The Gods' Decree - Chapter 37

Published at 3rd of January 2019 08:10:00 PM

Chapter 37

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The devouring black dust exploding with Black spawn inside. All over the floors there was a mixture of bloody paste and something as black as oil.

" Life is a blessing and should be cherished. However, I was taught to annihilate all those who may bring harm to me or the ones I love in the future"

" Your fate was decided the moment you posed that threat"


An explosion was heard outside the factory that cause an uproar from the eagerly waiting crowd . A few minutes later a youth with a head full of dreads could be seen with a contemplative look on his face.

When the members of the anxious crowd saw his appearance, dread flooded every single one of them as no one dared to move.

He stared at the nervous looking individual that numbered in the hundreds and did not say a word. The tension became insufferable as each second went by.

Seeing that they hadn't stated their stance as of yet. Baldie Brent nervously tried to break the ice.

" Sir Mouse it is indeed a relief to see that you came out unscathed through that ordeal. One must always stand behind those that can be identified as their own. As we are both mortals of the city of Marvel, how could i not be worried? I offer my sincerest of congratulations.

Hearing the shameless boot licking by Brent the baldie, the others cursed in their heads.

" I knew this day was destined for something great. I was greeted by the birds that had seemingly song melodious hymns this morning in celebration."

"They foresaw the hero being born in our great city on this day. The rays of your light will shine for generations like the unending stars."

How could Stefan let himself be outdone by this quick baldie. He drew for some flowery words immediately in order to win a bit of prestige.

One after the other flattery words were uttered by the different leaders of the gang.

" Sir Mouse is a God among men that should be admired by all"

" The pride of us mortals was fought and restored by the great Sir Mouse"

" Great is a word to describe common men. Manificient may be deemed a better description of such a being"

" So young with such potential, the world will be just a play ground for Sir Mouse's might."

Each person came with more extravagant praises in order to out do the other.

Mouse however had only a playful look on his face without uttering a single word in reply until now.

" As much as I like praises without end, there is something else that I would prefer from you lot"

Hearing his words unending pouches were stretched forth.

" Not bad, it seems my clout now has made my collections easier. Although to be honest it was never really about the money. It was more due to the fun i had taking their possession"

He sighed as he saw the willingness of the once vicious gangs become tame little pups.

" There won't be any more joy now it seems. As each time I appear they would willingly be giving without a second thought"

All the members present were nervously looking as Mouse scanned through the bags.

" If Sir Mouse is unsatisfied we are more than willing to fulfill any request that you desire"

Sara the redhead made her way from the behind the crowd as she spoke.

Out of all the persons present, she could be said to be the most relieved. How could she not be when that tyrant has met his demise allowing them all to live in peace.

No one like to be force into the servitude of others. Listening to her words Mouse pondered for a bit.

" I want eyes and ears throughout the city. Can you provide me with such a thing?"

'If anyone such as that recently deceased fellow were to appear, would you be able to inform me? "

A question was posed to Sara after some consideration.

" Sir Mouse is asking for a minor favour of us. We have a network of gyms throughout the city. Connections are place in all corners that such things can be found with ease if they were to occur."

Hearing her reply Mouse nodded his head after knowledging her response.

" As for you lot, I expect you to continue with your payments. As a child i did not like some of your practices. "

"Though i'm no saint, i will expect some changes.Make those corrections and we won't have any problem."

The crowd quickly agreed after hearing the terms stated by the now seemly charismatic mouse.

" Sir Mouse, that is only reasonable due to the circumstances. Infact I have offered three times the amounts you requested"

Brent the baldie hurried to agree while adding his little bit to the topic.

The others could only shake their heads at this baldie's willingness to kiss ass. If it was a art, he would definately be a grandmaster.

Looking on the Mouse knew that things would not be quite the same. Before he had their fear but now it had changed to seeming respect and acknowledgement.

After the once crowded factory entrance reclaimed its quiet scene as it became vacant once more. Each had went on their way but they all carried stories with them.


A few weeks later on a random street within the city, a group of small boys could be seen playing.

" I am sharkar the great war god, the true conquer of the battle of Ballor ridge.Tremble at my feet and you may leave with a intact corpse."

A boy who could be no more than eight, wheeled a wooden sword in his hand as willing confronting another.

" How could I fear a man that has only fought mere mortals. I am the Mouse born and bread in Marvel City . Even cultivators tremble at thought of my presence."

Two tree twigs could be seen in his hands as he wielded them like hammers.

" No fair, we all agreed No one can be the Mouse else it's cheating. You're cheating paul"

The boy bellowed in fury as he saw his opponent claiming the mouse's persona.

" Yeah that is definately cheating. You're a big cheater Paul and we won't play with you anymore. Who can we name that can defeat him?"

Another boy in tattered clothes agreed

" The Mouse is cunning in nature. How could be play by the rules of mere men. Now all of you bow in fear of my awesomeness"

The youth called Paul countered the upset boys in front of him as he started to chase.

" Run he truly is Sir Mouse. Don't let him get you. Whoever he catches has to buy sweets for everyone"

They all ran off enthusiasm as Paul who played the Mouse chased them with the twigs in his hand.

Watching them was a youth with dreads in his head smiling as the kids played with one of his feet behind his back resting on the nearby wall.

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