ONE PIECE Jazz - Chapter 72

Published at 14th of July 2019 09:19:37 AM

Chapter 72

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Jazz awkwardly turned around and glanced at others who are suppressing their laughter. Jazz felt a pain in his heart like he lost something and he exactly knows what, before transforming into part Angeloid he liked his face, it always remind him of Doflamingo and his evil smile he was looking forward to intimidate people like that when he would grow up.

Ikaros:" Master you seems unwell... "

she is the only one worried about him.

Asterea :" Ha ha ha BAKA... BAKA... BAKA... "

don't know from where she came and now in her hand a different pot and he have a felling this is not 2nd one. Jazz looked at Anko who is looking at him like she is ready at any time.

Jazz :" Anko wanna go for a round. " he indicated behind the bushes.

She smiled sadistically and pulled his hand and disappeared behind the bushes. Few moments later painful scream of a Man resounded in the forest.

After 10 Minutes they returned jazz with frown on his face as he threw away what looks like a pair of balls without any care and Anko hands and some part of her face were covered in blood and a refreshing smile plastered on her face. she obviously enjoyed the quantity time with him.

Now the guards did not look even in the eye of this devil like man one wrong word and their Royal captain has gone and his wellbeing is unknown.

Marco frowned :" Wasn't it was a little excessive...."

Jazz :" Excessive...? " A veins popped in his forehead as some of his devil energy leaked from his body. Which brought dread for the common people around him and left them shaking in fear.

He looked at the people around him some people wondered why am I looking at them like that.....

Jazz :" The time We took in all of you in our ship we didn't ask who and what your background was. To me or the girls it doesn't matter , you all wanted to leave that place so do we. I don't mind if you want to help us or not in any way but I absolutely hate it when someone try to harm my people whom I care deeply. "

One of the man who was trying to find the missing people by venturing at night asked him.

???1 :" What do you want to say jazz - kun, we never hurt any of the people for the past 1 month we stayed together as a family, all of us were worried when you and some people went on missing. Just few hours ago me and some of us were about to go to the main island to search for you."

He felt wronged hearing jazz words.

Jazz:" Is that so, Then i want IRON SKULL PIRATES to step forward.... "

Hearing him some people started sweating and others looked at each other wondering what's going on. Jazz face twisted in anger seeing them delaying and wasting his time. He need to rescue those people fast....

Jazz :" Wasting my time huh ..... Ikaros scan the whole area as far as you can . "

Ikaros :" Yes master " she scanned the area and looked at a certain direction. She looked at him which he nodded at her..... Ikaros took flight at a very high speed toward the direction where she ditacted someone...

" Thud "

In front of them Ikaros dropped someone...

Jazz :" Where were you going Big-sis..... "

Yes in front of them is the teacher which was kidnapped by some pirates and then sold to the Auction House...

Rita :" What... what is going on Jazz -kun..."

??? 1:" What is going on, why are you treating Rita -san like that. " the beforehand guy asked him....

Jazz didn't respond to anyone now his full attention was on this simple looking single braided hair girl. With a reading glasses on her eyes she looked extremely harmless teacher.

Jazz: " Ikaros did she looked similar to my **** Transformation when she was running away....."

Ikaros :" Yes she looked exactly like your 6th ..... "

Jazz :" That will be enough explanations.... " He interrupted her

Jazz :" So you are the mystery i was trying to solve for last 2 years. " he said to Rita...

He went near her ears and whispered :" Tell me How much did you Hear of our conversation on the ship."

Rita :" What are you saying Jazz -kun?" She started shaking a little but denied his accusations ...

Jazz sighed and walked away from her, his expressions were cold and his mind was now in deep thought on what should be done now. Hancok worriedly approached him.....

Hancock :" What happened why are making such expressions. "

Jazz :" Information about my Omnitrix is out and it's not a secret anymore..... "

"BOOOOOOM " Explosion happened inside her mind....

Hancock :" What..... but how you or any of us never spoke to anyone else....Don't tell me Marie or Sandersonia.... " she came to the worst conclusion...

Jazz :" No.... i trust them they will not tell anyone.... sigh.... its her.. " Saying he pointed at Rita.

Hancock :" But how..... don't tell me she is that devil fruit user. Then did she hear our conversation of that day.... " she also suddenly remembered the thing that Shiro gifted or more like revealed to him 2 years ago.....

Jazz :" Yes i am sure of it.... Ikaros also confirmed it. She is still denying though.... Ravel use a very high hypnotic magic on her, be careful she also has the ability to hypnotise anyone. We need to know everything from her.... "

Ravel walked towards Rita and released her magic power forming a magic circle around Rita, she was surprised and held her head trying to resist but it didn't work as Ravel continously poured more magic power to nullify Rita' s own hypnosis magic.

Marco:" What is going on and what is this marking on the ground. " He asked seeing the magic circle

Jazz :" When i interrogated that Royal Captain, he told me the name of IRON SKULL PIRATES . They were also captured by other pirates group and were sold to the Auction house although very few of them were captured alive and later they all mixed up to us and escaped from the Sabody Archipelago. When all of you were unconscious due to the event happened in the ship. The former captain of the IRON SKULL PIRATE was unaffected by everything because he is a Devil fruits user and he wasthe only person awake at that time. "

His revealing was interrupted as someone shouted at him.....

????? 1:" What are you getting at? "

???? 2:" He is gone crazy, let's leave this island. We don't need them, look how they are treating such a innocent person. "

?????? 3:" Yeah he is right, Rita -took care of him when he was injured and this is how he is repaying. "

Slowly people started blaming him and trying to increase the ruckus. Most of them don't understand as things are going down to hell. Some of them started leaving but were blocked by all the girls. Tsunade and Karin is still treating his mother also became alert as people started shouting at all of them.....

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