Published at 8th of January 2019 12:01:23 PM

Chapter 134

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At the company Andrea was working together with James in doing Jill's work. "Thank you James. You made my work a lot lighter." Andrea said. "Don't mention it. I'm happy to have been of help. Especially now that sir Julian will be retiring. He had requested me to assit you and Ms. Jill with the work here in the company." James smiled. "Yes, thanks for that." Andrea smiled. "You have been in the company for some time. I am sure you know the ups and downs here." 'Knock knock' "Come in." Andrea said. "Ms. Andrea, Mr. Montgomery is here looking for Ms. Jillian." The secretary Sarah said. "Oh yes. Please let him in." Andrea said. After a while Adrian came inside the office. "Mr. Adrian. Please seat down." Andrea offered. Adrian looked around searching for someone. "I'm sorry Ms. Jillian can't be with us right now." Andrea said. "She has been confined to bedrest for a week by her doctor." "Oh, did something bad happen?" Adrian asked worriedly. "Don't worry Mr. Adrian, she's doing fine. She just fainted a few days ago and the doctor said she was in a lot of stress so she needs to rest for her and the babies health." Andrea explained. "Babies?" Adrian asked. "Yes. Jill and Troy are having twins." Andrea smiled. "Twins? That's good news." Adrian was smiling. But there was a hint of fakeness in them. "Yes. It really is good news." Andrea said. "Well then I will be going now. I'll just return when Jill has come back." Adrian said. Andrea and James were surprised. There are some urgent documents that needed Adrian's approval and signature. If they can't get it today then a week's worth of income would freeze. "Mr. Adrian. We need your approval and signature on some documents." James said. "If you postpone it until next week then we would have this weeks income frozen." Adrian looked at James with a chilling stare. James felt a chill down his spine. He felt that his legs would give in on him any minute. He held the table right next to him for support. Then Adrian smiled like an angel. "Mr. James I think you remember the agreement between us." Adrian said. He was wearing a smile but there was something hidden beneath it. "I will only work with Jill." "B-but Mr. Adrian..." Andrea said. "Ms. Jill is on leave and would be back next week. The documents needs to be signed now." "Are the documents done by Jill herself? Have she signed and approved of it yet?" Adrian asked sarcastically. Andrea froze. It was her that made the documents because Jill wasn't able to complete it in time. 'What is this man getting at? He is being stubborn." Andrea was confused. "Ms. Jill wasn't able to finish the document herself so I was the one to do it." Andrea answered. "Then there is nothing more to talk about. I will just come back when Jill returns." Adrian said sarcastically. "No offense Ms. Andrea but I am more confident with Jill's work than yours." Andrea felt irritated. She maybe just an assistant but at least Jill believes in her capabilities. Is this man is mocking her work? "I should go now. See you next week." Adrian said and turned around. "But Mr. Adrian..." Andrea was still trying think of a way to make Adrian approve and sign the documents. Jill left her in charge of the company for the week. She didn't want to let her down. "Aren't you being a little stubborn Adrian." A cold voice came out from behind the door. The door opened and there standing was Troy. He was wearing a serious look on his face.

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