Published at 5th of January 2019 03:54:27 PM

Chapter 6

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[First - Person]

I turn my head all over and observe the cave I am currently in. I am still standing on a rather big grass field which surrounds what used to be my birthplace? The leftover seems like an egg with an inner membrane. The milky white membrane is lying in the leftovers of the egg who are slowly turning from a translucent color to a ruby red. Upon checking my memories in the S-Section (specialized section) I find out that the egg is made entirely of energy. Something used by my "mother" to protect my body during the process of being born.

(It seems like I should eat this?)

My memories are telling me to somehow ingest the leftover egg shards once they turn completely red. It looks like there are many different ways to do so. For one I need to shatter the outer layer and then eat the translucent inner layer. The red seems to be the energy particles my mother used during its creation. They are too strong for me to eat and are heavily aligned with the fire element.

(I guess my mother focused on the fire element)

I cannot ingest those since I have yet to choose a primary element and I don't have anything to counter the potency of her energy.

The inner layer, on the other hand, is free of any influence and I can eat it and use it to temper my body.

(Guessing from the speed of the transformation I have a few hours till the egg shards purge themselves of the fire element, till then I should be able to get a good overview of my surroundings)

Confirming my current goal I turn my focus back to the creature peacefully sleeping next to my head. I let my thoughts wander and I contemplate whether or not this squirrel would be a good soul for my AI. It seems small and not very strong but I know that appearances can be deceptive. Parasites are small but can be devastating if you underestimate them.

(I can at least check it. Its currently sleeping so it shouldn't be a problem)

Thinking so I get on my knees and stretch my hand towards its soft belly. Stretching my index and middle finger, I touch its soft belly and let a bit of my energy stream into its body. My energy swiftly aligns with its energy cycle and follows its meridians. It seems to have a good body and my energy easily fits into its energy despite us being different races.

(This is weird. Its body is too strong and well-tempered to be a simple squirrel. I cannot detect any bloodlines, so it is not a mutation.)

Contemplating its strange body I notice that the squirrel seems to awaken slowly. My energy interference apparently raises its body temperature which makes the small squirrel uncomfortable enough to wake up.

(Let's see what I can get out of this creature)

[Third - Person]

In our well-known cave, we see the Protoss kneeling near the sleeping squirrel pressing two fingers on its soft belly. From an outside perspective, this picture has a strange charm. A seemingly blind girl with beautiful green eyes kneeling near a sleeping squirrel gently touching its belly, a curious look on its face.

This picture is interrupted when the small animal stretches its hindlegs seemingly uncomfortable with something.

It slowly stretches its back as if reluctant to awake from its pleasant sleep. As it slowly opens its eyes it meets the eyes of the weird being that popped out of Stony.

As it meets its eyes, it instantly rushes on its limbs. It swiftly runs out on the grass patch, turns after a good 7 meters and lowers its body on all fours, hissing at the strange being. Careful and cautious, while also chiding itself for its careless behavior.

While glaring at the other being it also observes its body careful about potential weak points and weapons on its body.

It notices that the other creature does not possess any fur. Something that is very rare around here. Only the armored creatures near the pond don't have any fur, but they at least have armor. Thinking so it notices that very thin fur seems to be growing on its head. It has a very bright color but doesn't seem to be good for defense purposes. Aside from that, it notices that the previously reddened skin-color seems to slowly become darker. It goes from red to black. At some spots, it turns into a very light brown. The squirrel had not seen an animal like that before. The most colorful animals it has seen were the talking birds near the forest, but even they had better fitting colors.

The Protoss, on the other hand, notices the cautious behavior of the squirrel and it seems like it wants to establish contact. Opening its mouth it says

"I presume you are a squirrel. At least as far as I know. I would like to ask you where I am as I only have limited information about this place."

Despite understanding what the other being says the squirrel shakes its head thinking that the other being should know that it cannot talk.

The other being seems to notice its concerns but alleviates those concerns instantly.

"You don't have to worry about language. Your words will be conveyed. So just answer however you want."

Understanding its intention it raises its head and squeaks at the Protoss.

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