Published at 8th of December 2023 08:49:40 AM

Chapter 36

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The outside of the book was plain, but when I opened it, the magical mystery hidden inside was revealed.

An illustration drawn in black ink moved alive.

The illustrations on the first page repeatedly showed trajectories of irregularly arranged figures, lines, and points being completed in irregular to regular forms.

The final shape was in the form of a magic circle.

The description at the bottom of the first page contained the following.

[Knowing the magic means not understanding the form of the whole, but understanding all the elements that make up the whole. ]

Behind one illustration was a blank sheet asking if you understood the illustration correctly.

The blank paper has the same magical power as the illustrations, so it could be filled or erased by Kim Seong-chul’s gestures or strong thoughts.

Kim Sungchul At first, he felt unfamiliar with the unfamiliar book and the requirements, but soon became interested and solved the problem.

Kim Sungchul He focused on observing the repetitive movements of changing artworks and understanding what logic is composed.

After a while, he imagined what he understood on a blank sheet of paper.

The results appeared in a visual form.

[Excellent! You succeeded in solving the first problem of the Aura of Understanding (Beginner). ]

A simple problem solved increased intuition.

Kim Sungchul Turned over the last bookshelf, confirmed that there were 51 problems in the book, and gradually solved the following problems.

Kim Sungchul, when he solved problem 13, noticed the darkness around the synagogue through countless windows on the ceiling.

Leonard Santham, who had been lying on his hammock, seemed to have left the synagogue while solving the problem.

‘It took a lot of time.’

Still, intuition increased five in one day.

Simply solving the problem.

Intuition has always risen, especially if you solve the problem that you want a little difficult.

I feel like I’d like to solve the problem more, but I’ve made an appointment to meet Christian Ashford tonight.

Kim Sungchul Bookmarked the pages so far and returned them to Altius.

“I think I should go there because I have a business. I will return the book and come back tomorrow. ”

Altugius looked at Kim Seong-cheol with his displeased face and reached out with his hand.

While Kim Sung-cheol was walking to the exit, the old wizard opened the book and glanced at the spot marked by Kim Sung-cheol’s bookmark.

Aroused the eyes of Althuss.

He called up Kim Sung-chul who was about to open the door.

When Kim Seong-cheol turned around, Altogius spoke in a deep, cranky voice.

“Are you sure you solved this far?”

Althuss unfolded the page that Kim Seong-cheol last saw and pointed it with his finger.

Kim Sungchul nodded lightly.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, nothing special.”

Althuss sat down, covering the book.

When the old man was silent, Kim Sungchul opened the door and walked out to the ground where it began to settle.

The old man, who had a cold reaction all the time, stared at Kim Seong-cheol’s page with an unbelievable expression, with the eyes close to amazement as the door closed.

‘A freshman solved problem 13 in just half a day? I can’t believe it. Isn’t this a talent you haven’t seen in recent 100 years? ‘

It would be right to think of experience rather than talent.

Even before Kim Seong-chul still gained a transcendental strength, he played a battle with his fallen wizards.

There is a repetition of the imminent moments between life and death, and Kim Sungchul has developed a sense of coping with magic through direct experiences.

At some point, he learned how to predict what magic he would use by looking at the image of the magic circle.

At first, I ate my mourning and misplaced my magic, but I almost lost my life.

Kim Sungchul was able to anticipate his magic in advance and take down prestigious enemies before he played with the notorious followers of the plague, soul eater, and archmage Balzac.

Altogius’s book was an easy rite of passage for Kim Seong-chul, who only momentarily predicted the meaning of a magic circle that flashes in less than 0.1 seconds.

Althuss had access to a magical network connected to the entire Erfurt School of Magic.

What he was looking for was information about an unknown student who had just surprised him.

At first he was surprised to see the name of the student and again to the name of the dormitory assigned to him.

“What… ? Are you assigned to the coffin? I wouldn’t be able to … ?! ”

In the two shocking facts, it was the latter that provoked Altusius.

The old man’s eyelids fluttered.

He immediately took the wand out of the air and knocked on the ground.

The magic lift, which had ceased maneuvering, restarted with a mysterious glow, and the old wizard descended under the cliff and immediately headed for the torture coffin.

“Sarah. Sarasa! ”

As soon as the door of the tightly closed dreary dormitory was opened, Noma called the girl’s name in an urgent voice.

A blonde girl appeared in the hallway like a ghost.

The old man approached the girl, grabbed her hand with both hands, and asked carefully.

“Sarah. Star work … Wasn’t it? ”

The blonde girl looked at the face of the elderly man who urgently asked as if he was alive.

“Huh? Suddenly it sounds like fat. There’s no such thing as something. ”

The girl, staring at the old man with a somewhat shameful face, remembered something and said it again.

“Oh, a weird guy came here. What did the old Jogbart designate here? I was scared and tried to send him away, but it’s a summoner that doesn’t work. ”

“Yes. Sarasa. But I’m worried. I think that’s what’s going to happen to Sarasa.

Altusius once again stared at Sarasa with anxious gaze and looked sad.

Sarasa responded to the old man with a little bother.

“What’s the big deal? I am the strongest student on school. I don’t realize it, but I’m rich at first. ”

The moment blue eyes of the girl’s eyes came out and the air was frozen all over the place.

The regret was sad in the eyes of the old man.

Worrying about whether the excessive worries sold the girl’s wound was raised with her head up.

Sarasa stared at the old man and grabbed the old man’s hand with his cane in both hands.

“Don’t worry about me. grandfather. What should I worry about now is my grandfather’s side? ”

The girl’s hand was as cold as her breath.

“It is not too late now. It would be wise to get out of Erfurt and go to Rogotete. ”

Christians met again and the time was getting better.

In particular, he was replacing the traditional wooden hand of the claw rather than the traditional one, instead of the traditional hand.

Kim Sungchul Christian opened his mouth indifferently as he watched as he manipulated a new hand and grabbed a glass.

“Is the situation in Airfurt not so good?”

“Yes. The principal has remained vacant for three years after the former principal, Magnus, was questioned. There have been several movements to recruit new principals in the faculty, but the fierce confrontation between the major factions, the ice and flame schools, has been shattered and the school has fallen to hell. And even the followers of the plagues appeared in the midst of the spill. Erfurt’s fate must be over. ”

Christian bowed and politely apologized to Kim for the wrong decision.

Kim Sungchul showed no response.

He was interested in one thing.

“What much can I get from Airfurt? Is there much you can get from Rogotete? ”

Christian replied as if he had waited.

“Rogotte is an emerging prestige. Compared to Erfurt, which existed thousands of years ago. But it’s more stable and organized. In addition, Rogotete has the best patriarchal professors. ”

Kim Seong-chul’s magic is not necessary.

All he needs is a powerful room, not an army of corpses.

“Recommended I say this, but now Erfurt has lost its function as a school. I should have known it in advance.

If Christian says so, then it is.

At least he is not a human being to exaggerate the facts and bluffs.

At that point, Kim’s mind moved from Erfurt to Rogoutete, but there was one thing I wanted to confirm.

“Do you know about an old man named Althusius Zero?”

“Yes, don’t know. Although not so famed, there are rumors that it is the strongest wizard of the Erfurt astronaut. ”

Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.

It seemed like a forgotten being faded by the flow of time, but you had such a past.

Kim Sungchul I questioned the back of the old man who was sitting alone in the Tonmin Hall.

“But why did you not fame?”

Names go up naturally if you have the skills.

Whether it’s fame or notoriety.

“Well. I don’t know that either. However, according to the rumor, Professor Altusius had a big accident when he was young. ”

“Yes. What an assassin’s patriarch was killed in a duel. ”

“It’s hard to believe.”

A question mark came to mind in Kim’s head.

The assassin class is known as the natural enemy of the wizard class.

When a wizard and an assassin of the same battle one-on-one fight, the wizard is assassinated by the assassin.

The assassin has a lot of skills to break a wizard’s attack, and he can instantly dig into the wizard and make a deadly attack.

Moreover, if the other person is the second assassin, what if he is the assistant patriarch of the assassinating denomination?

Is it even in a one-on-one fight?

It is no exaggeration to say that an ordinary wizard can hardly win.

“Is that really true?”

“Well. I don’t know the truth. I’ve only heard the wandering rumors. ”

“But if that were true, the assassination wouldn’t have left Altugius?”

If Christianian’s words are true, Professor Althus can’t live.

The assassination denomination is a group of ten brothers who take revenge if one brother is lost.

And if the patriarchal class dies, the head of the assassination denomination may be directly killed.

Kim Sungchul I thought of a man with dark skin in my memory.

‘Shamal Rajput. If he walked out, he could kill Alturgius and all the professors of Erfurt overnight. ‘

Kim Sungchul, thinking so, stared at Christian with indifferent eyes.

Christian, who looked at Kim Seong-cheol’s attention, said with a confident look.

“I am not sure. I know that some sort of agreement was reached between the assassination denomination who lost the patriarch at that time and the Erfurt School of Magic, and since then, Altusius has had no external activity. ”

Kim Sungchul nodded, touching his chin.

That’s a good story.

It is enough to make the reputation of the church fall on the ground that the assassin’s second member, who only the best assassins gathered, was defeated by an unknown wizard in a one-on-one confrontation.

Putting Althuss in school on the condition of hiding the fact is not a loss business as an assassination denomination.

“What would you do? If you go to Rogottete, we will follow the procedure. I have gold coins and jewelry. ”

Kim Sungchul was at the crossroads of choice.

Erfurt has lost its function and the rumors surrounding Altius are uncertain.

In other words, staying in Erfurt is a high risk.

Nevertheless, I felt attracted to Kim Sungchul Erfurt.

I can’t pinch, but Kim Sungchul was feeling the same expectations as when I first entered Eckhart’s test.

Whether it will be profitable or unreal can be seen by opening the lid, but it’s a greed that can’t be dried as much as Kim Sungchul’s growth.

He took a high risk, but he took many rewards.

“I will stay in Airfurt. If we could learn magic from the man who killed the assassin’s vice-in-chief in a duel, there would be no more trade. ”

The next day, a new face appeared again to the astronomer.

The man, dressed more like a homeless than a student, climbed a cliff every morning to work in the synagogue, borrowed a book from an old, stubborn professor, and continued to read the book from morning till late night. .

A week later, he read all the books he had received from the old man and offered them to the old man.

“Is there no other book?”

The old man silently took the book out of his soul shed.

One book, two books, three books.

The number of books taken out of the warehouse gradually increased.

And Altusius, who took out the eighteenth book, briefly said, staring at a mysterious man who had not yet been accepted as a disciple.

“I will lend you the book. But I only lend you books. ”

Kim Sungchul I looked at the books I had built up as tall as I was, picked up one of them and sat down with a vice chair and began to read it.

‘It’s a strange guy.’

It is neither a poem nor drama to be shown.

Kim Sungchul was seriously holding the book and reading its contents, making the power written in the book his own.

The unaffected pure passion was enough to awaken some emotions that Altius had forgotten.

Althus’s gaze toward Kim Sung-chul changed.

But he could not express the emotions outside.

A wolf-like man lying in a hammock was watching himself with sharp eyes.

Upon seeing his eyes, Leonard Sangtum murmured as if he had heard a grin.

“Ah! When will you teach me how to drill? Is it not pitiful that the disciple sees only the miserable Master? ”

His old disciple is now a follower of disaster.

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