Ultimate Scheming System - Chapter 129

Published at 18th of March 2018 11:04:46 PM

Chapter 129

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"Ding! Congratulations to host ‘Xu Que’ for successfully acting tough. The reward is 30 act tough points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to host ‘Xu Que’ for successfully acting tough. The reward is 40 act tough points!"

A pair of system beeps could be heard as Xu Que looked down and realized that his chicken wings had already been grilled nicely. The skin of the chicken was in golden brown color. He then proceeded to spread a layer of honey over it before scattering some chilli flakes and pepper. The aroma of the chicken wings had wafted throughout the entire room.

Everyone around were stumped speechless as they remained rooted to the ground in utter disbelief.

Chicken wings… Could really be cooked till it smelt so delicious?

Wait a minute, that’s not right big brother! You haven’t even finished refining your batch of pills! Why have you abandoned the furnace? There are many precious pills waiting for your attention!

 "死猴子,你在烤什么,快给我尝尝有没有毒!""Damned monkey, what on earth are you grilling? Let me try it. I wish to see if there’s any poison inside!"

 "大圣哥哥,我也要!""Big brother Great Sage, I wish to try it too!"

 突然,两道身影跑了过来,正是苏小七跟小玉这两个熊孩子,一把就将徐缺手中的鸡翅膀给抢了.All of a sudden, a pair of shadows ran over. It was Su Xiao Qi and Xiao Yu. The pair of wild children. With shocking speeds, they snatched the chicken wings away from him. "我靠,还好我烤得够多,诶,你们也过来吃啊!这可是我炸天帮的独门烤鸡翅哟,全天下就这么一家!"徐缺笑着招呼苏灵儿等人."Fuck! Thankfully I grilled enough wings. Ai, the rest of you should come and eat too!" This is the specialty of my Heavenly Explosion Sect. The only sect in the world capable of producing such good food!" Xu Que laughed out and called Su Ling’er and the rest of them over.

 "哇,好好吃!""Wa! It’s delicious!"

 "大圣哥哥你好厉害,又会弹琴又会炼丹,还会烤鸡翅,好好吃哦!"小玉跟苏小七一咬鸡翅,满脸露出吃货的幸福表情."Big brother Great Sage is so amazing. You can play the Qin, and can refine pills so well. Now you can even cook delicious food!" Xiao Yu and Su Xiao Qi took a huge bite out of the chicken wings and revealed looks of bliss on their faces.


 几名异族老者都满脸无奈,心里很担忧那个丹炉,没人看着,万一爆炸了怎么办?The few elders gave helpless looks. They were extremely worried about the furnace since nobody was paying it any attention. What if it exploded?

 但活了这么多年,似乎还真第一次闻到如此香的食物,加上小玉跟苏小七又吃得那么香,实在让他们忍不住有些食指大动,根本就把持不住呀!However, after living for so many years, this was the first time smelling something so delicious. They watched on as Xiao Yu and Su Xiao Qi devoured the chicken wings. This caused them to feel hungry, as they struggled to maintain their composure.

 他们陷入了两难!They were caught in a dilemma.

 "要不,让丹炉停掉吧?""Why don’t we stop the pill refining now?"

 "是啊!你们看孙小友的神魂力,比先前似乎虚弱了一大半,可能是觉得支撑不了,所以才跑去烤鸡翅了.""Yeah that’s right! Look at our friend Sun’s soul strength. It’s been reduced by more than half. He probably couldn’t hold on any longer and thus decided to grill some chicken wings."

 "也对,毕竟刚刚炼完一炉养神丹,神魂肯定会有所伤损,你们看他脸色有些发白,想必是消耗挺大的.""That’s right. Afterall, he had just finished refining an entire batch of Vitality Pills. His soul strength must’ve been depleted after all that hard work. Look, his face is so pale now. He must’ve used a significant amount of strength." "想不到孙小友是如此重情义之人,为了能帮助大王后天渡过天劫,他不顾神魂损耗,竟继续坚持炼第二炉丹药.""I never expected our friend Sun to be someone who’s such a good friend. In order to help our Queen successfully cross through the Tribulation, he didn’t hesitate to deplete his soul strength. In fact, he even insisted on making a second batch of pills for her."

 "可惜,他始终还是有极限的,没办法坚持下来.现在应当是怕在咱们面前丢脸,才突然跑去烤鸡翅.""It’s such a shame there’s a limit to his strength after all, and he is unable to keep up. It must be that he’s too prideful and refuse to admit that he cannot hold on anymore. That’s why he decided to run off halfway to cook some chicken wings."

 "那咱们得配合一下,给他台阶下才行呀.但是...该怎么说才不会让他觉得丢脸呢?""Then let’s play along, and allow him to step of the stage in a dignified manner. But… How should we say it such that he won’t feel embarrassed at his lack of strength?"

 几人开始低声议论起来.The few of them started discussing fervently.

 都误认为徐缺是因为刚刚炼了养神丹后,消耗太大,以至于没办法继续炼完现在这炉丹药,所以才借用烤鸡翅想挽回点面子.They all mistakenly assumed that Xu Que had wasted too much of his strength on refining the batch of Vitality Pills, and thus had no more strength left to concoct the second batch. They assumed that was why he started grilling wings halfway.

 可实际上,徐缺的那一半神魂,是被系统给抽去负责炼丹了,他实在闲得没事做,才跑来烤鸡翅,至于脸色发白...也是因为神魂力暂时削弱,肉身没能习惯而已.In actual fact, half of his soul strength had been taken by the system in order to maintain the automated refining function. Since he was bored and had nothing to do, he then decided to start grilling chicken wings. As for why his face was pale…. It was because his soul strength had been abruptly reduced by half, and his body was still not use to the lack of strength.

 但众人不知这点,又不好意思直接开口让徐缺关掉丹炉,于是都将目光投向了苏灵儿.However, none of them knew these. They also didn’t want to hurt his feelings and ask him to turn off the furnace. Hence, all of them turned their gazes towards Su Ling’er.

 苏灵儿抿了抿嘴,并未多说,径直就来到徐缺面前,柔声道:"孙悟空,把丹炉熄掉吧,你已经立了大功,这些养神丹足以让我熬过雷劫,不必再为我炼制新的丹药了,否则对你神魂会造成更大损耗的."Su Ling’er walked over to him and whispered softly and gently, "Sun Wu Kong, why don’t you turn off the furnace? You’ve already done a great deal for me. These Vitality Pills are enough for me to cross the Tribulations. You don’t have to create another batch of pills for me. If not, you would hurt yourself if you continue to deplete your soul strength." "这怎么行?就那点养神丹,肯定还不够渡劫的,据我看来,你后天的雷劫威力绝对不简单,还是准备妥当点比较好,放心吧,交在我身上!"徐缺一笑,拍着胸口保证道,顺便将一只刚烤熟的鸡翅递给了苏灵儿."How can that do? That’s a small amount of pills, it won’t be enough. Based on what I’ve observed, the second day of Tribulations is going to be tough. It’s better to be well prepared. Don’t worry, leave it to me!" Xu Que laughed out as he slapped his chest and spoke out. He then turned his attention towards one of the chicken wings which was done and handed it over to Su Ling’er.

 苏灵儿却没有伸手去接,静静看着徐缺,宛若被他那番话所感动,内心微颤着.Su Ling’er didn’t take receive it from him immediately. She looked at him quietly, as though she was moved by his genuine actions. Her heart fluttered.

 ‘他为什么对我这么好...’‘Why is he treating me so nicely...…’

 ‘明明神魂力损耗如此严重,却还要继续为我炼丹!’‘It’s obvious that his soul strength has taken considerable damage, and yet he insists on refining more pills for me!"

 ‘明明脸色已经这么苍白,身子虚弱,却强颜欢笑,是怕丢面子...还是怕让我担心?’‘It’s so obvious that his face is pale, and his body is weak, but he’s still smiling and putting on a brave front. Is he afraid of losing face.... Or is he afraid that I would worry?’


 "叮,恭喜宿主‘徐缺’无形装逼成功,奖励四十点装逼值!""Ding! Congratulations host ‘Xu Que’ for successfully acting tough. The reward is 40 act tough points!"

 "叮,恭喜宿主‘徐缺’这次无形装逼,略微致命,引起异性好感,奖励一百点装逼值!""Ding! Congratulations to host ‘Xu Que’ for subtly acting tough, and pretended to sacrifice yourself for the greater good. You stirred up romantic feelings in someone. The reward is 100 act tough points!"

 卧槽?What the….?

 什么情况?What was going on?

 烤个鸡翅都能引起异性好感?Just grilling chicken wings could stir up romantic feelings? 徐缺顿时一惊,心念一动,忙向系统问道:"是哪个异性对我有好感了?该不会是苏小七跟小玉那两个小吃货吧?哎哟我去,一对鸡翅就把她们搞定啦?可是这不大好吧?她们都还没长大呢,虽然我承认狐女跟兔女郎对我很有诱惑力,但也得等她们长大呀..."Xu Que was shocked as his heart skipped a beat. He then asked the system, "Which individual did I stir up romantic feelings in? Please don’t tell me it’s Su Xiao Qi or Xiao Yu. Aiyo, fuck me. Just some chicken wings was enough to cause them to fall for me? That’s not good at all. They’re still so young. Although the idea of a fox lady and a rabbit girl does attract me, but they’re still so young. At least wait for them to grow up man..."

 徐缺一连窜话语朝系统念叨,但系统却直接冷冰冰的回道:"宿主权限不足,系统等级不足,暂时无法回答此问题!"Xu Que started speaking in his head to the system, but the system replied coldly, "Host does not have enough privileges, for the system’s level is still too low. The system is unable to reply your question."

 "尼玛,要你何用,最关键的问题居然不能回答!"徐缺怒道."Damn you. What’s the point of having you around? You can’t even answer the most important questions!" Xu Que shouted out in his head.

 系统干脆也没再回应.The system completely ignored him.

 这让徐缺郁闷得不行,现场也就只有三个女性,两个是小萝莉,一个是小御姐,这时候突然间有人告诉你,其中一个对你产生好感了,却又不告诉你究竟是哪一个,能不郁闷么?This caused Xu Que to feel extremely restless. There were at least three females around. Two of them were young girls, and the other was the Queen of the tribe. If someone were to randomly tell you that one of them developed romantic feelings for you, but refused to tell you who, how can you not be restless?

 "孙悟空,谢谢!"这时,苏灵儿突然伸手,将徐缺手上的烤鸡翅接了过去,脸上露出了甜美的微笑."Sun Wu Kong, thank you!" At this point, Su Ling’er stretched a hand out and took the chicken wing offered to her. She revealed a sweet and pleasant smile.

 这抹笑容,可谓是妩媚万千,一笑倾城,足以颠倒众生!This smile was extremely charming, and accentuated her gorgeous looking features, which would’ve charmed any mortal man to no end.

 徐缺自从与苏灵儿结识,还从没有见过她这般笑过,一时间差点愣住.Ever since the first moment which he laid eyes on her, he had never seen her smile like this. He was taken aback by her reaction.

 ‘该不会是这位九尾妖狐正对我产生好感了吧?’‘It can’t be that this Nine Tails Fox developed romantic feelings for me right?’

 他心中颇是狐疑.He started getting suspicious.

 "孙悟空,丹药真的不必再炼了,我明白你的心意,所以到此为止吧,再勉强炼丹的话,神魂会造成永久伤损的."苏灵儿轻声说道."Sun Wu Kong, you really don’t have to refine this batch of pills anymore. I really understand your intentions now. You can stop here. If you force your way through, your soul strength would sustain irreparable damage." Su Ling’er spoke gently.

 徐缺一听就不乐意了,什么叫勉强炼丹,我明明炼得很轻松呀.When Xu Que heard this, he was displeased. What force my way through? I’m having such an easy time.

 他摇了摇头,一脸坚定道:"别多说了,这丹药我是炼定了."He shook his head and replied sternly, "Say no more, I’m determined to finish this batch of pills."

 "你...这是何苦呢..."苏灵儿内心万分触动,眼眶竟忍不住有一丝丝湿润."You…. Why do you have to put yourself through such torment…." Su Ling’er was clearly touched and moved by his actions. Some tears welled up in her eyes.

 她从未遇见过有男子愿意为她如此牺牲.She had never seen any man who was so willing to make sacrifices for her in her entire life.

 要知道,神魂力一旦造成永久的伤损,那可是会影响今后的前程呀,严重时,境界可能就再也止步不前了.One must know that if a person’s soul strength sustained irreparable damage, it would affect his cultivation future. If it was severe enough, he wouldn't be able to ever advance in cultivation level.

 "叮,恭喜宿主‘徐缺’无形装逼成功,奖励五十点装逼值!""Ding! Congratulations to host ‘ Xu Que’ for successfully acting tough. The reward is 50 act tough points!"

 徐缺听着脑海里又传来提示音,却顾不上理会,因为他已经发现苏灵儿眼里那一丝湿润,不由得吓了一跳.Xu Que heard the system beep in his head again and ignored hit. He noticed that Su Ling’er’s eyes were moist, which gave him a shock.

 什么情况?该不会被我感动哭了吧?不可能呀,我都还没开始撩她呢.What was happening? Could it be that I moved her to tears? That’s impossible. I haven’t even started flirting with her.

 难道是...被我气哭了?Could it be that…. She’s so angry she’s crying?

 想到这点,徐缺立马苦笑,忙说道:"别这样啊!我神魂力真的没有受损,这丹药肯定是能炼成的.对了对了,刚刚不是才炼了十颗养神丹吗?喏,你手里就有一颗,我服下不就行了."Thinking this way, Xu Que forced a laugh as he hurriedly spoke out, "Please don’t be this way. I can definitely succeed in refining this batch of pills. Oh right oh right, didn’t I just refine an entire batch of Vitality Pills? Oh, you have one in your hand, I shall just consume it, that would make me feel better."

 说着,他便将苏灵儿手中那粒养神丹抢了过来,直接吞入口中.As he spoke, he snatched the pill from her fingers and swallowed it without second thought.


"No!" Su Ling’er shouted out in desperation as she opened her mouth in shock, "I…. I licked that pill earlier!"

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