Rise of the Wasteland - Chapter 25

Published at 18th of March 2018 08:48:11 PM

Chapter 25

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Chapter 25        Underground Parking Lot

Zhou Qingfeng’s plan of escaping from the hospital through the underground parking lot had been annihilated as he was blocked by at least three kidnappers. The doctor that escaped along with him was dead, and he can only reverse his car due to the strong firepower raining down on his.

F*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

Zhou Qingfeng temporarily escaped from the kidnappers by crashing his car into the parking lot corner. However, he understood that those three kidnappers would not give up easily, and they will keep on chasing him.

I’m not a f*cking cop, I’m also a criminal wanted by the police. Villains shouldn't be making things difficult for another villian, why can’t you just let me go? You guys are pissing me off!

There were three underground basements in the parking lot of the hospital. Zhou Qingfeng was originally in the first lower ground floor. After he failed to escape, he ran to second lower ground floor. The kidnappers chased him with guns in their hands.

There were over a hundred kinds of vehicles in the parking lot. Zhou Qingfeng’s footsteps and breathing were echoing inside this quiet environment. He kept moving behind the vehicles while using the dark corners of the parking lot to observe the movement of his enemies.

Two of the three kidnappers came to the second lower ground floor. They carried a rifle as they carefully inspected the gaps between each vehicle. Their muzzle swept past every spot a man can possible hide within.

Danger was imminent. Two kidnappers will reach Zhou Qingfeng’s spot in less than thirty seconds.

If there was only one opponent, Zhou Qingfeng might use his As Quick as Lightning ability to engage the opponent in a fight, as he will always get the first attack move anyway. However, his opponents seemed to have good coordination. The other kidnapper will shoot him to death even if he successfully killed one of them.

What should I do?

Zhou Qingfeng’s shooting will only manage to scare people off as he never had any proper training. Any instance that he shot his target successfully was actually God’s will. With his current misfortune, any risky attempts from him were destined to fail.

“Show your face and stop wasting our time. There’s no way you can escape from this!” a kidnapper shouted loudly in an effort to pressure Zhou Qingfeng. “Your destiny has been doomed. Any sort of struggle will be meaningless.”

His arrogant voice echoed throughout the whole second lower ground floor, while the other kidnapper remained silent, like a cunning cat approaching quietly. He hoped that the voice of his partner can attract Zhou Qingfeng's attention, and he himself would deal Zhou Qingfeng the fatal blow.

As the two men pushed forward, they suddenly heard squealing coming from the back of a car. There was a shadow passing through the gap between the vehicles. Two M4A1 carbines immediately switched to full automatic mode as the kidnappers shot and prayed.

Vehicles that got shot by stray bullets produced sounds of glass shattering as their windows and doors were instantly filled with bullet holes. Some car tires even exploded. An entire car was completely destroyed.

The two kidnappers soon realized that they were shooting at a fire extinguisher after half of their magazines were fired. The shell of the fire extinguisher was not too thick as it exploded after being shot several times.

The pressure inside the fire extinguisher was not too strong, but the foam still burst once it exploded. The kidnapper who was shouting just a few moments ago instantly understood that he had been fooled. He asked in confusion, “Where’s the kid?”

“Watch out, he won’t get far on foot,” replied the other kidnapper. He crouched to check the bottom of the car. However, there was not enough time for him to aim as a gunshot fired from underneath of another car.

The kidnappers tried to attract Zhou Qingfeng’s attraction by verbally abusing him. Zhou Qingfeng, however, also attracted their attention by using a fire extinguisher located in the corner of the parking lot. The two kidnappers did not realize that he had been hiding underneath another car as they focused on shooting the fire extinguisher.

Zhou Qingfeng aimed for quite some time, then finally pulled his trigger after he watched two pairs of combat shoes lingering two to three meters in front of him. This time around, he tried to control the direction of the muzzle and aimed before he shot.

Zhou Qingfeng’s crazy ability to learn, which was part of the Naturally Gifted ability, was actually activating. After a few trials and failures, he started to learn from his experience and understood some little tricks. 

Bang bang bang! A person screamed and collapsed after three bullets were fired. 

“I got shot, I got shot! John, he’s under the car, under the car.” The kidnapper who got shot dragged his injured ankle as he tried to climb up while warning his partner at the same time.

Gunshots were heard once again as the bullets landed on the car that Zhou Qingfeng was hiding underneath. Military grade bullets had the firepower to penetrate through the car body. They can even penetrate through the base of the car and land on the floor.

Zhou Qingfeng did not celebrate as he understood that he was in a disadvantage. He rolled toward the bottom of another car after he finished shooting three bullets. He changed his position when the two kidnappers were still out of it.

“Damn it, my leg.” The kidnapper who got shot was leaning against a column of the parking lot. He tore up his shirt and wrapped it around his wound to prevent it from excessively bleeding. He moaned in pain as he shouted, “John, kill that cop! You must kill him!”

“Shut up!” the kidnapper named John snapped loudly. His partner’s encounter made him more vigilant. He threw a glance at his partner’s injured leg. “Can you still walk?”

John aimed his gun at Zhou Qingfeng as he asked, but he was still looking at his partner. Unfortunately, at that moment, his partner yelled, “Watch out!”  Zhou Qingfeng stretched his neck from the car as he came from behind. He launched an attack aggressively.

Playerunknown’s battleground!

After wounding one man, he chose to attack first before his opponent had time to prepare himself. He will always get the first attack move anyway in a one-on-one confrontation with his enemy. He will be the first to notice, the first to fire, and the first to kill!

At that moment, everything that was currently happening became a mere slow motion scene in the eye of Zhou Qingfeng as his As Quick as Lightning ability activated. The guy named John who stood opposite him had no time to react when he fired his Glock.

Bang bang bang! This time, Zhou Qingfeng focused not on the quality, but on the quantity of his shots. He fired the whole magazine; all seventeen bullets within it.  His shooting was intimidating, and the probability of him scaring people to death due to stray bullets was higher than him actually shooting people to death.

The two kidnappers were intimidated and their first reaction was to hide when faced with Zhou Qingfeng’s attack. The column and the floor of the underground parking lot had already been filled with bullet holes.

Zhou Qingfeng immediately turned around and escaped as he heard the sound of an opening gate. He can see the details of the two kidnappers gaining goosebumps from four to five minutes away inside about ten seconds. Short distance crossfire had brought him a lot of psychological stress. His hands and legs trembled and his mind  went blank due to excitement. 

Only after escaping for over ten meters did Zhou Qingfeng remember that he needed to change the magazine. At the same time, he scolded himself for his uselessness. I shot seventeen times, but I failed to hit any vital part of the target even once. I need to train my skill properly if I were to survive this time.

On the other hand, John’s neck was shot by Zhou Qingfeng’s first bullet. His blood even hit the other kidnapper’s face. When the other kidnapper pulled him to the other side of the column in order to dodge Zhou Qingfeng’s bullets, he saw John covering his neck, looking as if he was in the verge of dying. 

At that moment, Boss Locke, the one who captured Lena Fox, asked the kidnappers about their situation via their walkie-talkie. John pressed the talk button and tried hard to say something, but his atrocious neck had made him unable to talk. Nonstop blood spitting was the only sound that passed through the walkie-talkie.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!