Published at 9th of July 2019 09:41:16 AM

Chapter 226.5

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Manaril stood in the depths of the lake.


Underneath her feet was a large turquoise object that glittered brightly as she buried it.

「Okay then, it should be done after I suppress this shiny magic stone a little more.」

For some time magic power had been gushing out.

It was obvious based on how bright it was down here despite the sunlight not reaching this area.

…….it was an amount you could usually feel if you were next to Daichi-san…but it certainly wasn’t a normal occurrence down here.

Thanks to the extreme concentration of magic power here at the bottom of the lake, Manaril’s surroundings were filled with jumbo-sized aquatic animals.

Normally the overpowering aura given off by a Dragon King would keep them from coming anywhere near here…but it was clear their aggressive instincts had been strengthened and they no longer felt that way.


One of them showed its fangs as it tried to intimidate her.

……even the normally meek fish would attempt an attack……

Her songs manipulated the water and sent them flying away or struck them down…but things were more difficult than anticipated.

She didn’t want to have to deal with these ferocious fish anymore than she had to.

「Un, let’s get this done quick. 《Water Dragon’s Suppression Song》」

She murmured and resumed her music.

After a short while her voice suppressed the magic emissions considerably.

If things continued like this the large creatures should calm down, she thought. At that moment.


Something beneath her feet shook.

「… Wh-what!?」

She quickly moved away as she felt her foothold shaking and moving.

At that moment, the place she had been standing suddenly had a huge hole in it.

Furthermore a giant crack started running through the bottom of the lake starting from the hole.

From that fissure water came bursting out with great intensity.

「Ku…it’s trying to force me away…..」

As if trying to get rid of her, the flow of water forced Manaril away from the bottom of the lake.

………what was going on!?

Manaril thought as she tried to inspect the fissure further to determine the cause. She finally saw something that looked like white flesh inside the crack.

「C-could this be……it’s not a magic stone…’s a magic mussel!?」

Manaril was staring at a gigantic magic mussel.

The crack that ran across the lake bottom wasn’t a crack at all…it was the mussel’s opened mouth.

…….she had detected it…….but didn’t realize its true nature…….!

She had not sensed it properly due to the camouflage provided by the magic stones that littered the bottom of the lake.

…..but she wouldn’t make excuses at this point.

As she admonished her own perceptive abilities, Manaril stood her ground as she gnashed her teeth.

Since it wasn’t a magic stone and was instead a magic mussel she should change her methods to suit the situation.

She would have to use the song for suppressing the magic power of living things. She opened her mouth to sing but…


The gigantic clam on the bottom of the lake opened its mouth further.

Then, it spat out a dazzling light.

「Eh? Wait…what is this thing doing…!?」

The light was highly concentrated magic power that the clam spat out.

Once it emerged into the water, the bottom of the lake instantly became over-saturated with magic power.

The result of that was….


The aquatic life went into a violent frenzy.

The giant fish were clearly acting strangely as they all charged at Manaril.

「Oh, this looks dangerous!」

Manaril dodged the giant fish as they flashed by. However, they didn’t stop moving.

Instead the giant fish slammed into each other as they started a mad dash for the surface of the water.

Seeing that, Manaril analyzed what was going on.

「They seem to be striking against whatever source of magic is closest.」

It seemed as though everything they saw was an enemy that had to be attacked.

They had obviously lost all rationality. Their aggressive nature had been abnormally increased.

「Actually…that direction should be where the knights are…..!」

This was bad. Thanks to their rampage the damage probably wouldn’t be limited to things within the water.

The nearby beaches would be in danger. If things went really badly then even the nearby town would be in trouble.

There were amphibious creatures among them and all of the aquatic life had become much larger in size.

……my songs alone probably can’t handle this……

If it was only the creatures nearby, they would hear my song and I could stop them.

However, thanks to the vast area of the disturbance she would only catch about half of them.

In that case……

「First I need to report this to Knight Captain-san and Daichi-san!」

If it was underwater movement, then Manaril would be able to move at high speeds.

Thanks to that trait she was able to jet through the water quickly as she approached the people on the beach.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!