Jinsei Reset Button - Chapter 1.3

Published at 13th of February 2016 04:08:03 PM

Chapter 1.3

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Chapter 1: One Morning, After Opening My Eyes

Part 3

Uggh, euggh, guh gueeeh…..ueegghhhhh….guohh, guo, guouegh…I can’t tell……if my nose is running……or if those are my tears…uu…ueuuuhhh…uuee…uehhh..ueggh hh…aaa…aaaa….gkktsu…I can taste…the bitterness….in my throat…..ggkkksktn uukkkglgggg….. ….ggglggaklag ngakgnggag…..gggggg…kug hh….kutgh….kkkkeugh……it’s no use….I can’t go on like this…uuuhgh…uuu….h…I’m gonna die….yeah, Im gonna die..kgikggkkk….I wanna disappear….and die….just be gone…..people’ll laugh at my funeral…..kksss…ggskshit….i just wanna disappear… gone and done with it all…….. ………gggk gkttkg….ggfuckc…..shitshitshit….I’m in no way perfect….or tidy…… what I’m doing….all I am is shit-stained…. …..wha….wher…. …gkkghht…shit…..ggh…uueuuuuuuuugueeeuuugiiuuehghhhhh……

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