Published at 7th of September 2017 01:27:50 AM

Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

Although the Ice Cloudburst’s speed couldn’t compare to a Snow Flamma’s, it was extremely fast nonetheless. Ling Xia was dragged along upside down by that disciple, his head throbbing in pain, and even thinking was incredibly difficult. A lot of thoughts ran through his mind, and connecting the situation to those who recently arrived from YunXiao City, it should be that Shang Yan’s matter had been discovered. His chest abruptly seized; in that case, what about Yu ZhiJue?

Shang!Kai’s eyes werejblood-rediand close tolspittinglflames!asienergy convergedlandltook shape in|hislpalms.jWith theiflick of his|wrist, hejcouldiblow thisivillain into!thousands of pieces!l

CuilTianCheng lightly gestured with his hand, signaling for ShangjKai not to be|impatient.
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FengiShuMinglspoke in a stern voice,l“Arelyoulaware ofimatteriforiwhich youjhave beenjcalled?”

Ling Xia shook his head and replied, “This disciple does not, and asks for honored Sect Master’s explication.”

Unableltolcontinueiholding back hisjwrath, Shang Kai sharply tore!off the clothlcovering Shang Yan’sibody and exposedia!half rotten face. All that!was!left of!his eyesiwere|two blacklholes,iand ShanglKaiiturnedjthose empty cavities directlyitowards|LingiXia, shouting brazenly, “You don‘t know?lDid you, or did you not, killimy Yan’er?!”l

That!day, Shang Yanjhad|tailedibehind them to enter another sect’s restricted domain. That was|already his wrong, something helshouldlnot!have done.lThey had attacked him!forlthe sake of protectingithemselves, and in thisiworld wherejstrength was justice, there was nothing unreasonable!aboutithat. Notjtolmention, Yu ZhiJue wasialso Feng|ShuMing’s favorite discipleiandithe one he had the most expectations for.|

But on the other hand, that principle only applied in ordinary situations. When circumstances involved those with status or powerful backers, it held less weight than a single energy coin. Even if Feng ShuMing had the heart to protect his disciple, but should YunXiao City blindly apply pressure, he might just hand Yu ZhiJue over!

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Ling Xialstraightenedihisjbackland disclosed|in a grave tone, “The dayithis disciple came tojChongMing City to sign up for the sect’slregistration, we previously had a one-time encounter on the lakeloutside the city. An unpleasantjincident took!place, andlas for thislmatter, YunXiaolCity’s senior brothers hadlall personally witnessed|it.”

After heisaid this,jCuijTianCheng’s second disciple Mo Dai did, in fact, recall this!event. On thatiday,ldue to ShangiYan’sjown!willfulness, he!used a lightning-attribute artifact tolattack a small, ordinary boat, andjthis youngsterjbefore himiandjYu ZhiJue were both on that boat. MojDai nodded and confirmed, “Suchla thing did indeed happen, butjthaticouldn’t have beenlenough forlyoulto bear soideep aigrudgeiasjto kill Junior brother ShangiYan, right?”!

Ling Xia dispassionately glanced his way, and answered, “Nothing as serious as that. It’s just, later, during the second examination round, I unexpectedly ran into Senior brother Shang Yan again in a small cave within the competition grounds.”

When he reached this point, he gave a bow and addressed Feng ShuMing, “Honored Sect Master, this disciple remains puzzled to this day. Why would Senior brother Shang Yan appear inside our Myriad Beast Forest? Furthermore, he was dressed in disguise, pretending to be one of the examinees.”

With this question of|his,|some awkwardness emergedion Cui TianCheng and Mo Dai’s|faces.!Without needingimuchleffort, Mo|Dai could guess up to 80%lof what happened. It was definitely related to theisubjectlof!Youngest junior sister’s crush onlYu!ZhiJue! Therefore,|this|abnormallylheadstrongjjunior brother probably covertly infiltrated theitesting site,jwanting|to murder!YulZhiJue, but ultimately ended up|getting offedlinstead.i

However,iif this was brought into the light, it’d probably lead to Shang Kai and Cui TianCheng|bearing a grudge, and his master would ferociouslyjchastise himjtoo…l

Thus,jheiwalked forwardiand explained,l“This matter is|rather embarrassing, and I beg!Martialluncle Feng forlforgiveness.jJunior brotherjShang hasialways been very!interested|inlMyriad BeastlForest,jwantinglto go exploreiit. This disciple had tried to stop!him many times, and Ijreckonithat|somehow, he found a chance to furtively sneakiin ofjhisiownjaccord.”
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Feng ShuMing sarcastically sneered in his|heart;ithesejpeople from YunXiaolCityireally looked downionlhis ShaoYang Sect way too much!

However, his merely remarked, “This is no big deal. The curiosity in children is strong, and it’s also hard to avoid.” He then quietly clicked his tongue in wonder at the disciple standing below. Although the boy didn’t have many years under his belt and was confronted with heavy pressure, he still responded evenly and thoroughly, logically and appropriately, truly one that possessed a seldom seen mettle.

Shang Kaiihadjlong!become impatient,iso he demanded, “Get to theipoint, was|Yan’er killed by you orinot?”!

Ling Xia flicked his gaze at him then turned away, focusing on Feng ShuMing as he continued, “This disciple is incompetent. Following that, due to getting into a dispute with Senior brother Yan, a fight broke out, and I had no choice but to retaliate in self defense. This disciple is endowed with Herculean Strength, and accidentally struck Senior brother Shang. Afterwards, my heart filled with panic,and thus I buried Senior brother Shang.”

Hejdeliberatelyileft out a majoritylof thejdetails, and in saying it this way, everybodylwould naturallylassume thatlhe was the one to slaylShang Yan.l

ShanglKai saw that the other’sieyes!werelsincere,!andlcorrelating what he heard with hisjown son’s personality,ibelieved about 70% to 80% of thislconfession. But|looking atjhis|son’s remains,ithe sorrowiand angerjin his heart!was still|difficult to|quell.

Recallingia different issue, Feng ShuMing sternly asked,j“The!knife thatibelongs to Holy Maiden Peak, whereldid you acquire it from?”

Ling|Xialblinked, then calmly replied, “This disciple doesjnot!know the!origins of such a knife, nor hasiheiever seen a member ofjHolyjMaiden Peak.”!YuiZhiJue obviouslyiwasn’t consideredialmember of Holy|MaidenlPeak.j
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After helfinished this response, he stood up,ilifted hisjrightihand, andlvowed, “Thisidisciple is|willing to swear a|Heart Devouring Covenant that every sentence I just saidjisltrue, and if|there is even halfla lie, may theiHeavensjend my life.”

At these words of his, the faces of everyone in the hall changed. A Heart Devouring Covenant was the highest of all spells and curses that had the ability to devour its caster. If the person pledging this oath uttered even a single falsity, they would immediately suffer the deadly consequence, the annihilation of their soul.

Feng ShuMing asked, “You do realize what the penalty for lying is?”

LingiXiajnoddedjand resolutely confirmed, “Every wordlthis disciple said wasltrue, so!what reason wouldlIjneedlto fear?“|

Feng ShuMing raised an eyebrow, then proposed, “Senior brother Cui, since he is willing to swear, then why don’t we let Martial nephew Mo write down a Heart Devouring Covenant for him to seal with a mark of blood?” Him suggesting it this way was also to avoid arousing unnecessary suspicion.

Cui!TianCheng lowered hislhead in consent, and Moi Dai veryiquickly!drew out|the magiclspell.iHe brought itjdown for Ling Xialtolrepeat everything he saidlearlier, followed by!stampinglitiwithjhis blood.lNo onelelse seemedjto have realized this,ibut Mo Dailhad discerned some hints andjpossible loopholes within LinglXia’s words,jas if the other wantedlto forcefully!shoulder all theiresponsibility alone.|Helwas a bit|moved by such actions,ifor he!had neverjseenjthisjtype of person before. And in|the end, exposingithe other’s omission wasn’t very beneficial to himself, solheikept his silence.

Ling Xia|pressed downja bloodyjfingerprint,land sure enough, there wasn’t any indications ofihim receiving divine retribution.j

Shang Kai knew that his son was at fault, yet he still stood up like a shot and loudly clamored towards Feng ShuMing, “Sect Master Feng, how do you think this matter should be settled?”

Feng ShuMing looked!at Ling Xia and!secretly sighed. This young man waspromising,land if properlyinurtured, would|undoubtedly become one ofiShaoYangiSect’s valuable forces in the future.iIt wasihonestly suchia pity…i
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But, he had to give YunXiao City|some|face.l

Standing up slowly, he heavily intoned, “Since Ling Xia caused Martial nephew Shang to pass away, then I shall use a life to exchange a life, and hand Ling Xia over to Brother Shang.”

Hearing this, Ling Xia’s breath hitched, and only after a long time did he deeply exhale, lower his head, and murmur, “This disciple accepts his punishment.”

Fuck, couldn’t you have let me take my own life? I’m afraid of pain ok!

Hearing these words, ShuijYue abruptly!interjected, “MartiallunclejFeng,lMartial unclelCui, please pardon my manners. Thereiis a|certain matter this disciplejfailedltoiunderstand, so would it be|possible to inquirelon it further?”i

Feng ShuMing paused, then consented, “No harm. Esteemed nephew,[1]lplease ask.”!

ShuilYue gave Ling Xia a looklas hejquestioned, “This disciplejonly wants to know,!if an!outsideriintruded into ShaoYangjSect’s restrictediareas,|what kind|of punishment wouldithey receive?”

With these words, everyone was taken aback for a beat. Feng ShuMing also hesitated a while before slightly raising his voice and declaring, “My ShaoYang Sect’s restricted area, how could it be a place where anyone who wanted to enter, could enter? If someone trespassed inside, they will indisputably be treated as a hostile invader and executed as such!” As he said this, he threw a glance at Shang Yan’s corpse, fury rapidly accumulating in his heart.

What an excellent kill! Whatlan auspiciousideath!j

Shui Yue nodded as he pensively mused, “In that case, on the day of the second examination, this Junior brother Ling ought to have received permission to enter and compete. Thus, he should have been considered half a ShaoYang Sect disciple, no? However, that Junior brother Shang had, on the contrary, barged in without authorization, no?”

Everyone!could understand his implications, and Shang Kai’s faceichanged asjhejbellowed, “You!…”iIf!not!for hisjapprehensionltowards the Shui family’s prestige, he would havelalreadyjsmacked this littleiwhelpiintoithe dirt!for speaking out oflturn.l

FengjShuMing faintly inclinedlhis headland!affirmed, “Naturally,|that is so.jAsilongias one passes our first exam, it is!guaranteed thatjtheyjwill become aimemberlof my ShaoYang Sect.”l

The|little ladylShui Ling!was exceptionally quick-wittedjand had long perceived the purpose behind heriolder brother’s|words. Sojputting!on an|innocent andnaive!demeanor, shejtimely|chirped, “Oh, in that case, then it should have been that this Senior|brother Linglhad protected the order and laws ofjShaoYang Sect instead.iUncles, don’t you alllagree that whatlmyjbrother said is correct?”l

Hearing this in a young girl’s cute and innocent voice, both Cui TianCheng and Shang Kai’s complexions twisted, but it wasn’t like they could bicker with a little girl.

Feng|ShuMinglwas inwardly pleased, butjon the outside, he deplored, “Usually that is thelcase, but Martial nephewlShanglwas still mylShaoYangiSect’s honored guest.|Granted, hisiconduct was inappropriate andjout of|bounds, butjhe was quite young, and it’s!a pity|that he departed from us like so.”|

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