Published at 3rd of January 2017 05:36:57 AM

Chapter 16

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16 Let's check the added quests

   「Good morning, master.」 He woke up to the voice of Spica. He was so nervous that he couldn't sleep properly last night. It seemed to be the same for Spica, who released a small yawn while rubbing her sleepy eyes. He wanted to follow his instinct and return to sleep, but the circumstances did not allow him to be lazy. After eating the breakfast provided by room service, the two of them decided to go to the adventurer's guild immediately.  〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜  「Hello. Yuuto's QR has been promoted to 2. Do you want to look at the new quests that have become available? 」 「Yes, please.」 When Yuuto replied positively, Emilia the guild receptionist turns the pages of a thick booklet.  

☆ Subjugation Quests

● Subjugation of Green Slime
Required QR  LV 2
Completion Criteria  Subdue 10 green slime.
Reward  200 rea & 10 QP
Repeatable  Yes
● Subjugation of Fairies
Required QR  LV 2
Completion Criteria  Subdue 10 fairies.
Reward  500 rea and 20 QP
Repeatable  Yes

☆ Search Quest

● Capture the perpetrator of continuous kidnapping
Required QR  LV 1
Completion Criteria  Arrest the culprit responsible for the continuous kidnappings.
Reward  200,000 rea
Repeatable  No
   Even though the QR went up to 2, the degree of difficulty of the subjugation quests did not change much. Even worrisome was the newly added search quest. Although he was reluctant to work as a detective so soon after coming to a different world……… the reward of 200,000 rea was quite attractive. 「Excuse me. What is the continuous kidnapping about? 」 「Yes. This can be accepted by adventurers regardless of their QR from today. Does Yuuto not know of the continuous kidnapping that has been happening in Expein? 」 「……Yes, indeed.」 Since it was only the third day for Yuuto in this world, there was no way he could have known. 「For the past two months, kidnappings of 『teenage』 women have been happening in Expein. So far the Imperial Knights were the ones who were doing the investigations, but since they haven't been able to catch the culprit……… they decided to commission the guild to get all the help they can get.」 「I see……」 It was a bigger situation than he originally thought. Yuuto decided that it would be better to not thrust his head into this quest.  That is because, if he had accidentally solved this quest, he would become a celebrity in this town. (TL note: That's a flag, isn't it?) Given that he had been summoned from a different world, he wanted to remain inconspicuous as long as possible. Yuuto accepted the new subjugation quests and headed to Ragul Mountains (beginner) with renewed enthusiasm.

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