Published at 23rd of April 2020 06:20:10 PM

Chapter 185

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The Conomi Islands were a collection of 9 Islands with only one Marine base defending the entire area. The Marine in charge of that base is Captain Nezumi, well Former Captain Nezumi as he is now cowering in front of Tatsuo.

"So you are the reason Arlong was allowed to continue his nefarious deeds huh?"

As Tatsuo sat down at his new desk in the Marine Base he looked at the rat-like man in front of him with interest

"The Citizens said that you were a man that was rather arrogant and haughty yet when someone of Higher rank and more power arrives you folded like an omelet I didn't even have to force you. It's people like you I hate the most, bully the weak and helpless yet when someone more powerful than you arrives you cower."

"I'm S-"

"I don't remember ever permitting you to speak. This is a one-way conversation, I speak you shut the fuck up. If you don't like it get more powerful but until then grab you a straw and suck it the fuck up."

Pulling a document sealed with wax out of his desk drawer he opened it and read out the order.

"Attention to Orders!"

Nezumi snapped to attention showing proper military discipline as Tatsuo read out his sentencing.

"Nezumi due to your actions in the East Blue, Conomi Island you have been hereby stripped of your rank as Captain and Demoted to Chore Boy.

You will diligently carry out the duties of a Chore boy following the orders of Commodore Lion D. Tatsuo who will decide on your future assignments.


Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp"

Tatsuo handed the order document to Nezumi then walked out of his office.

'This Base needs repair, the stones are cracked and crumbling. Mold and other strange things are growing here and there even the wood used to make the dock is rotting and aged. If the military base is like even after receiving government funds it only goes to show how poor this place is.'

Tatsuo looked at his Marines taking supplies off the ships and moving them into the new Base. Then he looked out past the gates of the base to see that citizens were waiting at the entrance.

'As I thought, if a way to a better way of life appears before you in the form of a person it's only natural that you would grab onto that and never let go. Not only that but these islands seem to heavily rely on farmland, granted the technological development of this Plane honestly varies from place to place but that seems to be one of the reasons the people are so poor, along with Arlongs "Survival Tax" that most likely completely depleted their savings.

Exports are needed to make money and safe trade routes are needed to export. While the east blue is not as dangerous as other places there are still many small-time pirate groups that make trade routes very unsafe.

Well since this region is not mine to do with as I please as long as it aligns with the world government's ideals then I shall solve these problems.'

Tatsuo walked towards the gate with many plans being formulated in his head. With the know-how, the money will flow in naturally.

'Oh that's right Nami is from this Island.'

Tatsuo said this as he looked at young Nami standing behind a woman with Red hair smoking a cigarette.

'Oh, She lived but, how?'

"So you are the Marine that removed the Fish-man?"

"That's right, I am Commodore Lion D. Tatsuo and who are you?"

"I'm Bell-mere, we just came to thank you for what you did and also ask for your help."

'Exactly what I wanted to hear.'

Shaking Bell-Mere's hand, the partnership began.

Conomi's Island environment made it the perfect place to bring the Fruits and Vegetables from the other planes. With new Produce, trade resumed, and Tatsuo trained his Marines and made them an actual force to be reckoned with, Sword Techniques, Marksmanship, Haki, he taught them everything they needed to know to protect not only themselves but others too.

The best part was their age made it perfect to brainw- convince them to be loyal. Within 2 Years the East Blue was free from the Pirates that robbed, raped and pillaged the innocents making the commerce go up which made the lives of all in the east blue much better.

Tatsuo was promoted to Rear Admiral at the Age of 15 Making him the youngest high ranking marine officer. Fleet Admiral Sengoku named him Supreme Commander of the East Blue and gave him almost complete autonomy.

Conomi Island became the Eastern command headquarters making it more popular bringing far more revenue than before making it the most profitable part of the world.

Sitting in his new office Tatsuo thought about the future of this world.

'6 more years until the story picks up, Ace, Luffy, and Sabo will go their separate ways with Luffy and Ace becoming Pirates while Sabo ends up in the revolutionary Army. In 1522 Many events that changed everything forever will happen I need that to happen unhindered, but I also need Ace to live but Luffy needs to experience the pain of losing him to mature a bit.'

'The East blue isn't of much significance to the story with the exception that everyone besides Sanji was born here, so my actions won't cause too much of a difference in the others' lives except for Nami who I can just ask to join my nephew.'

'I am a Rear Admiral now but I need to be a Vice-Admiral to challenge one of the current Admirals for their seat. Kizaru, Akainu, and Akoji, out of the 3 of them Akoji is the one I resonate with the most while Akainu is to set in his ways as an extreme pursuer of absolute Justice which borderlines extreme racist and xenophobic thoughts. Kizaru is a pretty simple man so I can leave Akoji and Kizaru be but Akainu must die, I will have no need for him later plus with him alive, I cannot get my hands on his Magu Magu no mi.'

'Plus after the battle of Marinefort, the Marines are given more freedom by the world government. Sengoku will step down and he will most likely recommend Akoji to be Fleet Admiral which is fine with me. I don't need to be the Fleet admiral to complete my plans.'

'At this point the East Blue is fine and my subordinates are powerful enough to deal with most issues so it's time for me to head to the Grand Line.'

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!