Sharing Rain and Dew - Chapter 5

Published at 8th of January 2017 10:33:38 AM

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 : I think, the Emperor … he is poisonous!


The Emperor loitered at my residence everyday, resulting in hatred and envy in the hearts of the imperial concubines.
Earlier, he was almost poisoned by the person who sleeps beside him.
If this news spread out, it might just let people laugh out loud.

That’s why I earnestly persuaded Duan Ming Zhang, “Your Majesty, you came over looking for this servant to relieve boredom everyday. Wouldn’t it be better if you go to sit around more at the concubine’s place?”

“Huai Zhen wanted to avoid Zhen that much? Really don’t want to stay with Zhen?”

I opened my mouth, at loss for words.
How can I dared to do so wo!

In front of Duan Ming Zhang, I gave him strong and happy smile.
The moment I turned my back, I became constantly on edge, frowning and worried.
I lost so much hairs because of that.

Ninth month.
Tenth month.
Eleventh month.
Twelfth lunar month.
First day of Twelfth lunar month.
Second day, Third day …. Seventh day, Eighth day, Ninth day, Tenth day.

The day I afraid the most has arrived.

However, Duan Ming Zhang was very happy. Because not only it was his twenty fifth birthday, but also my two brothers were leading the army back with a triumphant return.
He already reminded me starting from day one, “Tomorrow’s occasion will be grand, Huai Zhen must wear something more spectacular.”

If dressed too spectacular, it’s not suitable to escape ah!
Face hanging a bitter gourd’s expression, I stood numbly while being put on layers of flowery clothes and beautiful accessories by the servants.

Everything seems to be no different from previous life, just that in this grand palace banquet there is one smiling face lesser.

I lowered down my head and hurriedly followed LePing’s footsteps to go to my seat, until LePing stopped walking and I followed suit to stop.

The moment I raised up my head …. it got me dumbfounded.

This this this, this should be something not too right ba ?!

Was LePing being muddle-headed?
How can he bring me to the empty seat right next to the Emperor’s side?!

I was stunned, so did everyone present.
Only Duan Ming Zhang smiled quietly.

From his eyes, there was an intoxicating smiling expression.
He asked me, “Huai Zhen, today is Zhen’s birthday. What did you prepared for my birthday present?”

My heart skipped a beat, suddenly sweating cold sweat all over the body.
Finished, I’m finished. I was busy worrying how I am going to die, and completely forgotten about this matter.

Under the watchful eyes of the people present, I shook my head with embarrassment.
Really scared that this volatile Emperor will sentence me of the crime of great disrespect.

After a long while, the Emperor can be heard heaving a sigh.

“Didn’t you promised to give Zhen a present ma? Since Huai Zhen is so stingy, Zhen have to personally ask for this birthday present.”

“Huai Zhen, are you giving one to me or not?”

Give give give! Even if you want my life, I will also give it to you!

[Note : Not to be mistaken as a sarcasm, Huai Zhen is currently rambling out of fear.]

“It will be the most satisfying birthday gift Zhen received today.”

He stroke his palm while smiling, then slowly stood up to grasp one of my hands, “Zhen is twenty five years old this year. Have gotten the throne for five years. The world is prosperous and in order, it’s not lacking anything…. Just lacking an Empress.”

“……” What?!

I felt like I have been struck by a lightning, and slowly cracked open from the middle.
Internally struggling, I asked, “Your Majesty… have decided on who to appoint as Empress?”

Using a finger to intimately touch the tip of my nose, he said, “Why are you still playing dumb for? My Huai Zhen, I want you to be my Empress.”


“Otherwise, why do you think Zhen gave you the title Marquis ChangAn?”

“…….” My body quivered.
I suddenly remembered, that there seemed to be such a thing.
According to the law of the country, if the Emperor is the take a male as the Empress, the man must be first given a title.
Then only he can be named….

“This is impossible!”

A woman’s screaming was heard from one of the seat.

Concubine Chen stood up, her hair disheveled and the accessories on her hair were slanting.

Her current state as if she went crazy, “Your Majesty….. Your Majesty, you said it before. What did you promised my father? Now you actually ….. actually …. Do you know what is the consequences if you do this!”

“If the consequences you mentioned is your father secretly gathering soldiers of twenty thousand troops to prepare for rebellion, Concubine Chen,” Duan Ming Zhang coldly said, “— you should turn to your back and take a look.”

Outside the brightly lit hall, the sound of golden spears was heard.
Swords and spears collided, armor grinding against each other…

A sound of uniform footsteps gradually came together was heard.
Two person unhurriedly stepped over the hall entrance, putting down their sword and knelt down to give their greeting, “Servant Rong Huai Duan/Rong Huai Fang! Reporting to the Emperor, all the rebels and rioting officials have been executed!”

Full of somber and desolate feeling, Concubine Chen fell limp wordlessly on the ground.

Until the Emperor pulled at my sleeves and led me to the back of the hall, I was still amidst the clouds and mist, puzzled.
I can’t make out what had happened.

He stared at me, and I returned the stare back at him.
After a long while, I mustered my courage and asked, “Your Majesty, since my brothers came back, ……. this servant can go back home?”

“Going back home for what reason? Preparation to be married off?”

Finally broke free from his hand, I said, “Your Majesty, please don’t tease this servant anymore.”

He looked at me for a moment in silence, then suddenly said, “Huai Zhen, you don’t remember what you did at that time?”

“….. ah?” Which time?

“You don’t remember you kissed me, then knocked me fainted and took off my clothes?”


I stared at him in shock, and he lowered down his gaze.

“Apocalypse year five, eleventh day of twelfth lunar month, we were nearby at an abandoned section of the Palace wall.”

“We were chased by the rebels and there’s nowhere else to hide, practically forced to dead end.”

“You suddenly rushed over…. kissed me, then knocked me out and stripped me of my clothes to let our people take me away.”


“Afterwards, Huai Zhen you put on my clothes, and climbed up that Palace wall. You let the rebels misunderstood, letting them think we were escaping out through that direction… Huai Zhen, getting pierced by arrow, was it painful? It was twelfth lunar month winter time, falling into the moat, was it cold?”

A shudder racked through my whole body.

He pushed me backwards, until I’m backed up to the wall with no way to retreat.
Forcing me until I’m strongly pressed against him inside his embrace.

He continued using that nice to hear voice, that voice that make me shivered all over to whisper in a deep tone beside my ears, “Huai Chen, I am not going to let you go.”

— [END] —

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!