Published at 8th of January 2019 12:01:20 PM

Chapter 137

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It has been three days thru my one week bed rest confinement. I have been lying on bed for these past three days, only moving if I need to go to the bathroom. Even when eating, the food was served for me here in bed.

I sighed. "Troy is really strict." I mumble to myself.

I would really want to stand a little to stretch my body. I look around and saw that no one was around. I take the blankets off of me and slowly sat down on bed. I stretch my legs and feet a little and it feels good.

I slowly stand up. I lazily stretch my upper body and arms.

"Ahhh. That feels good." I said.

"And what do you think you are doing?" I heard Troy's voice at the door.

When I looked towards the door I see my angel lazily leaning on the door frame with his arms folded. He was looking dashing on his casual clothes, a white t-shirt and brown khaki shorts. I can never get use to my angel's handsome features. Every time I see him my heart thumps rapidly.

"Umm...well I thought I want to stretch my body for a second." I made an awkward smile. 'Jill you are so busted.' I thought to myself.

Troy walked towards me and I brace myself to get some scolding. But to my surprise he gently kisses my forehead. I look up at him in surprise. He gives me a warm smile.

"Love, the doctor specifically said you are confined to total bed rest. And you know what that means?" Troy looked at me seriously.

I sighed in defeat. "It means to be on bed and as much as possible refrain from standing up and walking." I answered softly.

"I know you are getting bored and your body is starting to feel sore. But please be patient. After the confinement you can move freely again." Troy said with gentleness.

"I understand." I said and hugged him. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I use my secret weapon, my charms. I know Troy is a little irritated at me.

Troy sighed. He wraps his arms around me. "Oh Jill. You really know my weakness." He chuckled and I giggled with him. Troy gently scoops me up off my feet and gently put me on the bed. He covered me with the blankets.

'Troy will be a good father.' I thought and smiled to myself.

"How was your trip to the company?" I asked. I have asked him to take some important documents to Andrea. Those were the documents that needs to be signed by Adrian.

"I have brought the document right on time." Troy said with a serious tone. "Adrian was just about to leave because the document Andrea handed was not done by you."

"Then that's good you just made it." I said in relief.

"He was being stubborn. He didn't want to sign the documents if it wasn't done by you." Troy was clearly irritated.

"Sorry about that love. Adrian can be a little stubborn most of the time. But he is good in his work." I said.

Troy looked directly into my eyes.

"I don't like the idea of you getting close to him." Troy said.

I giggled. "Is my hubby jealous?"

Troy looked like a small kid making an irritated face. "I just don't like the idea."

"I know love. If it wasn't for the company I wouldn't be working with him so closely as well." I explained. "It's just until the contract ends. After two years and the company has gotten up again then I wouldn't need to work for him any longer."

Troy's face smoothed out after I reassured him.

"Adrian is a dangerous man Jill." Troy said in a serious voice. "Be careful around him. I will be here to protect you but I won't be always present."

I nodded. "I understand Troy. Don't worry, I am always careful around him."

I remember what Shawn said about Adrian. He is one of the big bosses in the underworld and a dangerous man. His charismatic and amorous aura with the cunning and dangerous dealings are a deadly combination indeed.

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