum ingredients as we’re currently in the middle of a journey, it can’t be helped. She made it for us, so I’m in no place to complain about it.

“Rishe-chan, even though you’re just a muscle-brained girl who does nothing but knight training, you sure know how to cook. Did you practice it back home?”

“You just casually made fun of me just now, didn’t you? Come on, say it again, I’ll cook you for sure.”

“Ahaha, I’m famous for never making fun of another in my whole life, you know? As if I’d ever make fun of you.”

“… Well, fine, I’m an adult, so I’ll just let it slide… at first, my wish to become a knight was opposed by my father, so I decided to become a knight apprentice in resistance… Along the way, before my father approved of my wish to become a knight, I ran away from home, after all… that way, I had to cook for myself. And so, I asked Eira-san to teach me how to cook.”

 Adult she says, what a word even though she’s a year younger than me. Well, I can also cook to a certain extent, but now that I know she has such a reason, it’s understandable. Rishe-chan unexpectedly has quite a high girl-power, huh.

“Thanks for the food… there doesn’t seem to be anything to do, so let’s take a break for a while.”

“Yeah, let’s do… it looks like Leila was bored, too, and has fallen asleep.”

“… Yeah, really, what a free-spirited girl she is.”

 When I turn towarad where Rishe-chan is pointing at, I can see the figure of Leila-chan who’s taking a nap with Nico-chan in the carriage. She must have been very bored… but well, it’s true that there’s nothing interesting around here, though.

 By the way, the long white-haired beautiful woman I brought here is lying down a bit away from them. It’s a good thing that we bought a sleeping bag for just such an occasion. I’m fine, though, because I can create a futon from the miasma.

“By the way, Kitsune-kun… we’re heading to Rookshade Kingdom, I get that, but what’s your plan there?”

 Then, for the first time, Higurd-san joins our conversation. His beard and hair, which had been left grown unattended, are now well groomed, and he has turned into a good-looking refreshing dandy uncle. Since Nico-chan is so much of a raw gem, I had expected Higurd-san to be quite good-looking himself, but for sure he’s pretty good-looking.

 Or rather, it’s that right? Nobles are all good-looking because they eat only good food, or something? Ah, Duke Orba didn’t seem to be the case, huh, correction correction.

“For the time being, I’m intending to stay there for a while to improve my strength. I’m going to level up and improve my prowess.”

“Hmm… and after that?”

“I’m going to beat the fake hero to death! Oh, while I’m at it, I’m thinking of punishing that black-hearted miko as well, after making her cry and apologize on her knees, I’d sell her to a slave trader, buy her myself right after, and put a slave collar on her, so that I can have her be my chair for the rest of her life, like a dog!”

“Quite a specific punishment, you’ve got there….”

 Well, such a think actually doesn’t really matter, all I want is to go get Finia-chan and Lulu-chan back. While I’m at it, though, I’ll play together with the fake hero and his friends for a bit. Well, I’m not going to forgive that black-hearted miko, though. She blabbered about that duel or something, she acted in such a dubious way, and above all, she threatened Lulu-chan and Finia-chan, she’s simply unforgivable.

 The least I could do is to make her get down on her knees and step on her head. A couple of punches to the face alone won’t be enough to settle down this grudge.

“Well, in any case, our short-term goal is to level up.”

“I see… If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know, I owe you my life, after all.”

“No, well, nothing comes to mind really.”

“… I see.”

 Ah, he looks a little depressed now. It’s in my nature to say what I want to say, so I hope you don’t blame me for that. I do think that’s a bit over the top, but you can’t blame me for that! You have to say what you want to say, so that you won’t regret it later!

 If someone gets hurt as a result, it’s not my fault. The one who gets hurt is the one at fault. Because, that’s the case for me.

“Well, that’s all well and good in itself. But if you ever have any problems, feel free to tell me about it, I’ll help you.”

“Ah, yes. I’ll rely on you then.”


“Nico also seems to have grown attached to Leila, after all.”

“She sure does… miraculously.”

 The three of us laugh bitterly at Leila-chan and Nico-chan, who are sleeping together in the charriage. Appearance-wise, they may look like a big sister and a little sister, but personality-wise, they are both children. They seem more like a big child and a small child.

“Hm… kuuh… n… haa!”

 As I’m thinking about this, out of the corner of my sight as I’m looking at Leila-chan and Nico-chan, the girl I previously picked up seems to be waking up. After opening her mouth wide and letting out a long yawn, she casually raises her body, and sits cross-legged while scratching her head.

 That alone tells me that she has a tomboyish personality. She lightly combs her ruffled white bed-hair with her hand, and begins to check her surroundings. And then, her seemingly half-awake eyes moves in a daze, before meeting my gaze.

 And then, as we stare at each other for a while, consciousness gradually returns into her eyes.

“Eh?! Who the hell are you?! Or rather, where am I?”

 As expected, she seems to have a tomboy personality. Rather than girlish, her voice is also more of big sister-ish.

“Umm, I’m Kitsune. I found you lying over there, so I brought you here.”

“Huh? … Ah, aahh! Yes, yes! So that’s the case, I see, I see, all the mysteries are solved.”

“Can you not phrase it like a high school detective?”

“But still… Well, I’m grateful for you saving me as I was unconscious, but… I was actually only sleeping against a tree… Ahaha, sorry, sorry, looks like I gave you the wrong impression.”

 Then she smiles cheerfuly and says so. To sleep in the forest where there is a possibility of demonic beasts appearing, it seems that she has quite a lot of guts. However, the fact that she still shows her gratitude and apology for both misleading me and having me carried here means that this girl seems to be quite good-natured. She’s the type of person who is popular with the same sex.

 As I think that, she grins before getting off the carriage, and puts her feet on the ground. Her long, slender legs are wrapped in long pants, and her white hair is long, down to her hips, despite having several bed hair in some places.

 The most distinctive feature is her silver eyes, which have a moon like glow. In addition, a 『☆』 symbol can be seen etched in the pupil of her left eye.

 Her eyes that emit the charm of the moon, contrary to her sun-like cheerful smile, she gives off a calm air like a still water surface.

“Hmm… let’s see. Even if it’s only a misunderstanding, it’s still a fate that we meet each other… want some vegetable soup?”

“Oh, thanks, I’ll gratefully impose on you then. You’re good people.”

“I carry myself as an honest and kind boy, after all, so I like to help people in trouble.”

 She sits in front of me, smiling cheerfully as she accepts a bowl of vegetable soup and a wooden spoon from Rishe-chan.

 Then, as she’s about to sip the soup, she looks up as if she suddenly realizes something.

“Sorry, Sorry, I guess I should introduce myself first. I’m Floria Alphard, that’s a pretty cute name, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s rare to see someone with such a polar opposite personality and name nowadays.”

“Hahahaha! I agree with you, well, it’s a name that’s unsuitable for me. I’m sure there’s someone out there that would fit this name better. Well then, let’s dig in.”

 Perhaps feeling nothing particular about her own name, without minding much about it, Floria-chan sips her soup. By the way, I wonder how old is she? I heard that it’s rude to ask a woman about her age, but I have a feeling that Floria-chan will just laugh it off.

“How old are you, Floria-chan?”

“Hmm? Umm, I’m about 19, I think?”

“Oh, you look quite like a mature person, though.”

“Hmm, well, I think it’s because I’ve gained a lot of experience as I travel to various places. I can also do some stuff like self-defense techniques or something… It’s tasty.”

 Apparently, she’s one year older than me. Nevertheless, there sure are quite a few people with white hair. Including Floria-chan who I just met, there are Leila-chan and Apostle-chan which makes three people. I wonder if it isn’t that unusual? The only other person with black hair besides me that I’ve seen is Leila-chan before her awakening. Ah, by the way the fake hero’s hair was more or less light brown. Something that I don’t really care about.

 Well, leaving that aside, I wonder why she slept in a place like this? I’d be lying if I say I’m not interested, but there are some territories you shouldn’t tread on so carelessly.

“Where do you plan to go, Floria-chan?”

“Oh… sorry, but can you stop with that chan thing? It feels kind of itchy.”

“Is that so? Then Big sis Lori.”

“Oi, I feel some kind of malicious spirit there… Then at least simplify it into Big sis.”

 Thus, I get to call her Big sis.

“At any rate, I’m in the middle of a journey to find my sister. We’re usually traveling together, but sometimes she suddenly goes off somewhere due to her poor sense of direction.”

“Oh, little sister, huh… What’s she like? Maybe I’ve seen her before, you know?”

“Mmm, let’s see… her hair is black….”

“Oh, sorry, I’ve never seen her before.”

“At least let me finish my explanation first!”

 The fact that she has black hair alone means I’ve never seen her. Who the heck is that? Or rather, there’s actually someone with black hair, huh. I’m a bit relieved now. I’ve been the only one with black hair, so I feel being away here, and that’s somewhat uncomfortable, you know?

 Well, speaking of black-haired girls, they are my favorite. As expected, I prefer black hair that I’m more accustomed to.

“Haa… quite a peculiar personality you’ve got there… but well, whatever, I’ll at least tell you her name just in case. Kuroe Alphard. Her black hair is around… there, a bit past her shoulder long, she wears black outfit and scarf. Oh, also her eyes are pretty.”

“Hmm, is she cute?”

“She’s my sister you know? So of course she’s the prettiest girl in the world.”

“I’ll be sure to look for her. When I find her, I’ll ask her to have some tea first.”

“Tell me first! Why are you trying to hit on her?!”

 Well, I’m just kidding, though, yup, joking joking. But it’s true that Big sis has a good figure, and her boobs are as big as Leila-chan’s. She’s such a beautiful woman, so her sister must be cute as well, right? Moreover, it’s said that she has black hair, so of course I want to meet all the more.

“Well then, I’m heading to the town down the road, so… Well, if you meet my sister, let me know the next time we meet. Thanks for the soup. It was very good.”

 Then, when the conversation is over, Big sis stands up. Carrying her luggage that was left in the carriage, she seems to be intending to depart right away.

 However, by chance, she is heading in the same direction as us. It seems that she is heading to the same town as us. In this case, we don’t have to part here, as we could just head to the city together. It’s much more efficient that way.

“Big sis, we are also heading to the town ahead, you know? Would you like a ride?”

“Huh? Oh, really? Then… please take care of me. And the soup was good, after all.”

“You hear that, Rishe-chan?”

“Mmm… This makes me want to put more effort in our future dishes.”

 Saying so, Rishe-chan and I tidy up the utensils and put them on the carriage. We only put out the cooking utensils, and the cleanup is relatively quick.

“Well then, Higurd-san. I’ll leave the coachman to you again.”

“Yeah, leave it to me.”

“Much obliged.”

 Saying so, I and Rishe, followed by Big sis, get on the carriage. And then, Higurd-san sits on the coachman seat. The preparation to depart is now complete.

 Well then, let’s rush toward the next town.

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