Published at 4th of January 2019 07:08:51 PM

Chapter 56

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Walking into the burrow, Dro found himself in a tunnel. His head was touching the ceiling and there was no space to even take a single step to either left or to the right. He could only walk forward or go back. He looked at the walls that surrounded him and frowned, "I won't be able to use <Blood Spear> in so little space" he thought and took a few steps forward but then stopped as in the distance, around 20-yards away, he saw a wolf. The wolf was unlike the other wolves he saw, it was larger than Alpha Wolf's Mates and had a different fur colour – black.

<Dire Wolf, Level 12, Elite>

<HP: 3,750/3,750>

Dro walked up to the wolf, not even stopping when he 15-yards away as he already knew that he wouldn't be able to use his long ranged ability. Stepping into 10-yard range, the wolf leapt at him, without howling or growling, it just leapt at him.

Dro narrowed his eyes and once the wolf came in close, he punched with his left hand and as he was out levelling it by 5 levels, he did it 300% increased damage.

<Blood Punch>

<-1,688(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Dire Wolf> <+13 Rage>

He then quickly followed up with his right.

<Werepire's Punch>

<-2,404(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Dire Wolf> <+15 Rage>

<Dire Wolf, Slain>

<+750 XP>

Killing the wolf, Dro first looked at its body for loot; seeing that there was none, he walked forwards deeper into the tunnel. In this tunnel, he came across 5 more dire wolves. All which, he killed in just two attacks. Killing 5 of them, he received 3,750 experience points and came out of the tunnel and entered a large room. In the middle of this large room, laid a boss which he already had seen before.

<Alpha's True Mate Naja, Level 13, Boss>

<HP: 67,618/68,000>

Dro smiled, "Earlier when we were around the same level I don't know who would have won me or you but now when I am out levelling you. I don't see myself losing. Let's do this," he thought; walked up into 15-yard range and threw a spear of blood which appeared in his hand; it and all of his other attacks against Naja dealt 150% increased damage due to the level difference.

<Blood Spear>

<-1,297(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja > <+15 Rage>

The wolf's eyes snapped open, she looked at Dro; seeing him in front of her, she from her laying down position leapt towards him. He quickly sidestepped, dodging the attack and punched with his right hand.

<Werepire's Punch, Critical>

<-2,565(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja > <+29 Rage>

Naja bit towards him but he sidestepped, dodging again and punching her with his left hand which was covered with a thin layer of blood.

<Blood Punch>

<-1,622(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja > <+15 Rage>

Dro jumped back and while doing so he looked at her health, "Blood Spear is back up again but I don't have any blood to use it," he thought; extended his hand and used a skill to recover some blood.

<Alpha's True Mate Naja, Level 13, Boss>

<HP: 62,234/68,000>


<-3,400, Alpha's True Mate Naja> <+698, Dro> <+20 Energy> <+20 Blood>

Landing on the ground, a spear of blood appeared in his hand and he threw it.

<Blood Spear>

<-2,460(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja > <+18 Rage>

Naja leapt at him again and he dodged again; he punched her with his right hand.

<Werepire's Punch>

<-3,102(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja > <+14 Rage>

Dro's hand morphed into that of a turned werepire and he slashed Naja with it.

<Werepire's Slash, Critical>

<-7,892(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja >

His hand turned back to normal and then it turned back to that of a werepire once again and he slashed at Naja one more time; it critically struck once again.

<Werepire's Slash, Critical>

<-6,613(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja >

Naja bit him as he was in range, but he simply jumped back, dodging it.

<Alpha's True Mate Naja, Level 13, Boss>

<HP: 38,767/68,000>

Dro extended his hand and used a skill to recover his blood as it just came off cooldown.


<-3,400, Alpha's True Mate Naja> <+698, Dro> <+20 Energy> <+20 Blood>

It restored enough blood and he used his long ranged ability. A blood spear appeared in his hand and he threw it at the boss.

<-2,205(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja>

<Alpha's True Mate Naja, Level 13, Boss>

<HP: 33,162/68,000>

Naja glared at him and then howled.

<Deafening Howl, Stunned: 5 seconds>

Naja leapt at him and released a flurry of ten attacks.

<-413, Dro> <+5 Rage>

<-410, Dro><+6 Rage>

<-390, Dro><+4 Rage>

<-364, Dro><+7 Rage>

<-353, Dro><+9 Rage>

<-343, Dro><+4 Rage>

<-323, Dro><+6 Rage>

<-298, Dro><+5 Rage>

<-246, Dro><+4 Rage>

<-223, Dro><+9 Rage>

The stun ended and Dro lost 3,363 health which was half his entire health pool. He looked at Naja and released a sequel of moves in quick succession: left punch, right punch and two slashes with a morphed werepire's hand.

<Blood Punch>

<-2,637(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja > <+15 Rage>

<Werepire's Punch>

<-3,760(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja > <+12 Rage>

<Werepire's Slash>

<-6,257(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja >

<Werepire's Slash, Critical>

<-8,047(Damage multiplier applied because of level difference), Alpha's True Mate Naja >

Naja yelped and jumped back to retreat.

<Alpha's True Mate Naja, Level 13, Boss>

<HP: 12,461/68,000>

"She is below 25%, I can turn her into my familiar… I don't know what level will be the next boss at the very least it will be higher levelled than Naja," Dro thought and jumped after Naja, bitting into her wolf neck. Getting bit, she let out a high pitched yelp.

<Suck Blood>

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