Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 108

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:28:13 AM

Chapter 108

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In a simple sentence, there are too many unspoken meanings, and it also reveals Maria's worries and worries. Only because of this, when he appears in front of his eyes, will he feel particularly clear and true, and even this silent gaze is particularly worth cherishing.

Amun didn't feel the same way. When he came back from a long journey to see Maria again, he was sitting in front of him the real echo in his heart. In the past, when he saw Maria, he was always in a trance. He could not tell whether it was the saint of Isis temple or echo, the girl he had met in Duke. There was always an indescribable conflict in his heart. But at the moment, he can finally see clearly and truly, she is her, is the echo in the heart, is also the saint in front of him.

Amun didn't want to and didn't have to tell her that he had seen her in his divine meditation in the night of the night when he killed the two headed monster snake and climbed the other side of the lake. It's not a dream. It's like a real thing that happened. They went back to the small building in Duke town. The man was not what he was. He was amon now, and she was Maria now. But Amun hugged her as he did then, stroked her body in his arms, and really kissed her

When he was about to leave, Maria stood up and asked, "have you read all the books I showed you?"

She was referring to the books of war and the information related to the army's operations. Amun nodded and said, "yes, in addition to the catalog you opened for me, I also tried to find relevant documents to study. I have been simulating for a long time in my heart."

"It's not enough just to remember, but to think about how to use it," Maria added. You can walk through such a wasteland and learn so many books of war. I believe you should have the experience of commanding the march in various environments. "

"Saint, are you implying something to me?" Amun said thoughtfully

"You will soon know that if you want to build a cause that can forgive the people, success or failure will be at one stroke," Maria replied


A few days later, Daya Tu Yang, the Lord of mengfeisi City, held a celebration ceremony for Amun and issued an announcement. People all heard the good news that Amun, the glorious warrior of Isis temple, was promoted to the seventh level warrior.

The name Amun's drunkard father named him from childhood - Aloha - Mun - Su - Messiah - and Hua - Allah - Ye - montmorillon, was finally put into formal use for the first time, and even was written in divine script in the temple list by the deity. But this long list of titles is usually too awkward to remember. People still call him Amun warrior.

It was amon's friend, Theo, who was the merchant, who was most pleased with the news. Xioufeng said excitedly, "my vision is absolutely right. I have seen that Amun will become a real nobleman. Today, he has become a respected warrior indeed."

When he was drunk, he often boasted to his friends: "Lord Amun once said that I would like to be a noble man in the future." His friends laughed at Theo and said, "forget it. Why? Do you still want to practice physical arts and become a warrior in this puffy look? "


Shortly after the celebration, Amun went through another ceremony, in a small hall of Isis temple. The host is a noble lady who awakens the power given by the gods. According to common sense, this ceremony is almost impossible to succeed, because Amun did not believe in the God in front of him. He just looked at his heart and looked at Eko holding the staff.

Since the ceremony was presided over by the virgin herself, the specifications were quite grand. First of all, Amun should bathe in incense, put on beautiful and powerful armor, wear weapons, salute the gods, offer sacrifices, and accept people's congratulations. When Amun went to the ceremony hall, the warriors who lined up to greet each other on both sides of the long steps sprinkled lotus petals, while the deities in the temple sang poems in unison, and Maria stood in front of the altar with a golden crown and a staff.

When the ceremony officially began, Maria gently raised the scepter of Saint Mary, with indescribable noble and elegant movements. She sang a poem praising the goddess Isis, and the soft golden light from the staff covered Amun kneeling in front of the God's table.

This is the "blessing of Isis" divinity. Maria first pacifies Amun's body and mind, so that he can feel the magic in peace. Then the golden light began to twinkle and hover around Amun's body, like a gauze floating, and the light and dark density changed. This is the most basic magic power in operation and release, but guide Amun into a state of meditation.

Maria's voice sounded in Amun's mind --

"please put down all your worries and hesitations, and forget all your worries and sorrows.

Pray to the gods and ask them to give you strength.

When you enter meditation, close your eyes and gaze at the solemn image of the gods.

It's like a light rising from the eastern sky, spreading its blessings to all directions.

This light dispels the darkness, the earth wakes up in the deep sleep, and the world is no longer lost.

Please open your heart to meet and absorb the power of the gods.

When you wake up in the fog, you will spread your wings and fly. "

Amun did not resist all the guidance of Maria. When the blessing of Isis covered him, Amun completely opened his heart and entered a calm and clear state of calm. Although he was not a believer in Isis, he did not have a slightest sense of slightness. He integrated his faith into Maria's piety to experience it carefully.When Maria's voice sounded from his mind, Amun closed his eyes and really saw a "God", but it was not Isis goddess on the high platform. The appearance and posture of the "God" was clearly Maria. He also felt the so-called power given by the gods. It was around him and permeated between the heaven and the earth. It was like an eternal rhythmic existence, like the harmony between the nature of heaven and earth and the introspective body and mind.

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