The Gods' Decree - Chapter 179

Published at 23rd of March 2020 02:05:08 AM

Chapter 179

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"You don't find it desirable?"

Draxx's curiously asked after all this was his most prized possession. The moment he tossed it in the direction of Taf, the thought of retaining it once more was forfeited.

Sure the being before him was a Lord, however, even for someone in his said position the lure of such an ace is evident.

He was brought out of his train of thought when Taf uttered a few words,

"I'll stay true to my previous words."

Not caring to divulge the reasons as to his decision, Taf neglected to respond to the question before then motioning with his right hand.

Draxx soon turned his attention to his dantian which was once more filled with activity.

The foreign entity which was that of the static energy slowly dissipated as if it never were.

After relieving him of his art, Taf no longer paid attention to Draxx. With his potential now limited,  so too his usefulness became negligible.

Initially, he was fond of the thought of having someone that was quite knowledgeable under his reigns. 

However, with his skyrocketing growth in strength, he knew the usefulness of this person would weigh over time. Even so, Draxx suited this role perfectly based on Taf's previous assessment. 

His personality and being known as one tailor-made for getting out of unfavorable situations is something that can't simply be taught.

Things have now changed since the use of the previous art,  hoping for him to arrive at the peak of the ninth stage once more was a far fetch dream.

The turn of events was unprecedented in the eyes of Draxx. It didn't take long for him to decipher the reasoning behind Taf's none insistence on continuing the previous set agreement.

Before all he wanted was to free of this devil but somehow he had a foreboding, could it be possible he had been given up on serendipitous encounter?


Looking up within the sky Taf saw an awaiting May atop Hammerhead's back still curiously looking down.

"Let's go."

He spoke with a slight smile upon his face. 

"Well that's a bit anticlimactic, isn't it? You're telling me, you brought me all this way for some chat, brute?"

Seemingly unamused by how things unfolded May uttered as Taf could only show a wry smile on his face. As he was about to reply a voice could be heard below. 

"Surely Sir Mouse our business agreement still stands. Of course, a few seemingly small alterations can be made."

Draxx spouted as he rid himself from the dust particles which covered him from head to toe...

"What benefits could that possibly yield for me?"

Taf lazily uttered obviously not taking the thought of any further business with Draxx seriously. 

"I know from all appearances my usefulness is now negligible in your eyes. However, how about this, give me a year in which to gain some form of strength.

After which we can once more meet at a negotiation table. Of course, however this time as mutual acquaintances, no longer slave, and master."

His words might have seemed comical but as Taf read his expression he realized there was only seriousness while he spoke.

Seeing this Taf rubbed his chin once more in contemplation, by the manner in which this fellow did things he was one who seemingly always had a plan similar to himself.

" What the heck, I'll give you within a year in which to contact me. However, be mindful that during these months even your previous self might not be of use to me anymore."

Not waiting for a response Taf now on the back of Hammerhead patted the red-feathered eagle which responded by heading off once more through the darkening skies.

Looking in the distance at the eagle that became a dot Draxx remained. During this time the last words spoken by Taf resonated within his mind.

Always being now who believed in following his instinct, Draxx knew that this was an opportunity that he couldn't let pass.

He had boldly declared his stance of once more reclaiming his previous strength and even surpassing it but words are easily spoken and he himself was no fool. Taf assessment was by no means wrong, what he was now aiming for was but a dream.

"This swine has defied the odds times and times again. All who have underestimated me in the past have been left in the dust."

Draxx uttered with a steely determined look upon his face. Yet he was a bit conflicted within his mind knowing fully well he had no other option. Soon a piece of black metal pierced within the center was summoned to his hands. 

"Seems the time has finally arrived in which you shall become of some use. Damn, I hate that old hag but you always were one step ahead of me."

With a wry smile, he could only sigh as he looked upon the black token before once more discarding of it.

Stepping on what remained of the decrepit building, he made his way to confront his past in order to further his future.


"You do know Malgrey was right, don't you?"

May uttered as the two sped off in the distance upon Hammerheads back. She now addressed Taf who at the moment laid back relaxing as the cold wind blew. This was a matter that had plagued her thoughts for a while.

"I can't refute his claim, truly being among his squad is by no means advantageous to us. However, let us bide our time for a bit allowing the sect to chart a course."

Seemingly Taf's words rang true as May nodded her head in agreement before she interjected with a bit of caution,

"The events of Starlight City unfolded quite unexpectantly. You were unquestionable in their sights previously, but with us both doing the seemingly impossible, I say we be very wary.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Talent is one thing but I am sure there will be those thirsty with greed surmising there are secrets upon or bodies. Even the thought of some mysterious backer might not dissuade acts from the shadows."

" Well, that will be impetuous for gaining even more unimaginable strength. Draconian Alaster did say our objectives should never be those of our own generation.

Let's make these old bastard giddy with excitement thinking they can ascertain whatever is ours before we smite them to the ground."

With a bit of excitement and laughter in his voice, Taf sat up while stretching a bit with the dark skies in the background.

"I should have known my words would only entice that rebel within sir. You always relish such thinks huh, brute."

May teasingly spoke as she saw the now seemingly energized Taf.

"How could I be anything else miss?"

He responded with laughter in his voice and a cheeky look upon his face while continuing,


"Let's see what they have in store for us. Hate to leave them waiting, onwards to our 'home' the Dark Abylis Sect." 

To be continued...

Unedited Version ( Well this too might need a lot)

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