Published at 14th of January 2016 01:27:58 PM

Chapter 15

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「AAH! Bathroom BATHROOM!!」

I drank 3 glasses of tea and now my bladder is about to burst.
Since I’ve reincarnated as a girl, for some reason I can’t control my urge to pee? And not knowing when to go is dangerous?

That’s the feeling I have right now and I’m troubled by it.

(And recently my stomach has been feeling under the weather……)

「Just as expected! It’s leaking out!」

If other people saw me then they might think that I’m a girl who just had an orgasm.
Distracted by this as I headed towards the toilet, at the corner I dashed and at that moment…



「Itee!」[TN: Ouch but more manlier?]

I had a flashy head-on collision with somebody.
By the way, it’s a forehead-forehead collision.

「Owowowowie~… . What~…… Who is……aru~」

「Owowoc… . Ah! China girl!」

In front of me was the only daughter of the owner of Taotao Hanten, Tao, who is boldly straddling the ground after falling gaudily.

「Don’t call me China Girl. …… Eh, aren’t you the female knight from this afternoon~」

「My bad-. I was thinking about something so I wasn’t paying attention earlier……」



Her gaze was fixated on my abdomen? While doing so, Tao suddenly stiffened.
I can’t possibly say that being stared at is a good feeling.

「……Is it coming?」 [TN: “出てるアルよ?”]

「……Come again?」

Is it coming?
What is?
Eh? Did I piss myself?

「Like I’ve said, it’s 『coming.』」

For some reason Tao reached into her breast pocket…… What’s this? A diaper?

「Mou…… Did you not put on a napkin?」

What did she just say?
Huh? Is it now the Halloween season…?

「For now, come with me. If we do it here then people will notice.」


Tao pulled me by the hand to the women’s bathroom.
Ah, no, I had plans to go to the toilet, but.

「Wait for a moment, kay~ I’ll put the napkin on, kay~」


「? What’s the matter?」

「Why the heck “What’s the matter?”」

Why are we both inside a stall?
And why is Tao removing my belt with a *kacha kacha/ cling clang*?
Rather, regarding the matter of me peeing myself.

「I can do it on my own so move!」

「Is that so? Too bad~」

After saying that Tao left the stall.
Why is it “Too bad~”!

「(Good grief good grief [mattaku mattaku]……. Even I can do this menial thi…… Eh?)」

I freeze.

「Are you okay~? It really came out so you need to change panties and pants otherwise it’ll be bad~?」

I can hear Tao’s voice coming from outside the stall.
However, it isn’t reaching my ears.



My 『First ☆ Period』 came☆ [EN: This poor man… *laughs evilly*]

…… it came…… .


Inside my room at the Inn.


For some reason I am seated in a seiza position.

It’s so rough and I can’t calm down.

「Good grief…… . How have you managed to live whilst not knowing how to put on a napkin?」

「Because…… Because……! It’s my first time!」

「…… I can’t understand what you’re saying.」

It’s the truuuuutthhhh!
I was a boy a month agooooo!!
I’ve forgotten its existence, since I’ve neglected the details involved in being a girl… or not, even so!
Who… Who knew that this would happen to me…!

Kami-sama you idiooooooooot!!!


「Well, you can borrow pants from the landlady…… .So endure it ’til tomorrow, kay~」


For some reason, I’m wearing a pair of super uncool baggy pants which are forcibly fixed to my waist with a belt.
This uncoolness is annoying.

「Ah, I know. China Girl」

「Tao aru」


「TA O A RU !」

My bad. I really did understand-.

「Eeto, why is Tao here in the onsen inn?」

She has both a store and home near here so there is no need to stay in an inn.

「Aah, our house doesn’t have a bath. So, I always go here to take a bath.」

「Ah, I see-」

「Eeto, Kazuha, is alright, right? What happened to the small girl who was with you?」

「A_, she’s taking a bath right now.」



「…Is it alright to give her that much freedom, knowing that she might be running around doing bad things?」

「She’s not my daughter!」

Rather, is that really what others see?

It’s somehow a shock….. .

「In any case, this is《Furthest Town.》The town closest to the《Demon Lord’s Castle.》No matter what time it is you mustn’t forget to take safety precautions」


That was somehow very persuasive…. .
It’s certain that Ruru can’t use her 《power》 due to my 《bind》 magic.

If the monsters from the ridge attack…..

「Yoshi. Let’s go. Let’s now go to the bath」

「Right. I’m also going to the bath.」

Thus, we were really really worried about Ruru–.

— and headed towards the open air bath commonly found in inns.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!