Published at 6th of January 2019 08:46:12 PM

Chapter 31

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The Three had separated to look the chicken's egg. Faith thought it was funny how she had roped Kai and Arthur into looking for it with her. Faith had stepped into the courtyard to see a bunch of maids hiding behind the pillars admiring something secretly. She had turned to the courtyard to see it Merlin sitting on a bench with Yuyu on his lap; he has a sad look in his gaze. Faith thought about Vivian the lady of the lake, and she started to get mad. How dare she break her student's heart, she wanted to show that women a piece of her mind. Vivian was once an ordinary village girl she and Merlin had been in a relationship since youth. Then one day she ended up mysteriously cursed, and Merlin bound her to the lake to save her. It is utterly ridiculous that she blamed him for her curse and even hates him for confirming her to the lake. Faith signed as she walked away from the courtyard.

It was Dinner time, and Faith was disappointed that they couldn't find a chicken's egg.

Among the three meals that the European nobles usually have, dinner is supposedly the most magnificent. To Faith the meal wasn't as splendid, she had better than this, Avalon had surly downgraded since she left. She only touched a little of her meal before excusing herself and stepped into the courtyard. Yuyu rubbed against her leg before jumping in her arms and purring.

"Fay" Faith head Kai voice from behind


"Merlin said you from a faraway country, is that true"


"Could you tell me about your country? Where is it? Does everyone there have black hair and eyes."


"I your country bigger than mine? Are there any knights? Do you live in a castle?"

"Kai!!" Faith yelled "I'm more than happy to answer your questions. But it will be one at a time. So, which question do you want me to answer first."

"Where is your country?"

Before Faith answered, she sat down on the steps with Yuyu still cuddling on her lap.

"My country lives under far under the western seas."

"Under the western seas."

"Hehe, it's a country under water."


"Magic, technology and Science."

"Cool," Kai said fascinated "Can I visit."



"Because that country is now gone."

"...." Kai was silent as he felt like it was an insensitive topic. What Faith said was the truth, when she had first entered this world, she started as out as a child living in underwater country known as Nīru. It was often called the country for exiled scholars as it started with genius from around the world who where exiled from their country's due to their ideas. It is similar to Rapture; however, it wasn't infested with failed experiments. The country failed due to an accident in the technology that was keeping them underwater. Due to the contingency plan known as the Alfheim project, most of the Nīru people were saved and created a new country known as Nīru Alfheim.

Kai and Faith had been talking for about an hour after he changed the topic. Kai eventually left as he was getting tired.

"You guys talk to much" Arthur said behind her

"At least its better than Kai" Faith giggled "He talked more than me."

"I don't believe in you coming from an underwater country"

"It's what's so…..Well, I'm tired, so I shall turn in for the night."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!