Published at 17th of October 2019 05:27:50 AM

Chapter 58

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Jiang Zhi Zhou first took a quick shower in the main bathroom before putting on his apron and starting dinner. Meanwhile, Xia Wei lingered in the master bathroom. By the time she emerged, the table had already been set.


  "You're just in time for dinner." Jiang Zhi Zhou set the plate he was holding onto the table. "I used the veggies your mother gave us. They should be nice and fresh."


  Xia Wei's mother had a little vegetable garden in her apartment backyard. She had picked a great many just for their return.


  "Right..." Xia Wei still felt a little sore, even after her shower. But when she pulled out her chair, her eyebrows shot up incredulously.


  Jiang Zhi Zhou had actually added a cushion to her chair!


  "What's this?" She held back her fury to question him.


  Jiang Zhi Zhou, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to his wrongdoings. "It's a cushion. Didn't you say you were still a bit sore? I found it just for you."


  Xia Wei: "..."


  She had thought that that prior event had been a level 10 shame play, but she had been too naive! This was the real shame play!


  "I don't want it." She snatched the cushion off the chair, her tone full of derision. Jiang Zhi Zhou stepped forward to take it from her, a frown on his face. "You should use it." He noticed her red ears then and finally understood why she was rejecting the cushion. "Why be so shy? We're at home. It's just the two of us here."


  Xia Wei: "..."


  Even if she had been the only one here, she'd still have been shy!


  However, Jiang Zhi Zhou, who usually accommodated her every whim, was insistent upon this matter. She finally caved and sat on the cushion, humiliated.


  Humiliation aside though, it actually was more comfortable.


  Seeing her finally being honest with herself, Jiang Zhi Zhou headed back to the kitchen for the rest of their dishes. Xia Wei buried his face in the food and ate without a single glance at him. Having watched her for awhile, he remarked, "When we first kissed, you were shy about it, but you eventually got used to it."




  Xia Wei finally gave in, looking up silently to meet his eyes. Jiang Zhi Zhou smiled and gave her a piece of sweet roast duck - it had also pressed upon them by Xia Wei's mother, who had said that Xia Wei loved it the most.


  Looking at the duck leg in her bowl, she raised an eyebrow. "It's too late to butter me up now. Don't you even dare dream about there being a next time."


  Jiang Zhi Zhou listened obediently to her words. "No worries. I'll definitely wait for you to feel better before next time."


  Xia Wei: "..."


  That wasn't what she meant!


  Although Xia Wei nursed resentment in her heart, she soon found the silver lining to her current condition. For instance, the chore of washing up after dinner was no longer hers. Jiang Zhi Zhou even cleaned the house while she slacked off on the sofa, watching movies and nibbling on snacks.


  After a few days of being treated like royalty, Jiang Zhi Zhou asked if she could pick a time to choose furniture. Renovation had begun on their new house, and he had been taking the time to inspect it every day. Xia Wei had not been too involved in the process thus far, but she did need to participate in the furniture selection. Who knew what Mr. Jiang's uptight aesthetic would drive him to buy otherwise?

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