Published at 8th of December 2023 08:43:58 AM

Chapter 197

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“Retire all.”

Bertelgia was no exception this time.

“Bertelgia. You too. ”

“You can’t guarantee the game this time.”

Putting them in the soul store is not a good option.

When the owner of the warehouse dies, you can’t find anything inside the soul warehouse. Perhaps you should sleep forever in a cold, dark and dry unknown dimension.

Bertelgia reluctantly turned toward Marker Reid.

Marked Raid, holding a book, a bird and two luggages in a hurry, stared carefully at Kim’s back.

“Uh … what are you going to do?”

Kim Sungchul raised her arms and said in a calm tone to her question.

“You cannot escape from that God anyway.”

On the head of Kim, Sung-chul, a red sign clearly visible in the dark appeared in the form of illusion.

God was the target of God.

“If you cannot run, you have no choice but to fight back.”

The power went into the hand holding the arm gauze.

Marker Reid realized that Seong-Chul Kim’s will was firm and took Bertelgia and Marakia back.

“As far as possible. The battle of those monsters carries enormous dangers simply by watching. ”

Marakia flapping his soft, fluffy wings and said in a serious tone.

Bertelgia murmured in a small but resolute voice as he saw Kim Seong-cheol moving away.

Now only Kim Sung-chul and Ashin Sidmai remain in the heart of the ivory city.

Kim Sungchul [1959003] Kim Sungchul still weighed the size of Asin Sidmia, still covered in black mist.

‘Is about 10 meters tall?’

It’s big, but the most intimidating thing is the four arms.

Two of the arms are in a standing position, but it will not be known until the battle begins to find out which rats are hidden in them.

Dull footsteps came from the silence.

Ashin Sidmai moved.

Wrapped in black mist.

So Kim Sungchul could not see the face of Acine.

But that doesn’t matter.

Two different arms appeared in two arms that were not joined.

A long sword with a long sack reminiscent of Blue Dragon Unwoldo, and a long sword that bends like a snake.

The arm holding the eclipse, which was positioned behind the arm to be joined, moved.

A ruthless blow from the overwhelming heights and reach.

It was a devastating blow that reminded everyone of the moment when the giant moon was moving, but Kim Sungchul did not hide or escape.

He lifted his arm-garazs and took Ashin’s blow straight out of his seat.

As soon as Ashin’s strike was taken, a small shockwave burst from the point where the weapon hit the weapon, with thunder-like roar.

It is a conflict to be Gyeongcheon.

The power of Assin was amazing.

As the paving stones around Kim Seong-cheol struck the earth, the ivory paving stones popped out.

A strange sound rang from the arm karas, which was facing the Unwoldo.

Never before had Kim Sungchul hit such a blow. If it weren’t for the arm-garaz that made it into a forged piece of sky, it probably couldn’t stand the blow.

‘Are you also known as God?’

But it is acceptable.

Kim Sungchul thought for a moment.

The blow is just one of the murders that were inflicted to kill the opponent even if Ashin didn’t do all his work.

Repelling such an attack proves that Kim Sung-chul is qualified to fight Ashin.

This is why Kim Sung-chul did not avoid the attack of Ashin.

The quickest way to understand an opponent with no information is to mix weapons.

‘This fight is worth trying’

Kim Sungchul Repels Unwoldo, which is crushing himself, with divine power.

Unwoldo, which has a blade larger than Kim’s height, finally bounced off.

Assin in the black mist stopped the attack as if surprised and stared at Kim Sung Chul.

But this time another weapon moved. According to the movement of Ashin, like a willow or a whip, the sword was flying at Kim Seong-chul.

If the eruption of the Unwoldo strikes for a strong and heavy blow, this is a dagger that sees the game with a glimpse and speed that can not be caught even by eye.

The blade of the sword quickly dismantled Kim Sung-chul’s nerves by smashing objects around Kim Sung-chul in a row, and then bent the sword at the back side of Kim Sung-chul’s neck.

The wreckage of the first smashed building was a quick blow before it even landed.

Just before the blade touched the neck, Kim Sungchul realized the intention of Ashin and rolled forward quickly.

Kim Sung-chul’s face was hard.

That big and huge being has been attacking with such a quick and unpredictable technique.

The blade of the sword was chased after Kim Seong-chul, who flew forward as if he had life, and left numerous scars on the floor.

Kim Sungchul flew in succession and escaped from the pursuit of the following sword.

The counterattack was evident in the confusing gestures and the fluttering coat hem, with the rush of frustration just to be good and just my body.

Bertelgia, watching from a distance, mumbled and trembled.

“You shouldn’t lose it … I haven’t found my body yet.”

Maracaia, on the other hand, looked at the phase from a different perspective.

‘You’re avoiding all those ridiculous attacks. Seemingly outrageous, but that’s not the kind of man who just avoids attacking without thinking. ‘

Kim Sungchul, as Marakia thought, did not simply focus all the nerves on avoiding the attack of Ashin.

As you avoid the sword, the speed and movement of the sword gradually accumulate specific and predictable information in your eyes and head.

Kim Sungchul is a pure warrior who believes in his strength and skill until now.

Such warriors are destined to be deceived by enemies with a variety of skillful swords and spells because of their limited and predictable movement.

In such a situation, there is only one way for the warriors to win.

Putting yourself and your opponent in the same position.

In other words, get used to the enemy’s attack and be able to predict from here.

It is not easy to tailor your opponents in battles where life and death change at every moment. But if you do not, you will lose and die.

Kim Sungchul I have experienced such battles many times.

This was also the case when he killed the great wizards Balzac and Sword Caracadra, who were heads of the followers of the disaster.

He suffered a lot of mischief and suffered a severe wound that would not be strange even if he died all over his body.

The curse they left in the status window was also the medal Kim Sung-cheol gave himself.

Break! Papa! Pavabak!

He could now clearly see the movement of the sword that was barely chasing at first, and he could afford to infer that the sword moved by some set of patterns.

Kim Seong-chul twisted his body to the side and stepped back.

Three swords beat the place where Kim Sung-chul was. A fragment of the smashed paving stone that struck the ground passed through a hole in the court hem, but Kim Sungchul didn’t mind.

‘You look pretty.’

Kim Seong-cheol was accustomed to the movement of the sword was known as Asin Sidmia.

Asin soon reaped the scrutiny of the moving sword.

At the time Kim Sung-chul was preparing to fight back.

Acine changed his posture.

Kim Sungchul Instead of attacking, he decided to watch Asin’s movement more and stepped back to open the streets.

The most anxious hands were the two hands together, which has never been fine.

‘Is anything sealed?’

It is not too late to move after knowing the secret of the united hand.

This is the first time I have dealt with Acine.

The hands of Assin Sidmia now moved together.

An overwhelming and powerful dagger with a massive but powerful chamber moves simultaneously to pressure Kim Sung-chul.

The attack of the two weapons was pushed along the carefully calculated path without giving Kim Sung Chul a breath.

Kim Sungchul Sometimes he received Unwoldo as an arm-garaz and sometimes defended himself from the attack of Assyid Sidmia, avoiding the offensive of the swordsmen with a forward roll.

Sidmia’s attack using two weapons is a new corner, but it is only a variation of two familiar weapons. The movement is already within the scope of Kim Sung-chul’s and Kim Sungchul’s effective offensive based on the information. It could have been prevented.

As time passed, confidence in Kim’s mind grew.

From the line to try, to the line to win.

But the two hands together, yet, did not reveal its power.

‘Where should we move?’

The sword was smashed around houses and structures and scattered around.

Kim Sungchul Avoided the sharp blades of the sword, which snakes under his feet, with a shallow leap, hitting the Unwoldo Island with full power, shedding divine power all over his body.

Unexpected blow flew over the moon, and Ashin’s arm was caught behind him. But I did not drop the moon.

However, Kim’s attack is not the end.

Ashin’s movement, which used two weapons alternately and pushed Kim Sung-cheol into the offensive, made a gap with Kim Seong-chul’s anti-communist, and Kim Sungchul did not aim at the gap.

Kim Sungchul Now assigns each spell to four of his Soulstones.

Meteor Unilateral Spell Attack.

However, their trigger times and hit points are different.

As soon as Ashin Sidmia, wrapped in black mist, corrected his posture and fixed Unwoldo, Kim Seong-chul flew to the upper body of Ashin with full speed.

Ashin’s swordsmen danced in the air and innumerable flowers of death.

However, the speed of the sword was already ripe for Kim Seong-chul’s eyes. Arm Karaz began to dance.

Arm Karaz bounced off a sword-like stroke of a sword that was like a guillotine, and at that moment, Kim Sungchul was flooding into the black mist.

Another arm of Assin moved right in front of the black mist. The arm holding the Unwoldo is holding his breath and is swung to end Kim Seong-chul at the decisive moment.

Kim Sungchul I changed the path and saw a slight jump in the shoulder of the left arm holding the moon and even the moon.

The blade of Unwoldo passed the footsteps of Kim Sung-cheol, leaving the sound of a tyrant’s shout.

As soon as Unwoldo passed through the sky in vain, the swordsman flew as if he had revenge, but released Kim Sungchul fly and settled on the ground.

It was the moment when Ashin turned a huge body toward Kim Seong-chul.

Three magic circles appeared in the sky in sequence.

Astronomy’s flagship attack magic Meteor is over. Soulstone’s carbuncles that finished the brig have been asking Kim Sung-chul for the attack.

The chief strength of the lionstone’s soulstone is that it can be called limbs to share ideas.

Kim Sungchul Set an instant attack point and added speed to Ashin’s footsteps.

Ashin, who was turning along with Kim Seong-chul, was facing in the opposite direction.

Therefore, the magic circle shining on his head did not see. That’s Kim Sung-chul’s Noim Soo.

As Kim Seong-chul stopped the maneuvering and took arm posts in battle, Assin Sidmia also fixed two weapons and prepared to attack.

The first Meteo fell back to the back of Assin Sidmia at that moment.

Sidmia, who was trying to wield the sword, lately realized that Meteor was aiming at her back and swung her head around.

God knows. Meteorites encircled by the red heat were wrapped around the snake-like blades of the sword and were broken in the air.

Kim Seong-chul, however, has the vision of Dagu, the mage of Zatosu.

Meteo, flying from different angles, fell sequentially toward Asin Sidmia, and in response to this, Kim Seong-chul also began to move forward with a slow but bursty weight.

Three-way attack in a moment.

Ashin checked Kim Seong-chul with his sword and struck Meteo, flying from the side of Unwoldo, but Meteo, from the other side, could not.

An intense Meteor, who was said to be able to annihilate the Knights of the Great Scale in one room, was hit by Ashin.

Ashin made a blasphemous voice to the world for the first time.

The combined hands moved for the first time, revealing the niche they were working on.

Kim Sung-chul’s eyes were astonished.

In the palm of his hand contained the energy of pure white to say nothing.

‘This is dangerous’

The next moment, a flash of white flashed from the hands together, something hit Kim Sung-chul.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!