Seized by the System - Chapter 1035

Published at 10th of January 2020 01:36:37 PM

Chapter 1035

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Fang Ning had only exchanged a few arguments with Sir System regarding their respective positions before he was quickly stunned into silence by the sight before them. 

The countless whirlpools and tornadoes above the ocean had all vanished in an instant.

A bright sun appeared in the sky above, as if it were here to welcome the Supreme One.

Following these changing signs, an immeasurably enormous shadow suddenly appeared in the azure sea waters.

When Fang Ning looked at it more closely, the enormous shadow was, in fact, a dragon's head.

As the dragon's head emerged from the surface of the water, Fang Ning saw an even more shocking phenomenon.

The dragon's head was almost entirely transparent, and all the blood vessels within it could be clearly seen, as if it were truly formed out of water. 

Now, this was a 'Water Faucet' 1 ...

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