Published at 18th of September 2018 06:32:09 PM

Chapter 15

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Ch.15 What a day



“Where was that total mess?”

Sauron tried to remember carefully, then said:

“I guess it was the seven string theory.”

Sauron didn’t take what Lin Yun said to his heart. And he definitely didn’t expect his master's reaction would be this intense . Saruman opened his closed eyes and asked :

“You mean that while he was reading Flynson’s formula. He commented on seven string theory and said it was a total mess?”

“That...That should be it.”

Sauron was overwhelmed with his master’s reaction.


Saruman smiled and then chanted a spell in a low voice. As his fingers moved through the air, a huge amount of magical energy gathered around his fingertips. Rays of light tore the space and formed a white screen. 

On the light screen, there was a young mage sitting to the desk and reading a book leisurely. He’d smile from time to time and mutter something to himself.

That was a replay of the scene earlier in the library. 

Wizards can track what happened in the past. They can replay scenes that happened more than 10 years ago, let alone a scene that just happened. 

Of course, the closer the time the scene happened, the clearer its replay will be.

As the scene didn't happen long ago, it was extremely clear that you can even see the strands of hair. A young mage was holding the Flynson’s formula. As he flipped the pages, he revealed a mocking smile as if he saw something ridiculous.

‘What is that you find ridiculous?’

The young archmage tried to think hard to find the answer but he couldn’t. But the wizard next to him seemed to find it, as a look of surprise appeared on his face. 

When he reached the 12th page, the young mage put the book down and his mocking smile became more wide and he muttered a few words. 

Initially, Saruman was just a little surprised, but as the young mage muttered those words, Saruman’s face paled and his hand that was holding the light screen started shaking. 


Sauron was shocked. After many years in the tower of sages, It was the first time to see his master unstable like this. 

“I’m fine”

Saruman shook his head and stopped the time backtracking spell. 

“Well, you go first. I have things to do.”

“Yes, Master”

After Sauron left, the study room became quiet again.

Saruman sat for a while before getting up and going to the desk and began writing a letter.

The letter was addressed to the astral sage Joey, one of the three titled wizards in the east of the kingdom. He was Saruman’s master and taught him for 20 years. Saruman began to write what he saw in the light screen in the letter. 

Saruman didn’t tell Sauron that Mafa Merlin wasn’t the first one to describe the theory as a total mess. 

There was at least one other mage who also said that. That mage* was his master, the astral sage Joey.

(TN: the author uses the same word <法师 Mage> for both the level after apprentice or when speaking about all of them like the Magi guild or mage Joey even though he is a titled wizard.)

Few years ago, the cloud's end tower began researching the seven string theory. The project was headed by the astral sage Joey. A lot of wizards participated and tried many things but they couldn’t solve the problem as they lacked several key data pieces. 

When Mafa Merlin reached the 12th page of Flynson’s formula, he muttered a few words. 

Time backtracking can’t retrieve sounds, so Saruman couldn’t hear the words. But he managed to lip-read few of them. They were segments of the nether runes which contained four pieces of data which could prove useful in debunking the seven string theory.

That was the reason for the episode, Saruman had earlier. 

After he finished the letter, he sealed the envelope and called for Sauron. 

“Send this letter to the cloud's end tower. Make sure that the astral sage Joey receives it.”


“When Mage Merlin comes tomorrow, bring him here. I have something to ask him.”

“Understood, Master.”

Sauron left with his mind full of doubt and surprise. No one can simply be invited to Saruman’s study room. 

For example the Manning father and son pair, an influential businessman and a 30 years old archmage, were only invited to the reception room. 

‘The only thing special about Mafa Merlin was that his wild guess was spot on and now master wants to meet him.’


The next day, Lin Yun didn’t go to the library. Because that was the day for the reopening of the golden rose shop. After the myriad colors potion was sold at the auction for 30,000 GC, the old butler hands became no longer tied. He paid Farion’s debt and began planning for reviving the Goldshire chamber of commerce. 

Lin Yun didn’t think much of the 30,000 GC. They would just be spent on daily expenses and buy magic materials. But to use them to revive the Goldshire, That was too ambitious. 

But the old butler didn’t share Lin Yun’s opinion. 

After Lin Yun refused to listen to his advice several times, he decided to play the emotional card. Every time he saw Lin Yun, he’d sigh and say that he is already old and would die soon and he’d have to tell the old master when he meets him in the after life that the chamber of commerce that he’d spent half of his life building it, was destroyed. 

So finally, Lin Yun had no other option but to compromise. He didn’t agree on the plan for reviving the Goldshire, but he agreed on reopening the Golden rose shop. 

About 20,000 GC had been spent on decorations, recruiting employees and purchasing materials. 

The old butler was dumbfounded. 

A lot of money had been spent but nothing remained to hire an alchemist. Alchemy shop without alchemist was no different from a restaurant without a chef. 

Even if the 20,000 GC was all spent on hiring an alchemist, it’d only be enough for 2 months salary. 

‘Should I just hire 2 apprentice to pose as alchemists?’

With no other option, Lin Yun had to take the position himself. 

Yesterday, Lin Yun didn’t go home after leaving the tower of sages, but went to the golden rose’s laboratory and spent the night there. He used the remaining cheap materials to refine 10 bottles of potions and enchanting a few defense type artifacts. As for magic weapons, he lacked the high quality materials necessary. Even though his knowledge is above anyone else in this era, he can’t single handedly change the world. 

After he finished, he found a room to sleep and left the old butler to deal with the opening ceremony and the other bothersome stuff. 

After a full night of intense work, even someone like Lin Yun who had a durable mana vortex wouldn’t be able to stand.

At the afternoon when the sun is about to set, a loud noise woke Lin Yun up. 

“Who is this bastard looking for death.”

Lin Yun said while half asleep, then turned over and continued sleeping.


It seemed that the person outside was doing this intentionally.

“You’re dead.” 

Lin Yun finally got up clenching his teeth. He put his robes on and went outside. 

‘Daddy wants to see who is this barbarian outside.’

When he entered the hall, he found the shelves were torn apart and the counter was smashed. The decorations that he spent most of his money on, became a mess. Some employees that just arrived were standing on the side. And the old butler was arguing with a group of people led by a young mage. 

“How dare you sell fake potions to me. Do you think that I, Mason, is someone you can easily take advantage of. If you don’t bring Merlin here to apologize for this, then I won’t only destroy this shop, but I will also report this incident to the union of chambers of commerce. The goldshire will lose all of it’s credibility in thousand sails city. ”

“Get the hell out. You aren’t welcome here.”

The old butler had followed Rogge Merlin for 20 years to make the goldshire a trademark. He couldn’t tolerate Mason insulting it. 

“Old man, Are you testing my patience ?”

The young man felt insulted that as a mage he was told to get out by a normal human. That was just a slap to his face. 

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!