Published at 27th of December 2018 09:21:20 PM

Chapter 84

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"Damn. Where the hell did they run off to?"

Jay was really frustrated right now. In truth is, he could just summon Nuggets through magic, but casting spells is prohibited in Greengarden. If he tried casting a spell, the magicka around him will create a binding force and cause him to be teleported to one of the mage towers.

Since that was the case, Jay decided to just let everyone from the guild know the situation and tell him if they find Nuggets and Heda.

But the moment he activated his guild emblem...

"Sorry guild master, can't talk right now."


"Jay, we might need some help over here."


"Master, your chicken is pissing me off! I need your help over here!"


When Jay heard almost everyone speaking out he thought, "What the f**k? How could everyone be in trouble already? We just entered the city a few minutes ago..." So he told everyone to give him their location.

Not wasting any time, Jay rushed off to the nearest one in his location, where Heda and Nuggets went.

--- Rising Eagle Restaurant---

This restaurant was the one Nuggets and the three people entered. The restaurant had 4 floors. There were just too many people going to this restaurant that the owner decided to create 3 additional floors to provide better service to the customers.

Heda was currently peeking on one of the restaurant's windows finding Nuggets. But she did not know that Nuggets and those three men were on the second floor and not the first.

-- Somewhere on the second floor --

The three men who were with Nuggets were currently seated on a table near the window. While the two elders were trying to eat peacefully, Nuggets keeps on doing chicken sounds as the boy who was with them was feeding her endlessly.

Bawk Bawk!!!

"Kenji! Stop messing around! We came here to talk about important stuff. You can do all of that later at the guild hall." One of the elders exclaimed loudly and slammed his fist on the table. Good thing was that the table did not break from that.

The boy named Kenji replied, "But it's so cute! Look at it!". While saying this, he held Nuggets up in his arms.

As for the one armed elder who was with them, he just took a glance at Nuggets and spoke.

"Patriarch, should we begin talking about business now?"


After a few minutes when that happened in the restaurant, Jay finally arrived. When he saw Heda, he asked what's the situation.

When Heda recounted the events that happened, at first Jay just saw it as some kind of prank that Nuggets was doing. But when he heard Heda mention that the people with Nuggets had a golden feather emblem on them...

"Oh boy... What a mess.." Jay thought to himself since those people were not just random players or NPCs. They were part of a guild called 'Soaring Skies', one of the most famous and powerful guilds that ever existed on Dungeons and Towers of Fate.

"If I remember correctly, it is around after the First Great War that 'Soaring Skies' will suddenly rise to prominence. As for the guild's background...

Soaring Skies was created by these three players. Alnazar, a level 300 Thief and Tycoon. Fiora, a grandmaster alchemist and potionmaker. And Fiery Gallows, I think he was a Guardian or something.

As for their feather looking emblems, if I remember correctly, the color on it should show their status within the guild. Brown color is for recruits, silver color is for normal players, and the golden color is for elite players.

Now the problem at hand... Why are there 3 of their elite players here?"

After thinking all of that, Jay and Heda went in the restaurant to look for these people and Nuggets.

--- Rising Eagle Restaurant, 1st floor ---

Jay and Heda were greeted by a male NPC wearing the usual waiter clothing when they came in.

"Good morning sir. Seats on the first floor are all occupied. Please follow me and I will help you find a spot in the second floor."

Jay nodded and the waiter led them to the second floor.

--- 2nd Floor ---

The three people from Soaring Skies was still talking about important stuff while Nuggets was being cuddled by Kenji.

"Fang, do you know where that item is?" The elder, or the patriarch asked.

The one armed elder, Fang replied, "Giron once told me that he gave it to one of his friends in the Northern Continent. He also told me that..."

While talking, Fang saw a familiar face. One that he will never forget for the rest of his life. He then stopped talking and approached Jay. As for the patriarch and Kenji, they were surprised and just watched.

When Jay saw this muscular looking guy with one arm walking up to him, for some reason, he sensed a familiar aura coming from the guy. He then suddenly had a flashback in his mind...

--- A month ago, the day when Jay reincarnated into this world ---

Jay remembered the moment he first woke up in this world and events that happened then.

"Get up kid."


"I thought you were leaving? I was busy for a while and the moment I came back you're still here, standing like a fool."


"Did you hit your head really hard a while ago!? My name's Fang. Now come, follow me, Master Giron wants to talk to you."

And then a pack of Gray Wolves arrived. After a few events, he ran into Fang again who was now missing an arm and told him "Baton Pass... Good luck and have a good day!"

-- Back in the present --

"He is still alive? And what's up with him having that golden feather emblem? Oh boy..." Jay thought in his mind as Fang approached him.

Fang grabbed him by the shoulder and spoke up.

"Kid, you still remember what you told me that day?" While Fang said this, Jay suddenly felt a killing intent coming from him. So he thought of a famous saying that adults tell children in the real world. "Honesty is the best policy"

He then replied to Fang, "Baton Pass? Have a good day?"

After he said that, he felt a very strong punch landing on his face as he flew of one of the restaurant's windows.

When Nuggets and Heda saw this, they panicked and went out of the restaurant. They found Jay unconscious in front of the restaurant.

"Baton Pass! F**k you!"

After that, Fang went back to their table and continued his discussion with the patriarch and Kenji.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!