Published at 5th of January 2019 10:14:45 PM

Chapter 34

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The following morning, just as when Shu Wei and Qai were about to see the nearby Moon Village, an unexpected guest came.

It was actually an elder from the Mo Clan. And he was exuding a mid Heaven stage Sage realm aura.

Qai was tasked to hire two servants that day while his father was all set to make an audience before the villages' respective heads.

"Greetings Elder," Shu Wei saluted.

"Good day Shu Wei..," the elder greeted back while looking around the property, "..hmmn.."

He was already surprised to see a well-maintained and well-organized place--but he was all the more surprised to see the father and son duo riding demonic War Horses.

The elder once saw Qai's black tiger back in Jiang City but he didn't expect that it was possible for Shu family to have few other tamed demonic beasts.

Surely, it was not like every member of the family tamed a demonic beast--because that was definitely not a good idea. But then the War Horses didn't look like contracted ones--and that fact made it look a little more intriguing.

The elder was obviously deep in thought but Shu Wei called his attention.

"What brings an Esteemed Elder of the Mo Clan here in our humble abode?" Shu Wei asked as he hopped down from the demonic beast.

Without beating around the bush, the elder explained his visit. It was exactly about the Wasteland and the Purple Mist Sect's invitation to the clans.

And so after some more exchanges of polite words, the elder went on to the point.

"Mo Clan is fielding two teams inside the Wasteland," the elder said.

"And the Patriarch is inviting your family to join a team under our Mo Clan's banner.. and he's specifically requesting Shu Qai to team up with Mo Shui.. we're reserving two spots for Shu Qai and your oldest son," the elder said.

The Mo Clan was aware how Qai and Mo Shui ended up displaying a chemistry with their attacks the last time the two went up against each other in the hunt.

"Hmmn..," Shu Wei replied, "I can't let Qai join by himself so two spots for us is ideal.. but I can't let my oldest son join either.. my son Wu is the next strongest in the family.. and you should know that the situation here in our place would demand a lot by the time the portal opens.."

Shu Wei thought for a moment then asked Qai himself,

"What say you son?"

Qai, who was intently listening to the conversation, instantly answered.

"Im joining.. but Big sister should go as well.. and we have to be under the same team..," Qai demanded in his reply.

"And we have one condition.." Qai added before the elder could say anything.

The elder was surprised but didn't bother. He wasn't expecting the Shu family to agree freely anyway.

"What would that be?" the elder asked.

"As you see, we're also preparing for the event.. and our place would definitely be hosting large groups of cultuvators..," Qai explained.

"If it isn't much for the Mo Clan, we are in dire need of strong cultivators to keep the security of our place," Qai added.

The elder didn't know what to say. It was such a simple request. For sure the Patriarch would lend a hand, a number of clan elders would be present anyway.

"That much I can assure you," the elder answered. "I don't see any wrong extending our help."

Shu Wei described the plans of the family in the upcoming affair to the elder. He also reserved a spot for the clan to set up its own stall in the trading area as a sign of gratitude.

The deliberation didn't take long as both parties are in a hurry.

"I'll be taking my leave now Shu Wei," the elder said. "I'm sure the Patriarch will be grateful once he hears everything."

"Thank you, Elder.. please send my regards to the Patriarch," Shu Wei said as he sent the elder off.

Shu Wei and Qai once again mounted the War Horses and went on their way to Moon Village. And with the demonic beasts' stamina, the father and son would easily get to the village less time than usual.

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