White-Robed Chief - Chapter 790

Published at 6th of December 2019 09:30:06 AM

Chapter 790: 790

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Two people appeared right in front of Chu Li in an instant before they glared at him intently.

Chu Li flung the torch aside before he clapped his hands and arrogantly said, “Go ahead and burn my house down. Let’s see who the real coward is!”

“Zhao Dahe, you can’t beat us,” Tan Hu gently said. “We’ll stop at nothing to kill you. Gale City doesn’t belong to you. You should come to your senses so that we can all save time.”

Chu Li shook his head and said, “Your Light-body Technique doesn’t pose a challenge for me. You can’t kill me!”

“Do you want to spend all of your time hiding in different places?” Tan Hu said, “You’re the Radiance Clan’s leader, but you’re in such a sorry state. Aren’t you embarrassing the Holy Church of Light?”

“It doesn’t matter if they’re ashamed of me.” Chu Li glanced at the crowd from the Roaring Tiger Clan. “The Radiance Clan will remain here as long as I’m here!”

Tan Hu said, “I think that the Holy Church of Light is using you to test the waters. They’ve clearly abandoned you. Otherwise, why would they send you here by yourself? They should have sent a few more masters here with you instead of putting you in such a tight spot. Don’t you agree?”

Chu Li smiled. “Tan Hu, I can’t believe that you’re concerned about me.”

Tan Hu replied, “It may seem that way but I’m also doing this for my own sake. Things will be less troublesome for me once I put an end to you.”

“That’s impossible.” Chu Li scoffed as his smile vanished. “You should give that idea up. The Radiance Clan will never collapse as long as I remain here!”

Tan Hu lowered his face before he turned his head to look at the lanky elder. “Master’s Junior Meng, this b*stard refuses to listen to rhyme or reason. We have no choice.”

“Let’s kill him.” The lanky elder nodded.

The pair stood next to each other and extended their clenched fists. Two white tiger silhouettes appeared as the sound of roars drifted over. The tiger silhouettes instantly pounced at Chu Li. It seemed impossible to dodge them because they were moving at the speed of light.

However, Chu Li was already a hundred feet away from where they were.

Chu Li used Time Steps just as the thought crossed his opponent’s minds. He successfully dodged their attack because he was one step ahead.

“Roar…” The roars did not cease. Two rays of light began chasing after Chu Li.

Chu Li swiftly moved from left to right to dodge them. He felt exhausted because he was racing to be ahead of the two other men’s thoughts with every step.

Before Chu Li came to the Li Dynasty, he assumed that a powerful force like the Holy Church of Light would definitely be extremely conceited in the Li Dynasty’s martial arts world. He also thought that the Holy Church of Light would dominate the Li Dynasty exclusively.

Once he arrived in the Li Dynasty, he realized that although the Holy Church of Light was strong, it was certainly not what he had imagined.

Chu Li did not attach much importance to the White Tiger Sect before this.

The Sun Cultivating White Tiger Portrait originated from the Zheng Dynasty’s White Tigers Cave. Their martial arts nearly became extinct when the White Tigers Cave was destroyed in a natural disaster, but several branches were derived from it. The White Tiger Sect was one of those branches. They had previously cultivated the Sun Cultivating White Tiger Portrait. Although its destructive force was greater, this skill was inferior to the Great Light Scripture and the Titanium Temple’s divine powers.

All this while, Chu Li assumed that the destructive force of the White Tiger Sect’s martial arts was limited.

He only realized that he had made a huge mistake when he experienced it firsthand. As one of the four major sects, the destructive force of the White Tiger Sect’s martial arts was extremely terrifying.

The White Tiger Killing Skill was incredible due to its great and unparalleled speed. He could not rely on using Time Steps to avoid this attack unless he could read their thoughts in advance.

The pair managed to stubbornly follow closely behind Chu Li as their Light-body Technique was also highly advanced.

Chu Li circled through the Roaring Tiger Clan. He was terribly disheveled because he moved in a zigzag path to escape the two tiger silhouettes’ murderous pursuit.

Tan Hu and Master’s Junior Meng controlled one tiger silhouette each to hunt him down. It seemed like they were deeply connected because they worked together well. For instance, one of them would be above while the other was below, or one would be on Chu Li’s left while the other was on his right. Although Chu Li could read their minds, he would occasionally fall into a difficult position.

“Bang! Bang!” Two dull noises rang out as Chu Li entered a house through a window before he came back out after that. The two tiger silhouettes disappeared without a trace, but faint thuds echoed when they crashed inside the house.

Chu Li’s two opponents could not enter the house in time. They lost control of the two tiger silhouettes because they were unable to see.

Chu Li had just sighed in relief when the pair of tiger silhouettes reappeared and chased him again.

Chu Li scoffed before he used the same trick again. He rushed inside the house once more. After that, Chu Li dashed outside again before the two other men entered.

“Bang! Bang!” Two dull thuds echoed inside the house before the tiger silhouettes vanished again.

Another two tiger silhouettes appeared just as the previous ones vanished. Chu Li scurried inside the house again. He did not rush back out because only one tiger silhouette followed him inside this time. The tiger silhouette sent a table flying, but Chu Li remained inside.

Suddenly, Tan Hu rushed inside.

A blinding burst of silver light greeted Tan Hu head-on just as he entered the house.

“Ding, ding, ding, ding…” Tan Hu waved both of his fists while the sharp end of Chu Li’s sword stabbed his palms and his body. There were more than ten holes on his clothes after several moments. However, Tan Hu remained unharmed as he dashed inside the house and rushed toward Chu Li.

Chu Li dodged him in a flash before he continued wielding his sword.

Tan Hu’s body movement technique was extremely fast. He only needed to take one long stride to appear right in front of Chu Li. Tan Hu threw a punch at Chu Li while ignoring the other man’s sword attacks. A roar echoed as Tan Hu struck Chu Li.

Chu Li threw a punch as well.

“Bang!” Both of them took a step backward as their fist force met.

There was a sudden flash as Chu Li escaped through the window.

Unfortunately, the lanky elder was concurrently making his way inside.

It seemed like one person was entering while the other person was exiting at the same moment. This appeared to be a coincidence, but Tan Hu and the lanky elder knew that this was not the case. Zhao Dahe looked like an idiot, but he was actually intelligent and shrewd. It was also difficult to capture him because he had unusually keen senses. It was extremely hard to kill him.

Chu Li dashed outside the house at the speed of light before he scurried off into the darkness of the night. Chu Li had already vanished without a trace when Tan Hu and the lanky elder ran outside.

“Hunt him down!” A stern look showed on the lanky elder’s face as he furiously spat.

Tan Hu nodded.

It was clear that Tan Hu and Chu Li were almost at the same cultivation level. However, Tan Hu felt extremely dejected because Master’s Junior Meng was still unable to kill Chu Li.

Chu Li seemed like an ant that would die if someone stepped on it. However, one stomp was not enough to kill him, and he remained alive no matter how many times he was stomped. A person would inevitably be enraged if they were unable to kill that ant despite the number of times they stepped on it.

The pair turned into a gust of wind that rushed out before they raced to the place where the Radiance Clan was located.

However, Chu Li was not at the Radiance Clan.

The pair dispatched several members of Roaring Tiger Clan to find him. They stubbornly searched through Gale City deep into the night, but they failed to discover Chu Li’s whereabouts.

Chu Li had fled the city. He sat cross-legged in the forest and thought of ways to defeat them.

Tan Hu and the old man whose last name was Meng were troublesome people. They were also a nuisance because the White Tiger Power could endure numerous attacks. It would be ineffective to ambush them and he could not defeat them in a quick fight. Once Chu Li started fighting them, he would be caught up in a lengthy battle. During that battle, the White Tiger Killing Skill would certainly exhaust him.

His success would only be guaranteed if he used the Heavenly Demonic Power.

Nobody in the vicinity was keeping a close watch over him now, but he still refused to use the Heavenly Demonic Power.

He pondered for a while before realizing that his only option was to fight his two opponents to see who would get exhausted first. This depended on which party could outlast the other.

The next morning, he appeared in the Radiance Clan’s official residence.

The fire inside the official residence was extinguished much earlier. Five houses and a woodshed in the front courtyard were burned down, but the remaining houses were not damaged. He chose a random house while waiting for Tan Hu and the others to find him.

In the evening, he waited for the arrival of a visitor. However, that guest was not Tan Hu, but Li Ruolan instead.

Chu Li hurriedly approached Li Ruolan the moment she appeared before the official residence. He frowned and asked, “Miss Ruolan, what are you doing here?”

Li Ruolan wore a white veil and a light purple-colored gown. Her face was partially shrouded, but her enchanting doe-like eyes were already extremely alluring.

Li Ruolan looked Chu Li up and down before she gently said, “Are you alright?”

“I’m perfectly fine.” Chu Li proudly said, “The White Tiger Sect is strong, but they failed to capture me!”

“That’s good,” Li Ruolan quietly said.

“Miss Ruolan, you didn’t have to come here.” Chu Li seemed slightly anxious as he glanced around. He hurriedly waved his hands and said, “Please come inside.”

Li Ruolan followed him past the entrance. A serious look appeared in her big charming eyes when she saw the ruins of several houses in the front courtyard after the fire. Li Ruolan knew that Chu Li was trying to be brave despite the fact that he had gone through a rough day.

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