Published at 27th of February 2020 04:02:15 PM

Chapter 69

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The five of them left and started walking over to the mountains. They eventually arrived at the Spirit Mountain.

"Edward, the Spirit Mountain covers an extremely vast area. I am afraid only Qin sect's teachers and most experienced Cultivators really know how big it is. We should always stay on the outer edges. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Edward nodded. He knew from the beginning that Han Man was a man of wise words and didn't intend to disagree with him whatsoever.

The Spirit Mountain's foliage was dense, filled with grass, trees, thistles and thorns. Its trees were very thick and dense which allowed for adequate places to hide. It was also a small heaven for ferocious wild beasts.

"Level five breeze wolf, catch him!" said Han Man suddenly. A pair of shiny eyes could be seen inside a shrub.

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