Love in Autumn - Chapter 64

Published at 27th of December 2018 03:31:06 PM

Chapter 64

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"SONG JI AN." Jun shouted with tremendous effort.

Ji An who was nearby and heard the loud shout, lifted her head from her phone and replied,"What?"

The creepy guy behind her immediately fled the scene, disappeared within the crowds inside hospital lobby.

Jun did not reply. His eyes kept following the creepy figure until he was sure it disappeared completely. Looking at Jun with no reply but seemed like lost in thought, Ji An went over to him and stood in front of him, gathering her energy to shout," WHAT?"

"Are you crazy? Why are you shouting at me?' Jun was surprised to see Ji An already in front of him and shouting like mad woman.

"Huh? You were the one shouting to me first. Why? What?"

"Uh.. I.. Uh.. Just want to ask when my turn will be. We have waited long enough." Jun racked his brain too much to find reason.

"Oh, such simple thing. Do you really need to shout? Coming soon. One more person then we can go inside. Do you want to wait here or inside?"

"Inside." He needed to be on Ji An's side, to make sure the creepy guy would never come back. He was well aware that the creepy guy definitely did not see him. Since he was running as fast as he could when he realized his effort had failed.

"Uh, are you sure?" It was Jun who wanted to stay in the car before, and now it was also him who asked to sit inside. His indecisiveness was going to make her go crazy real fast.

"Yes, don't ask too much. Let's go." Jun pushed Ji An back towards the hospital entrance and waited patiently for his number and name to be called by the nurse on duty.

Inside the room with the doctor, since Jun asked her to come together, Ji An asked the doctor to check Jun.

"Doctor. Could you check him again carefully? You need to make sure he will recover, he needs to shoot his scene."

"What do you mean? The record here said his wound was getting better, compared to yesterday."

"I don't know but he is having a fever yesterday."

"Fever? Can't be." The doctor frowned. This superficial wound should not have any fever as side indication or symptom. He reopened the patient chart and reread the whole report from yesterday. It was indeed just a superficial wound which would dry soon.

Still unsure, the doctor opened Jun bandage and indeed his injury had healed nicely. Almost without scar. He asked the nurse to help Jun change the dressing of his wound. Along Ji An conversation with the doctor, Jun was having emotional roller coaster. He tried to hint the doctor to play along.

"Miss, I am quite sure that the fever...."

"Doctor, can you help me to dress the wound instead?" Jun cut off the doctor statement.

The doctor who wanted to answer Ji An about the unlikelihood of fever was confused. "Why? The nurse here is very professional in dressing wound. There is no need for me to be involved."

"No, it must be you. I don't want to have scar on my arms." Jun was now encouraging the doctor.

The doctor sighed. When he knew his patient was an actor, he had expected outrageous request would happen. He followed Jun to the side and started to prepare all the cream and new bandage.

Jun hand suddenly stopped him and he started to whisper,"Doctor, just tell her fever is definitely possible."

The doctor just raised his eyebrow.

"You can't imagine how hard my effort to make her stay. Just stay it is possible. Help me."

Realization dawned to him. Indeed, one tricky guy. He was grinning and understood what he wanted to achieve. "But, what should I get in return? My daughter is one of your die hard fans."

"Give me your phone." Jun took the doctor phone and took picture together. "Send this to me. I will write a message to your doctor. Along with signed CDs."

"Nice to deal with you." The doctor quickly finished the simple duty of changing bandage for Jun and went back to the consultation area.

'"Doctor, so what do you say about the fever?"

"Yes, fever is definitely possible. It might be caused by the shock and tiredness when he sustained the injury. You should take care of him well. Let him eat all the nourishing food, if possible you cannot buy it from restaurant. Home cooked meal is always the best." The doctor exaggerated a bit more for Jun.

Ji An nodded and listened to the doctor instruction very well. She made a mental note on what food would be good for his recovery.

When they exited the consultation room, the doctor winked at Jun and mouthed,"Good luck!" While Jun gave him a thumb up behind his back.


"Damn, I almost make it." The guy was angrily hitting the wall.

His phone suddenly rang, it was one of his colleague from bodyguard team. "You have been found out."

"What do you mean?" He was still in shock after his recent failure and now another bad news was dropped to him.

"Someone found your face from hospital CCTV and police is now looking for you."

"Do you think Boss know?"

"He asked me to tell you, go and hide."

"Friend, do you think Boss will accept me back if I can get back to that bitch?"

"I don't know. Hang up the phone for now. Run, and don't you ever come back."

He couldn't let go his anger. He squeezed his phone until the screen almost cracked. His knuckles turned white from his own force. He had nowhere to go, nothing to lose. The determination could be seen raging inside his eyes. That bitch needed to die, it was all her fault!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!