Sweeter than Fiction - Chapter 43

Published at 28th of January 2019 03:45:18 AM

Chapter 43: 43

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The smile on Guan Ning's face instantly fade. Ever since Guan Ning went to America, he never spoke to his father…and Min Chu. As his cousin and best friend, Su Bin was also sent to America to study and watch over him. But unlike Su Bin who occasionally came home, for 11 years, he had never been to Xinjiang. Not even on the wedding of his brother and Min Chu.

At times, his mother and Guan Qing would visit him and he would hear stories about his father and Min Chu from them but he tends to not care about it.

If his mother and Guan Qing never begged him to come home, he may even apply for a citizenship on the foreign country. He did come back to Xinjiang, but not 'home'. He bought his own place and never stayed in the mansion, no matter how his mother and brother urged him to.

And just last month, he was arrested for illegal drag racing that fanned his father's anger. As a punishment, he was ordered to man ReadIt for the meantime. Although it was only a light punishment, Guan Ning still hated the idea.

"Guan," her mother softly called when she noticed his dazed state.

Guan Ning composed himself and get out of his mother's embrace. He just smiled. As he's about to open his mouth to speak, a servant came and announced, "Madame, Master arrived from the hospital." Choi Minjun just nodded.

Guan Ning furrowed his brows. Why is his father coming from the hospital?

"Hospital? Did Father visited the new hospital on the other side of the city?" he asked about the new hospital project Guan Qing is working on.

Choi Minjun was stunned by his question and gave Butler Han, who's been standing on the side a knowing look. The latter cleared his throat and declared, "Madame, I'll let the servants prepare the table for dinner." His mother nodded and turn to him. "Let's talk in the garden." Choi Minjun led the way and he followed suit.

When they arrived, Guan Ning stood beside his mother and asked, "What is it, Mother?"

"Your Father had a heart surgery last year," his Mother blurted.

Guan Ning was taken aback. This was news to him. "How come nobody told me about it?"

Choi Minjun shrugged off her shoulders. "It's your Father's order."

"So everybody knew except me? Even Su Bin? Why?" Guan Ning is a bit agitated. Why did they keep him in the dark all this time? Yes, he hated his father, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about him anymore.

His mother looked at him with sadness and guilt in her eyes. She should've told Guan Ning about his father. "He has his reasons, Guan."

Guan Ning looked away, exasperated. He puts his hands on his pockets. His left hand inside his pocket twitched. He's itching for a smoke right now, if not for his mother and did not say anything.

Silence envelops between the two. The only thing that can be heard are the cicadas hiding behind the leaves somewhere. They didn't know how long they've been standing, both drowning from their own thoughts. Darkness shrouded the garden. The faint light from a street light outside is the only light that can be seen.

Then they heard footsteps heading towards them. Choi Minjun turned to look at the person approaching and saw a female servant who bowed before her. "Madame, the table is already set for dinner."

"Hmmm. Gather everyone then."

"Yes, Madame." And the servant retreated.

Choi Minjun looked at her son and gave a deep sigh. She tapped his son's shoulder and said, "Guan, let's go have dinner first."

Guan Ning nodded. "I'll be there in a bit." He had a complicated look on his face.

His mother didn't say any word, tapped his shoulder again and went inside the house.

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