Published at 7th of April 2019 08:46:55 PM

Chapter 44

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*Chiyoko Uzumaki POV*

If I were to sit back and compare my time as Daimyo to His Majesty's time as King, the difference is clear. From the time of my Father's death to the day His Majesty appeared in front of me I did nothing to change the hand I was dealt. I sat back and watched as my people starved to death, I was placed in charge of a Nation that had nothing to offer. The Landscape was flat and devoid of life, The ocean was filled with many Chakra beasts along the coastline as well as unforgiving waves that would wash away all we worked to build. Time after time we tried to make a life for ourselves and time after time we failed.

I ruled this nation for 10 years, at the age of 7 it was forced upon me due to my father dying. His Majesty Ichizo has ruled has ruled for 5 years, In this Five years he has changed the entire country to a level that I would have never imagined before.

The original flat barren nation is covered in forests, mountains, rivers, plains, swamps, lakes, filled with wildlife. There are people and cities all around the nation with trains and pathways that lead to each of them. The Technology implemented in not only the Capital City of Darkness but the coastal cites as well has allowed for a quick transfer of information which allows us to react quickly to any unexpected event. The Knowledge taught at the Academy of Night has brought many people from all over to study within its walls as well as open up a whole new world to myself and all the others whom have graduated from it.

People are able to eat well, work, buy things, start a Family and overall just be happy with the lives they have. We are able to trade with other nations by sea because His Majesty eliminated the threat of Chakra beasts and adjusted the coastline so waves wouldn't wash away the work we have done. The Kingdom of Night has become vital to the surrounding nations which has made us into a hub for immigration and cultural exchange. We have all kinds of entertainment such as movies, video games, Amusement parks, etc, This place is a utopia.

Yet to me the greatest thing about the Kingdom is the ability for anyone to become a shinobi. Not only does this allow our military might to stand above all the others by many folds but, It also allows for someone like me to make a difference as well as know my true heritage.

The day His Majesty turned me into a Shinobi when I graduated from training he purified all our bloodlines to allow us to pass our skills onto our children which will maintain the Military superiority we have in the Future. My hair turned Bright Red. His Majesty checked my bloodline and determined I was a Member of the Uzumaki Clan more specifically the descendant of one of the Greatest Uzumaki, Itai Uzumaki.

From that day forward I spent a lot of one on one time with His Majesty. He taught me how to use my inherited Kekkei Tota and Dojutsu, He taught me everything I needed to know about the Uzumaki from Their Fuinjutsu to the History of the clan leading back to Asura Otsutsuki.

His Majesty took time out of his Day to teach all the Clan heads the History of their Clan and Jutsu!

For all he has done not only for the Nation but for his people as well, If His Majesty wanted me to Swim through Lava or pull the moon out of the Sky I would happily do as I was told. In the entire country I doubt there is anyone who would disagree with that at all. As one of the 12 Jokyunin under His Majesty I will do everything in my power to protect the Nation, His Majesty, and His Majesty's interests. As I walk back to the allotted area for the Uzumaki Clan I think of all the things I have to get done in order to fulfill His Majesty's request.

This will be the first war involving Shinobi and Samurai in history so lets start with what I know about the Samurai.

When Samurai received ninshu they became more spiritual and Idealic in their beliefs. Samurai usually wear heavy armor that cover the majority of their bodies while also adorning a helmet that can be used as a respirator to counter poison. Samurai use swords in which they infuse chakra into to launch it over a distance, they also practice Iaido which strengthens their bodies and Increases the speed at which they draw their swords. This can prevent many lower level shinobi from preforming hand signs.

So I will need Jonin and Chunin proficient in Wide area jutsu that can melt the Armor they wear. So it looks like I will have to visit the Heads of the Nakano, Taiyo, and Hayashi clans users of the Nova, Solar and Scorch styles respectively to Activate Shinobi of that level.

When I reach home my Wife is Breastfeeding my daughter while my oldest daughter is playing with her younger brother in the Living room. I Smile and greet them all with hugs and kisses. The Family I have today is due to the Grace, strength, and intelligence of His Majesty. For his Majesty I will present the Entire World to him on a silver platter!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!