White-Robed Chief - Chapter 26

Published at 13th of June 2018 09:16:23 PM

Chapter 26

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Zhao Ying nodded, "A restaurant… Will the Public House approve?'

"Are you not convinced? The Public House encourages such things," Chu Li smiled, "Zhao Ying, you need not worry, leave it to me. I will make sure it works."

After all, Chu Li was someone had lived two lives. That, paired with his desire for power and influence, has driven him to be aware of the bigger picture. He had already considered all the relevant details early on.

The Public House had a strict rule, where the stronger ones were not allowed to bully those who were weaker, and they were also not allowed to pressure people with position as a guard, or they would be punished.

A lot of people believed that the Public House did not allow them to do business, but Chu Li was clear in which kind of business was allowed and which was not, and the restaurant was not in the category.

"Three hundred thousand worth of silver…," Zhao Ying shook her head, "These fellows deserve the fate we gave them!"

Obviously, they probably got all the silver from robberies. She could not imagine how many people were robbed and died for this. The Raging Tiger always killed its victims before robbing them. They did not leave not even one alive. That was why there was no proof or witness of their evil conduct and that allowed them to do it freely until now.

"Use all of this silver to build them a place to live. It counts as good way to spend it."

"Hmm, let's try it!"

"Leave it to me!"

"Oh right, what about the level of your martial arts now, Brother Chu?"

"I'm an innate master now."

"I thought you couldn't train your inner strength without a foundation?"

Chu Li smiled.

"Did Brother Chu have a unique encounter?"

"I think it counts as one, yes."

"What kind of encounter?" Zhao Ying eyes became brighter as she questioned excitedly.

Chu Li shook his head and smiled, "Nothing much, I ate a unique fruit and that's it."

"What fruit is it?"

"I don't know, I believe it was the Fruit of Transformation."

Zhao Ying tilted her head and looked at him as she asked curiously, "Does this Fruit of Transformation build one's foundation?"

Chu Li smiled, "You'll know when you read more after this."

"Aren't you a little too lucky, Brother Chu?"

Chu Li shook his head and smiled bitterly, "If I was lucky, I wouldn't have missed the perfect time to build my foundation. I could have avoided being bullied entirely."

"That's true, too." Zhao Ying nodded.

She saw how pitiful Chu Li was with her bare eyes. He could not even cultivate martial arts without his foundation. He had been through so much. There were so many people who laughed at him, who looked down on him.

"When did you eat the Fruit of Transformation?"

Chu Li shook his head, trying to change the topic, "The Fruit of Transformation can only fill in the gap of foundation. To become an innate master, you'll still have to cultivate yourself. It doesn't come to you overnight. There is no magical unique medicine that can make you reach innate mastery right after you eat them."

"Innate masters…," Zhao Ying sighed.

When she thought about the innate mastery domain, she felt like someone standing atop a hill as high as the clouds: Watching as she feared, as she had no confidence to make the jump.

"Your foundation is very stable, it won't be a problem!" Chu Li smiled.

"Mmm!" Zhao Ying nodded with strength, trying to encourage herself.

Chu Li had given her a lot of Torso Refiners. Her meridians were way tougher than the rest. She had a huge advantage over everyone, she could most definitely achieve innate mastery.

Both of them used levitation, and their speed was almost the same as a horse's. Zhao Ying almost ran out of inner energy half a day later. Chu Li placed his hand on her back and endless inner energy was quickly transferred over.

She had felt how pure and thick Chu Li's inner energy was. She asked Chu Li out of curiosity which heart technique he had learnt. She was shocked when she heard that Chu Li had actually learnt the Infinity Sea of Azure.

The Infinity Sea of Azure was very popular but not many people had trained it. He trained it because he was curious, and he heard that it allowed him to beat the masters at his age. However cultivating it was like drinking poison to cure thirst, it was practically suicide.

"Chu Li, The Infinity Sea of Azure is very dangerous."

"I know."

"And you're still training it? ..Oh, I understand.. the Torso Refiner!"

She had suddenly understood why. The Torso Refiner could strengthen one's meridians and the pressure one was capable of taking in was doubled. It reduced the harm brought by the Infinity Sea of Azure!

Chu Li smiled.

"It's no wonder…," She understood why Chu Li was so powerful, and was able to get over all the obstacles. The Infinity Sea of Azure was indeed amazing.

Soon, the both of them made it back to the Public House. They separated when they arrived. Zhao Ying went to the Hall of Martial Arts in order to report her mission, and Chu Li returned to the East Garden to meditate. Zhao Ying promised to pay a visit to the East Garden in two days.

Chu Li finished his dinner in the late evening, and returned into the Moonlight Orchid parterre. The orchid was releasing a gentle night, like a crescent, beautiful as usual.

The Dream of Pearl grew really slowly without the nourishment of Chu Li's aura, it should be blooming tonight. The Moonlight Orchid was doing fine, however. It had already split into three sprouts. Seemed like Lee Yue was doing a good job.

A gentle footstep could be heard, along with a pleasant fragrance. Chu Li turned his head, and saw Su Ru in her apricot robe. She walked towards him, looking as gorgeous as ever.

She waved off her hands, signalling Chu Li to skip the formalities as she sat in front of him.

"Such a great job..!"

Chu Li sat down and poured her a cup of tea, "Have you received it already?"

"Mmm." Su Ru took a sip from the tea cup. She smiled.

"The tea from Lee Yue is really good. It's fairly enjoyable. Lady Siao took a liking to it."

Chu Li cracked a smile.

"Is everything going well?" Su Ru looked over at him with an ambiguous smile, "Is the Protector doing her job well?"

Chu Li put his hands together in a fist and smiled, "Thanks Chief!"

Su Ru waved off his hand, "Don't thank me, I gave you the chance but it all depends on you whether you seized it or not."

"It was quite the thrill, we got into a fight with the Raging Tiger."

"The troupe of Raging Tiger…, I've heard of that before."

Chu Li shook his head and sighed.

"Did the Public House know of the behaviour of the Raging Tiger?"

Su Ru could tell that there was something wrong through his facial expression. She furrowed her brows and asked, "Did they offend you..?"

"Offending me was fine, but they.." Chu Li told Su Ru the whole story. Su Ru pursed her rip lips tight and her face looked to have started becoming gloomier. The atmosphere was restricting, it was as if the air had stopped moving.

She was also an innate master, and one that was quite powerful. She had combined both her acquired mastery and cultivation, creating a power that as solid as concrete.

"Damn it!" Su Ru cursed, "Damn the patrol in the Public House!"

Chu Li shook his head, "This case itself should have been the responsibility of the Public House. But they kill those they robbed right after, no one could realistically have reported anything regarding the Raging Tiger. If the authorities decided to turn a blind eye to it, it would be hard to convince them to help."

It does not matter in which dynasty or which imperial court. All bureaucrats were the same. They would rather have lesser things to deal with, and they would not take the initiative in dealing with problems.

"This is the responsibility of the patrol! Those guys aren't doing their job! I'll report his to Lady Siao and start an investigation!" Su Ru scolded.

"The Raging Tiger Troupe has be obliterated."

Chu Li shook his head as he told Su Ru what happened. Her eyes widened as if it was too hard to believe.

Chu Li spread his hands, "That only leaves some pitiful women in the Raging Tiger. Lady Siao could order someone to look after them."

Su Ru furrowed her brows and groaned for a moment. She recalled all the information she had been told, and asked, "Wouldn't there have been innate masters in the Raging Tiger?"

Chu Li nodded. He told Su Ru about his unique encounter, just like how he told Zhao Ying.

"If that's the case, then you're now an innate master too?"


"Then, do you want to challenge the Tower of Ranking?"

"I don't want to be a Protector, an Scribe itself is good enough for me."

"Scribe...huh. Interesting!" Su Ru covered her mouth and smiled.

"People like you are rare. Most people are blinded by the high salary of being a Protector."

"Those women were pitiful. I'd like to start a restaurant in town and let them feed themselves. I found quite some silver in the Raging Tiger's village," Chu Li said.

He did not hide what he had found from the troupe. There was definitely quite an amount of treasures to be found in a place like Raging Tiger, therefore, it was not a suitable place to hide them. Rules of the Public House was that they could keep what they found, without handing it in.

"Starting a restaurant…," Su Ru furrowed her brows, "It's not an easy job, but it's a great idea. It's time for them to feed themselves. Better than them thinking of unnecessary worries."

She took a liking towards Chu Li's actions.

"The quality of the food is the key point of a restaurant! If the dishes don't taste nice, then it's useless!" Su Ru gave it a few minutes of thought.

"We need to figure out how to get a few chefs over from the Fairy's Capital!"


"Alright, leave this to me. I'll help you this time, just for them!"

"Thank you, Chief!" Chu Li wrapped his fists and bowed.

"I've poked a hornet's nest this time, by obilerating the Raging Tiger."

"A good move!" Su Ru muttered, "Wait, what hornet's nest?"

Chu Li shook his head.

"The leader of the Raging Tiger is trained in the art of the Sentient Menace."

"What?!" Su Ru was startled.

Her expression changed.

"The Sentient Menace?"

Chu Li slightly nodded.

"The Temple of Tempest...this isn't good!" Su Ru bolted up.

"No, I need to report this to Lady Siao, right now!"

"No one survived. It shouldn't be able to spread."

"The four main sects had lived for quite the long time! They're coming up with more and more unique skills! It's almost impossible to defend against them!"

Su Ru twisted her waist and dashed off into the distance, waving her hand and bidding goodbye as she left.

Chu Li shook his head and sighed. This was a troublesome problem to deal with. That man still had the Sentient Menace secret guidebook with him, the Temple of Tempest would not let it just be, definitely.

He came to the shore and stood under the willow tree, the moonlight reflected on the surface of the lake, the glimmers of the small ripples shine off on his quiet face.

The Temple of Tempest itself was not a normal sect. According to current information, even the Public House was not as strong as the Temple of Tempest.

In a short moment, Lady Siao and Su Ru came together by boat. Both of them were on the head of the boat. Lady Siao was wearing a gown, white as snow, she was like a fairy above all commoners.

The moonlight shined on her face, illuminating her beauty, and her eyes were like shimmering stars.

Both women seemed to glide towards Chu Li.

"Lady Siao." Chu Li wrapped his fists and bowed.

Lady Siao waved off her hand, "The Temple of Tempest?"

"There's this man who has the secret guidebook to the Sentient Menace," Chu Li answered.

Su Ru turned around and looked at Lady Siao, "Lady, this is bad!"

Lady Siao slightly furrowed her brows and looked at Chu Li, "You found it?"

Chu Li nodded.

Su Ru did not seem to be happy at all, she stomped on her feet and said,"This is going to be very troublesome!"

Lady Siao asked, with her brows furrowed, "How is it?"

"I think I can learn from it," Chu Li answered.

Su Ru rolled her eyes.

"Stop dreaming! If it were that easy, the secret martial arts of the Temple of Tempest would have already spread to the whole world."

Lady Siao waved her hand, "That's certainly not necessarily true. There are martial arts secret guidebooks that were spread out. Just that no one could successfully master it."

Chu Li furrowed his brows, "I don't believe it to be that hard?"

He had seen the book before, and he believed that it did not seem to require much effort to learn them. He even thought that it was easy to master it to greater levels.

"The martial arts of the Temple of the Tempest are powerful, but they require numerous(?) buddhist austerities. With insufficient austerities, they may never succeed," Lady Siao explained, "The monks of the Temple are split into either civil or military. To be allowed into the temple, you must train both your foundation and austerities for ten years. All of this is only possible if your austerities are high. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to train in martial arts."

"Are they not worried about spreading their martial arts?"

"It's not too hard to find the secret guidebook to the Sentient Menace, but no one dares to study it." Lady Siao shook her head as she said.

"That is why they didn't keep any secret guidebooks in both the Tower of Wisdom and the Hall of Martial Arts."

"But why?" Su Ru asked.

Lady Siao said: "They were all consumed by the martial art as soon as they learned it. They began to question if there was problem with the secret guidebook, but it seemed they found out that it was not the case; the actual case being that their buddhist austerities were not being high enough."

Su Ru asked, "Why did it end that way?"

"All their studies of martial arts are demonic, and buddhist austerities are needed to repress them. If your austerities aren't strong enough, learning the Sentient Menace itself is suicidal."

"Chu Li you better don't do anything stupid!" Su Ru quickly said.

She looked at Chu Li, worried. It was the Sentient Menace! It was popular and still studied in the the top ranks of the Temple of Tempest. It was so powerful that no one could stand its temptation. If Chu Li had already started on it, it would be quite hard for him to stop!

Chu Li smiled.

Lady Siao looked at him strangely.

Chu Li smiled. "Yes, Lady Siao, my buddhist austerities are quite good, if i may say so myself"

Su Ru suddenly realized what he meant.

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